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Sheffield 15 Min Zone

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33 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Carbon emissions is 2030, net zero nation is 2050 👍

Lol - the SCC "strategy" released a couple of years ago  assumes trips by car will reduce from 66% of all journeys to 20%. It seems to assume a much higher take up of electric vehicles than is happening and  big increase in use of public transport - both of which would require massive investment from central government. Not seen any evidence of that - more the opposite.


Can't see any mention of 15 minute zones though.



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10 hours ago, top4718 said:

Thanks for posting this, if the Guardian is trying to say these things are conspiracy theories then bet your bottom dollar on them happening in the not too distant future

The Guardian isn't saying that traffic reduction schemes won't happen (they have to - no one wants *more* traffic).


they're saying that linking traffic filters and ring-roads, with a dark global plot to deprive everyone of all possessions, is a conspiracy theory - being pushed by professional grifters.

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17 minutes ago, ads36 said:

The Guardian isn't saying that traffic reduction schemes won't happen (they have to - no one wants *more* traffic).


they're saying that linking traffic filters and ring-roads, with a dark global plot to deprive everyone of all possessions, is a conspiracy theory - being pushed by professional grifters.

Or, in essence, filtered bus gate have absolutely cack all to do with 15 minute zones, and 15 minute zones have cack all to do with inprisoning people in local areas.


Some people are having major issues understanding this. But hey, if Richard Fairbrass and Dan Wootton say its true, it must be....

Edited by HeHasRisen
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Makes me laugh how people actually believe these morons in power love us and want to take care of us. If this was simply about having everything within 15 minutes of course no one would have a problem. It is actually about the new religion bs of climate change. If you do not think after being lovely to us they will restrict us to save the planet you are naive. They have convinced people that CO2 is bad you know the gas that creates life through photosynthesis i.e creates more food. They want rid of natural gas so no ammonia for fertilisers again less food. They do not want the planet to warm they want colder, which kills more people hot or cold. Electric vehicles need so much minerals only a few million little africans will die mining them. You could not make this ****e up. The net zero narrative needs to be challenged as it is not 97% of scientists. They talk about co2 not being higher in 800,000 years lets forget 200 million years previously. The narrative is not fact a bit like covid response. Got a positive test sit at home two weeks, cant breathe go to hospital too bloody late. Prevent before develops. All this one narrative un challenged bs is not democracy.


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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

Any more updates on what Right Said Fred have said about all of this?



Here you go😁

1 hour ago, mrcryp said:

Makes me laugh how people actually believe these morons in power love us and want to take care of us. If this was simply about having everything within 15 minutes of course no one would have a problem. It is actually about the new religion bs of climate change. If you do not think after being lovely to us they will restrict us to save the planet you are naive. They have convinced people that CO2 is bad you know the gas that creates life through photosynthesis i.e creates more food. They want rid of natural gas so no ammonia for fertilisers again less food. They do not want the planet to warm they want colder, which kills more people hot or cold. Electric vehicles need so much minerals only a few million little africans will die mining them. You could not make this ****e up. The net zero narrative needs to be challenged as it is not 97% of scientists. They talk about co2 not being higher in 800,000 years lets forget 200 million years previously. The narrative is not fact a bit like covid response. Got a positive test sit at home two weeks, cant breathe go to hospital too bloody late. Prevent before develops. All this one narrative un challenged bs is not democracy.



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4 hours ago, mrcryp said:

Makes me laugh how people actually believe these morons in power love us and want to take care of us. If this was simply about having everything within 15 minutes of course no one would have a problem. It is actually about the new religion bs of climate change. If you do not think after being lovely to us they will restrict us to save the planet you are naive. They have convinced people that CO2 is bad you know the gas that creates life through photosynthesis i.e creates more food. They want rid of natural gas so no ammonia for fertilisers again less food. They do not want the planet to warm they want colder, which kills more people hot or cold. Electric vehicles need so much minerals only a few million little africans will die mining them. You could not make this ****e up. The net zero narrative needs to be challenged as it is not 97% of scientists. They talk about co2 not being higher in 800,000 years lets forget 200 million years previously. The narrative is not fact a bit like covid response. Got a positive test sit at home two weeks, cant breathe go to hospital too bloody late. Prevent before develops. All this one narrative un challenged bs is not democracy.


The know it all's on here fall for it everytime, do they really think the Gov will introduce tough stringent measures straight away, of course not, they do what they've done here by making it look like it's for our benefit then slowly the exemptions are quietly dropped, the restrictions increase etc till they've got what they want. I'm amazed how people not only fall for it they think they're somehow superior by doing so.

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