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Sheffield 15 Min Zone

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

The upshot is,

Whatever the government or councils do, will cost money and we don't have much,        so

It's all down to the public then,  as always,  to pay more, get less in return,  and suffer any inconvenience.

1 hour ago, RollingJ said:

I agree - I think - but they still need finance, and how is that finance raised/acquired?

Yes, with some difficulty, but - and I never thought I'd praise the Tories for anything - this Conservative government are the ones who offered huge sums to local authorities in the last couple of years for active travel schemes. Mayoral funds in places like Birmingham, Manchester have helped fund extensions to their tram systems.


Even private money can be secured in ways. The Workplace Parking Levy has worked well for Nottingham. Even businesses taking the hit know it's worth going along with as they get good investment in the local transport network around them. Also, when developers submit planning applications for developments, there used to be something called Section 106 agreements (not sure if that's still what they are called), which were conditions on approval of lump sums for local, small-scale improvements to things like pavements, roads, cycle lanes, greenspace etc.


With regards to annual budgets though, yes, you do need to have some spare money in your budget to be able to guarantee some level of subsidy for fares, if you want to do that as a Local Authority. It costs in the short term, but it pays in the long term.



1 hour ago, sheffbag said:

You pick one road and use it as an example that Sheffield is snarled up "AM and PM" when its not.

I just picked it as it's my local main road - I would have to politely disagree about it not being a hot spot for congestion in rush hour. AM and PM there are queues from the ring road back to at least Summerfield Street and - PM at least - there are queues from Hunter's Bar as far back as the Berkeley Precinct. I'm not there every day but at least a couple of times each week I see Ecclesall Road around 5pm, and it's rare to not see a slow moving queue out of town around Tesco etc.


Still, even looking further afield, I maintain that 9 times out of 10 or more, traffic lights are there for a reason and usually about as efficiently timed as it's possible to get them. It's not just you using the road, it's multiple conflicting traffic flows of cars, buses, pedestrians all wanting to cross each other or merge with each other and that takes light controls to do that in any safe, efficient way.


The main point is this: whilst a red light may slow your progress briefly, congestion is caused by too many people in large vehicles all trying to go to the same way at once. It's not caused by the lights.

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15 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

The main point is this: whilst a red light may slow your progress briefly, congestion is caused by too many people in large vehicles all trying to go to the same way at once. It's not caused by the lights.

travel across the city at midnight, count the unnecessary red lights you get held up at.

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3 minutes ago, fools said:

travel across the city at midnight, count the unnecessary red lights you get held up at.

imagine the moaning if we designed our road system for 'midnight' levels of traffic.

Edited by ads36
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15 minutes ago, fools said:

travel across the city at midnight, count the unnecessary red lights you get held up at.

But you see, that's not congestion. You're 1 car in the middle of the night. Frustrating, I agree but hardly equivalent to the suggestion that 'lights cause congestion'.


I have to say, anytime I've driven around a city that light at night, I've never been so highly-strung as to be that bothered about the odd stop at a red-light.



11 minutes ago, fools said:

imagine being able to send a rover to Mars, and not being able to time a set of traffic lights properly

When Sheffield City Council start paying NASA to provide their light sequencing algorithms, let me know.




4 minutes ago, ads36 said:

i'd suggest that first we'd have to define 'properly' 

Green whenever Fools is driving past.



I would have added to that, 'red for everyone else', but that would somehow suggest Fools acknowledges the existence of other road users.

Edited by AndrewC
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3 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

But you see, that's not congestion. You're 1 car in the middle of the night. Frustrating, I agree but hardly equivalent to the suggestion that 'lights cause congestion'.


I have to say, anytime I've driven around a city that light at night, I've never been so highly-strung as to be that bothered about the odd stop at a red-light.



When Sheffield City Council start paying NASA to provide their light sequencing algorithms, let me know.

who said anything about a car


pretending red lights don't cause congestion, and pollution, and delays, whatever the time of day, is a woeful position.


defending officialdom again.

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Guest busdriver1
1 hour ago, fools said:

travel across the city at midnight, count the unnecessary red lights you get held up at.

It was proven any years ago that when the police control centre took control of the lights around Meadowhall 2 things became apparent.

1 The light changes heavily favoured one direction over another.

2 Chaos, worse than what they were "solving", was created within minutes on most other routes.


I have no doubt that planner will deny this but it is a FACT

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