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More Right Wing Insurrection

Guest sibon

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32 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Maybe, I am no expert.


They are idiots that seem to want to belong to a group or a gang, maybe they are easily led, bored, or just want to smash a few things up, I don't know.


What I find equally as depressing, is the fact that people who seem to be rather intelligent having the incapability to separate these small groups of idiots from the majority of the aforementioned political side, who are law abiding normal citizens.


Both sides of the fence, left and right have extremist, agitators, and baiters who give the decent folk a bad name.

Bolsanaro's party were find the equivalent of $4.3m for a "bad faith" challenge to the election result. Similar to those the Republicans made in the US but the Brazilian court held them to account, unlike the US courts did with the Republicans.


Make no mistake. In both cases it wasn't some lunatic fringe behind trying to overturn the elections. It was the leaders of the parties behind it.

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1 hour ago, sibon said:

These rightie tighties are pretty revolting in general. Rejected at the ballot box, they refuse to accept democracy and storm parliaments, trying to overthrow election results.


Two years ago, it was the US, this year Brazil.


Shameful thuggish behaviour, but not exactly unexpected.



Care to guess who's been advising Bolsonaro in the background, including to not concede the election and to lie about its result?


The usual suspects, who have been advising Trump: Stephen Bannon, Jason Miller.


Now there's a couple of guys long overdue a flying visit to a Russian hospital with faulty windows.

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10 minutes ago, L00b said:

Care to guess who's been advising Bolsonaro in the background, including to not concede the election and to lie about its result?


The usual suspects, who have been advising Trump: Stephen Bannon, Jason Miller.


Now there's a couple of guys long overdue a flying visit to a Russian hospital with faulty windows.

I doubt they've got anything to fear about Russian windows. More likely they'd visit looking for a new home.

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