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While Millions Are Short Of Food And Water ,

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Yes, the Vatican, the headquarters, I presume of the Catholic church.


Biggest landowners in the world


Gun running


Money Laundering


Abuse of children...Mentally, Physically, and Sexually


Protection of priests found out to be abusing


Helping WW2 Nazis escape justice by helping them to escape by various routes by ship to South America, and to countries in the middle east.

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On 06/01/2023 at 11:54, echo beach said:

Like you Cuttsie there's a lot I abhor about the inequalities in life and how human beings can, at times be so cruel to each other.

Despite the Catholic Church's obvious wealth they do provide a loMt of support worldwide to less  fortunate folks than ourselves via


Also, having visited Rome several times I do appreciate the fine architecture and cultural artefacts on display which that wealth has provided, unlike the Philistines of this world who like to destroy it.



Millions of those Philistines are living in hovels , going hungry , and being  preached to by the con men who live in the splendour  of the Vatican .  

However people are starting to wake up and see the just how they have been lied to over the last thousand years or so .

Rome will fall once again as will other  centers  of  religion that have kept people in  both mental and physical poverty over so many years .

55 minutes ago, zakes said:

Yes, the Vatican, the headquarters, I presume of the Catholic church.


Biggest landowners in the world


Gun running


Money Laundering


Abuse of children...Mentally, Physically, and Sexually


Protection of priests found out to be abusing


Helping WW2 Nazis escape justice by helping them to escape by various routes by ship to South America, and to countries in the middle east.

And as we speak praying for the war mongers  to be victorious in so many corners of the World inc Europe and the Middle East ,,  Different men in different flowing robes but all with the same agenda .

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6 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Millions of those Philistines are living in hovels , going hungry , and being  preached to by the con men who live in the splendour  of the Vatican .  

However people are starting to wake up and see the just how they have been lied to over the last thousand years or so .

Rome will fall once again as will other  centers  of  religion that have kept people in  both mental and physical poverty over so many years .

And as we speak praying for the war mongers  to be victorious in so many corners of the World inc Europe and the Middle East ,,  Different men in different flowing robes but all with the same agenda .

Onward Christian soldiers!


Still a few places left in the World where they are not killing each other.


Lots to do, yet!  :)



Edited by trastrick
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On 06/01/2023 at 10:07, trastrick said:

It's about the gullible poor being manipulated by politicians and religious nuts,  all over the World and their cheering followers.


But I could be wrong!  :)


All hail Henry VIII, he did wonders despite the fact he liked chopping of his wives heads!

Edited by Dromedary
did a slinney
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On 06/01/2023 at 11:54, echo beach said:

Like you Cuttsie there's a lot I abhor about the inequalities in life and how human beings can, at times be so cruel to each other.

Despite the Catholic Church's obvious wealth they do provide a lot of support worldwide to less  fortunate folks than ourselves via


Also, having visited Rome several times I do appreciate the fine architecture and cultural artefacts on display which that wealth has provided, unlike the Philistines of this world who like to destroy it.



Its funny but I never see these  priests in their flowing robes  on Picket lines , But!!!!!!!!! let there be a state dinner , A grand parade ,  A gathering of the great and so called good   and they abound ,  They love the microphone shoved in their face when  seen at these does , The  solemn look gets the attention as the photo shoot takes place .

Not seem em with the Nurses , Railway workers , Posties on a cold morning stood around a brazer .

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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Its funny but I never see these  priests in their flowing robes  on Picket lines , But!!!!!!!!! let there be a state dinner , A grand parade ,  A gathering of the great and so called good   and they abound ,  They love the microphone shoved in their face when  seen at these does , The  solemn look gets the attention as the photo shoot takes place .

Not seem em with the Nurses , Railway workers , Posties on a cold morning stood around a brazer .

Well said cuttsie

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