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Jordan Peterson

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Now he's a polarising individual. 

I have to say I like him but he does have his fair share of haters. He seems like a straight talker, honest and extremely intelligent to me.




I think he's a force for good.

What do you think?

He's good at confidently talking nonsense about subjects he knows little about. His supporters mistake this for honesty and intelligence. See the argument he got into with Mary Beard about the ethnicity of Roman soldiers in Britain for an example.


What he mainly seems to do is complain about being cancelled by the mainstream media every time he's invited to appear on the mainstream media.

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4 hours ago, cressida said:

This caught my eye:


In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked if he was a Christian; he responded, "I suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes."[187][j] When asked if he believes in God, Peterson responded: "I think the proper response to that is no, but I'm afraid He might exist."[54]




Sounds like he’s taken Pascal’s Wager.

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12 hours ago, cressida said:

This caught my eye:


In a 2017 interview, Peterson was asked if he was a Christian; he responded, "I suppose the most straight-forward answer to that is yes."[187][j] When asked if he believes in God, Peterson responded: "I think the proper response to that is no, but I'm afraid He might exist."[54]




Speaking off the top as I don't know his beliefs in detail, he might be suggesting that he's a 'cultural' or 'nominal' Christian.

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Just now, Waldo said:

I thought his interview with Cathy Newman (Channel 4) was comedy gold. I was playing "spot the straw-man" and by the end of it, had straw coming out of my ears!

So you're saying only men can be made out of straw?🤔

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Jordan Peterson’s 12 rules for life.


1 "Stand up straight with your shoulders back."

I keep hitting my head on low beams, I’m 6'4" ffs.


2 "Treat yourself like you are someone you are responsible for helping."

I’ve enough on already without dealing with myself in the third person.


3 "Make friends with people who want the best for you."

You don’t say.


4 "Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today."

How am I going to learn new stuff from yesterday’s me. You ain’t thought this one through.


5 "Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them."

They can do anything non-permanent they like so long as it doesn’t cost me too much, I’m not Victorian.


6 "Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."

Cobblers, my house and the world are both imperfect and co-evolving.


7 "Pursue what is meaningful (not what is expedient)."

Not advice I’d give to the guy building my extension.


8 "Tell the truth – or, at least, don't lie."

I never ever lie, ever.


9 "Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don't."

Well I hope they don’t waffle on too long before letting me in on it, like you Mr P.


10 "Be precise in your speech."

I’d suggest a bit of humour and a lighter heart Jordy, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.


11 "Do not bother children while they are skateboarding."

You should have stopped at number 10.


12 "Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street."

See also - when scraping the barrel, stop at the wood.

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Oh course, being a good orator and skilled at winning debates, doesn't automatically make your point of view valid, right, worthwhile etc. It can sometimes mean you're just more skilled with words and tying up your opponent in linguistic knots. I'd put Ben Shapiro in this camp, I doubt his wisdom, yet it's clear he's very skilled when it comes to winning debates and making his opponents look stupid (one tactic he employs, is talking fast and making multiple points and not affording you the time and space to pick apart and judge the merit of each point he's made). Nope, do not like Ben Shapiro.


I try to judge the merit of individual statements, a person may make, and relate them to my own experience; I think one should be careful not to accept or reject a person wholesale; and assume, just because they make sense with some things they've said, that everything they say is equally valid.


Certainly somethings I've heard Peterson talk about, I very much resonate with. Not sure about the red meat only diet though, I doubt that's a great idea.

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21 hours ago, Mister M said:

Ask fools. He thinks he knows everything 😆

I've never seem him admit to that.


Also, as in the Cathy Newman interview, he states what statistics show, but they try to 'gotcha' him with 'so you're saying...' - no, HE isn't 'saying', the numbers are.


Do iagree with him on everything? Nope - certainly not on the religion/God bit, but i haven't found much else where i think he's talking spherical playthings...

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