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Central Technical School


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Soggy.. oh yes.. it's not called Myrtle Springs up there for nothing.. the grass, always lush, quite often had that spongy feel underneath and on some days you could jump up and down and hear the water squidging underneath. And hence the stories of the lower school sinking.


It was definitely colder up there than the city centre as the snowline was often halfway up East Bank Road. My Dad used to say, if there's snow it'll stay longest in two places, Manor Top and Lodge Moor.


Regards the name.. I am sure I have something official somewhere.. will go hunt in the attic/cellar.


And.. Fyfe.. yes very strict and, so we all thought, quite humourless. I remember bunking off school with Gary Parkinson to watch The Blades when the night matches were moved to afternoon because of the powercuts at the time.. and sat in the stand 4 or 5 rows in front of us.. and a Blade through and through.. Mr Fyfe.. DOH!!! Result = my 2nd appointment with Mr Cane.




Great reply, Richard. Adds a bit of local colour that lads like me from the north side of Sheffield would never have spotted. I remember the Sheffield Gale doing a lot of damage up East Bank Road and elsewhere. Looking forward to hearing from you when you get out of the attic. Take care, now!


You surprise me in what you say about the boss. I think we instantly took to him. Of course, we were at the very senior end of the school and that makes a difference - some of us were well on the way to pensionable age. We had got to a stage where we were volunteers and not press-ganged. And we were part of the "law" enforcement. So I guess he was on our side and we were on his - and we'd grown up with HWW. Anybody else would have seemed tamer, by comparison. LDL helped me in a number of ways and gave me some encouragement when I had some uncertainty about getting a university place (spurred me on when I could have easily given up). So I maintain the memory of him in high regard. Regretably paths never crossed. And so it was with the teachers. I don't suppose the teaching profession gets all the thanks it deserves and I'm thinking, now, that some gratitude is long overdue.


Encouragement! There's not enough of it about. I think it was Baden Powell who said something like, "It's better to get a pat on the back than to be pricked with a pin." I don't know what he would have had to say about "the cane". You can tell us sometime what the second appointment with fear was like. It was pure fear that kept me pretty much on the straight and narrow.



I was looking at some images from the Sheffield Photo Archive tonight of Firth College (which I think we always knew as "West Street"). One image in particular (Ref. t02001) shows a rather fine portland stone Art Deco building I don't think we had access to it and I don't think it is the building we knew as "Bow Street". Has it been knocked down? I must have closer look when I'm next in Sheffield.

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  • 7 months later...

I attended Sheffield Central Technical School between 1961 and 1964 in the Engineering stream. This was the year the school closed down.

I no longer have a graduating certificate and would like to obtain a copy of it or at least proof of my attendance or graduation

I have been in touch with a variety of organisations, however despite them being sympathetic and helpful, no one appears to know where the records have been stored.

Any assistance or advise would be gratefully appreciated.

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I attended Sheffield Central Technical School between 1961 and 1964 in the Engineering stream. This was the year the school closed down.

I no longer have a graduating certificate and would like to obtain a copy of it or at least proof of my attendance or graduation

I have been in touch with a variety of organisations, however despite them being sympathetic and helpful, no one appears to know where the records have been stored.

Any assistance or advise would be gratefully appreciated.

Have you contacted the Sheffield Archives? They should have them.

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I attended Sheffield Central Technical School between 1961 and 1964 in the Engineering stream. This was the year the school closed down.

I no longer have a graduating certificate and would like to obtain a copy of it or at least proof of my attendance or graduation

I have been in touch with a variety of organisations, however despite them being sympathetic and helpful, no one appears to know where the records have been stored.

Any assistance or advise would be gratefully appreciated.[/quote

The school continued it moved to Gleadless then became Ashleigh, I understand that a lot of old photos etc were burnt and disposed of in the 1980's according to an ex teacher. ]

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Thank you for both replies, we will continue with Sheffield archives. The Gleadless and Ashleigh info may provide a different pathway for info. Cheers.


---------- Post added 28-07-2015 at 21:02 ----------


A HUGE thank you to the Sheffield City Council archivists who went beyond the call of duty to get a positive result. Cheers

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Hi Guys,

Dave Henderson here, I left CTS in 64, with my mates Pete Tindall and Roger Oliver. I left the UK in 82, spent several years in NZ before settling in Australia. I have been working back in Plymouth UK for a couple of years.

I found this website whilst searching for my CTS diploma, do you still have yours??

Best wishes to all


Dave Henderson

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I was at the Tech. from 46 to 49. Several years ago I wanted a copy of my Diploma & it's equivalent today. I obtained a copy in 71, it is headed City of Sheffield Education Committee. Unfortunately, the Diploma has no recognised equivalent today. I cannot remember who I wrote to for the copy, probably the Department for education, maybe I got an address from the Sheffield web site. Hope this is helpful, by the way I got a 1st Class Diploma. The copy shows the subjects taught & the degree of pass.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Hi Guys,

Dave Henderson here, I left CTS in 64, with my mates Pete Tindall and Roger Oliver. I left the UK in 82, spent several years in NZ before settling in Australia. I have been working back in Plymouth UK for a couple of years.

I found this website whilst searching for my CTS diploma, do you still have yours??

Best wishes to all


Dave Henderson

Hope you found your diploma!

Edited by helbo
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  • 3 weeks later...
I was at the CTS from 1956-1959 (Building Dept) and was wacked by Mr Wadge although I did find him to be a good teacher and strong on discipline.

.So no hard feelings!

I had two pals;David Williams and Terry Travers.Others I remember are Brian Ridge,Dave Patchett,John Winter and John Rawson.Where are they now,I wonder.

Joe Cocker was a year younger and lived close to me in later years.Incidentally,I've recently discovered that Jarvis Cocker is my second cousin!

I now live in Northumberland and remember fondly those golden years.

Ralph Wm.(Bill) St.Clair


Hi Ralph,

Remember me, David Price we were at shiregreen school together and then CTS

We have been left Sheffield for 50 years but fond memories of the old schools. David Williams I went cycling with he lived brightside way and I remember all the other names you quote. I met Dave patchet on a rare visit to Sheffield about 1970. I have lost touch with everyone. I had an apprenticeship then I joined the I civil service for the next 40 years and travelled everywhere. Now settled in Oxfordshire





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