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Demise Of Nhs-Pay For Health Care On Horizon

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1 hour ago, L00b said:

Your blinkers to uncomfortable facts annoy me much more, rest assured.



If you have something to say, then why don't you say it.

We are not interested in your link to the commons library because the commons are only looking after the vested interests of private business.

As Anna says, NOT ALL pensioners voted for this government and, until you have the sense to realise that a group of people are NOT one big lump,

your trolling  input to this forum in of no interest to us.

This being especially so when you are not a resident of this country and your only interest is the UK  re-joining Europe.


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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

If you have something to say, then why don't you say it.

We are not interested in your link to the commons library because the commons are only looking after the vested interests of private business.

As Anna says, NOT ALL pensioners voted for this government and, until you have the sense to realise that a group of people are NOT one big lump,

your trolling  input to this forum in of no interest to us.

This being especially so when you are not a resident of this country and your only interest is the UK  re-joining Europe.


The Commons library references reports based on factual evidence given to Parliamentary Committees.


So, dismissal of the basic point (the elderly vote gives the Tories its majority, irrespective of the fact that some elderly may vote otherwise - maybe try and connect the dots with your FPTP system), with a sprinkling of wilful ignorance (commons/private system guff) and a little xenophobic dig for good measure…

…and this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly how the government continually gets away with the outcome of its policies.


Well done 👍🏻

Edited by L00b
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1 minute ago, L00b said:

The Commons library references reports based on factual evidence to Parliamentary Committees.


So, dismissal of the basic point, with a sprinkling of wilful ignorance and a little xenophobic dig for good measure…

…and this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly how the government continually gets away with the outcome of its policies.


Well done 👍🏻

Others may be interested, but I don't follow links.

If people wish to make an argument, there is a blank page awaiting for them to do so.

You also jump to the wrong conclusions very quickly too, as when you describe me as xenophobic.

As I said, you clearly don't have an argument, unless the commons expresses it for you and, as a foreign citizen, your views are not important.

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14 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Others may be interested, but I don't follow links.

Aye, be careful, you might be in danger of learning something that could change your views.


14 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

If people wish to make an argument, there is a blank page awaiting for them to do so.

This forum is precisely that, and this thread (plus 2-3 more) precisely the place for arguments about causes and consequences of the NHS crisis and potential demise.


14 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You also jump to the wrong conclusions very quickly too, as when you describe me as xenophobic.

As I said, you clearly don't have an argument, unless the commons expresses it for you and, as a foreign citizen, your views are not important.

Quite aside from the fact that there is no forum rule against foreigners reg’ing and posting on this forum, I have an aggregate 22 years of UK residency in SY under my belt,  a British wife and an elderly British mother in law still residing in SY, so yes, plenty of personal interests in the UK getting its act together, whether in or out of the EU (well, out for the next decade at least, longer still if I can have anything to do with it).


 But then, I’m a foreign citizen so my views should be ignored, according to you - twice now.


So, yes, I’m calling it as I see it. Don’t bother dancing on the head of a pin over it, I’ve heard and read all the excuses.


If my views are unimportant to you, I suggest that you ignore them and avoid quoting me in the process. 


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My wife had a fallout 7 pm  It took two and a half hours  to get an ambulance to her.the ambulance took 25 minutes to A&E.

Then waited 40 minutes outside until a space inside became available.

Joined a queue of six trolleys in the corridor. The ward was full

Seen by a doctor after 4 hours and sent for a scan. Still in the corridor.
Our ambulance driver returned with another patient.

Scan results after  three hours discussed with doctor

Driver returned with another patient.

Had a short chat " you are looking at the death throes of the NHS "he said and left on another call

My daughter picked us up, home at 8am.



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On 05/01/2023 at 15:12, Organgrinder said:

Exactly, so we agree again.

Growing population means we need more doctors & nurses, more GP's,  more dentists, more teachers, more house building, more water.

So what we need  (Politicians favourite expression),  is more of all these things and all we ever get instead is CUTS.


Yes, we get plenty of talking about it but what we desperately need,   is somebody DOING it.



How is an increase from 132 billion pounds 10 years ago, to 182 billion now a cut

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On 04/01/2023 at 19:58, Dr Afzal said:

Scotland has already dicussed the idea. Thin end of wedge. This is likely to be one of the last times nurses will engage in industrial action. Something the private company will not tolerate.

Nurses get looking for a career change



Unless we have a drastic change, in government, or in the current NHS & social care model, I fear that we will have a managed decline situation.


In some respects, this would be far far worse than a change to a paid for model. 



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24 minutes ago, fools said:

How is an increase from 132 billion pounds 10 years ago, to 182 billion now a cut

It isn't only about the funding that the NHS receives. What has been the volume of service delivered in that period? What has the impact inflation had over that time? What is the proportion spent on what kind of treatments. How has the waiting list for procuedures changed in that time.


The NHS is demand led, so, as the money has to stretch further, some people accessing it will receive less. 


I spoke to a good friend a month ago. She had a bad cold & was coughing. About 10 days after I saw her, she went to NGH A&E with chest pains and was sent away with Tamiflu. A day later she went back to A&E, and was admitted. She has been on a High dependency ward for 10 days now, and has pneumonia and pleurisy.  She could have very easily died and will take weeks to recover. If she'd been prescribed Tamiflu when I saw her, this might have been prevented. 

45 minutes ago, davyboy said:

My wife had a fallout 7 pm  It took two and a half hours  to get an ambulance to her.the ambulance took 25 minutes to A&E.

Then waited 40 minutes outside until a space inside became available.

Joined a queue of six trolleys in the corridor. The ward was full

Seen by a doctor after 4 hours and sent for a scan. Still in the corridor.
Our ambulance driver returned with another patient.

Scan results after  three hours discussed with doctor

Driver returned with another patient.

Had a short chat " you are looking at the death throes of the NHS "he said and left on another call

My daughter picked us up, home at 8am.




I hope your wife recovers soon. I fear the ambulance driver is correct. It must be so frustrating for NHS staff. 

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5 minutes ago, S35_2o21 said:

It isn't only about the funding that the NHS receives.

until the public stop pointing the finger at the tories for everything and telling porkies about budget cuts, it will never get any better.


the welsh system is a mess too, labour run.

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