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Sheffield 15 Min Zone

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2 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

For some reason Right Said Fred and Katie Hopkins have linked it with 6 bus gates in Oxford and are proclaiming it the end of the world.

Are you still going on with this silly nonsense ... the council implementing it have linked the two things, it's quoted in the times if you can't be bothered to watch the meeting where they discuss it.

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The Times? They were behind a paywall when I last looked. Find me a free article to read and I may indulge you.


In any case the whole right wing tinfoil agenda is "15 minute zones will stop people going out of their local area" which is clearly an absolute load of rubbish.

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8 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

The Times? They were behind a paywall when I last looked. Find me a free article to read and I may indulge you.


In any case the whole right wing tinfoil agenda is "15 minute zones will stop people going out of their local area" which is clearly an absolute load of rubbish.

Do your own search. It's in plenty of newspapers.


You seem to be the one perpetuating the rubbish, over and over again, becoming bit of a habit.


Traffic restrictions do stop people moving as they wish, that's the point of them, to make life difficult for people in cars.

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So today received a letter off Sheffield council saying that I'd been on the red route line(inner ring road) and that after 27feb I'd get a fine of 10£...It was my understanding that you could use the route old inner ring road and only had to pay when you go inside this route?do the planners not understand the amount of traffic that is going to be forced to use old side streets,(rat runs)?I have to pick my autistic son up and take him to school Sheffield discovery from Hillsborough to Norfolk park then go on to work. I own and drive a van.i have to go up to crooks,down towards endcliff,get across ecosall rd,through landsdown,across London rd,across bramal lane,shoeham st,queens rd,then Norfolk pm......also how would you pick up sumone from bus n rail stations? As according to this letter I'm not allowed on the red route? It's gonna cause chaos!!!

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If only there was a thread on the go about this clean air zone.




You are allowed on it btw. You just pay a tenner a day for the pleasure. Write it off as a business expense.


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I love how the know it all idiots will just sleep walk into this believing the lie that it's for their benefit, falling exactly into the trap the Gov are setting them.


Sunak flew from London to Leeds only this week, he's obviously really concerned about the environment and doing his bit 🤣


Again for the people who don't think this will affect them, how is net zero for carbon emissions going to be reached if the initial kid glove policy that's being implemented soon is the end of it?

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45 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I love how the know it all idiots will just sleep walk into this believing the lie that it's for their benefit, falling exactly into the trap the Gov are setting them.


Sunak flew from London to Leeds only this week, he's obviously really concerned about the environment and doing his bit 🤣


Again for the people who don't think this will affect them, how is net zero for carbon emissions going to be reached if the initial kid glove policy that's being implemented soon is the end of it?

Will you admit you were wrong if it doesn't happen?

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