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So Who Was Behind The J F Kennedy Assassination .

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8 minutes ago, crookesey said:

Had JFK & his brother been a lot older, not as attractive looking, overweight  and with spouses of a similar standing, this thread wouldn’t exist.

The Media always shows prints pictures of a demure, reserved Jackie Kennedy, as JFK's deeply devoted wife. But she turned into Jackie O, International socialite celebrity, marrying international shipping magnate, Aristotle Onassis.


She was the first "Diana", who like the real one sought the celebrity life.


It was reported she had a freshly made Waldorf salad, flown in their giant yacht in the Mediterranean ,every day!



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2 hours ago, m williamson said:

Thanks for that.


It says something when the right wing Fox News comes out and states unequivocally that an organisation designed to protect the interests of the USA, and forbidden in US law to operate on US soil had a hand in the assassination of a US President.

Ahhh... but are they?


Tucker says "that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of his mouth".


Fox News says "The 'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that Carlson is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'"


Am not convinced they're ever "unequivocally" stating anything beyond that the show isn't encumbered by the notion that any claims should based in fact.


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2 hours ago, m williamson said:

Thanks for that.


It says something when the right wing Fox News comes out and states unequivocally that an organisation designed to protect the interests of the USA, and forbidden in US law to operate on US soil had a hand in the assassinationgoing back to school day of a US President.

I lost interest when the talking head mentioned his "unnamed anonymous sources".


That said,  I believe the CIA/FBI/NSI/ crowd run the U.S. Government.


Unelected, unaccountable, and can lie, forge, leak and rumour monger, even kill with no oversight whatever.


Their job is to protect the Nation from all enemies, domestic and foreign.


The trouble is who they get to decide what is an enemy.


J.Edgar Hoover was convinced it was Hollywood film makers, others have may have different targets,  :)


They do have a file on everybody in politics, and can ruin anyone who gets in their way!




And their fingerprints are all over every political assassination and political takedown over the last 75  years or so.


From JFK, RFK, Oswald, MLK, Nixon and Trump, and a few more that I won't mention.

Edited by trastrick
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3 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Ahhh... but are they?


Tucker says "that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of his mouth".


Fox News says "The 'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that Carlson is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'"


Am not convinced they're ever "unequivocally" stating anything beyond that the show isn't encumbered by the notion that any claims should based in fact.


Strange way of conducting themselves then.


Fox News is right wing biased. Why would it claim that the CIA, an organisation that US right wingers would be expected to support broke US law by conducting operations on American soil and that they murdered an American President?

It was stated that the CIA admitted years afterwards that they were involved with Lee Harvey Oswald.  


There is no equivocation in that report, it was stated that the CIA were involved in the assassination. Why would they broadcast it in that way?

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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

I lost interest when the talking head mentioned his "unnamed anonymous sources".


That said,  I believe the CIA/FBI/NSI/ crowd run the U.S. Government.


Unelected, unaccountable, and can lie, forge, leak and rumour monger, even kill with no oversight whatever.


The question is who control the CIA/FBI/NSI ?  I would suggest that Big Business including the Military Industrial Complex have enormous influence, and democracy doesn't come into it.


Ever heard of General Smedley D. Butler ' The Fighting Quaker '? He died in 1940 aged 58 but he summed up the situation quite well.



His reference to Al Capone amused me.

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26 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Strange way of conducting themselves then.


Fox News is right wing biased. Why would it claim that the CIA, an organisation that US right wingers would be expected to support broke US law by conducting operations on American soil and that they murdered an American President?

See post above from our resident conspiracy theorist.


The CIA (amongst others), are the new "reds under the bed"... a secret cabal in the security services is knobbling conservative candidates at every turn.


On a show that is largely about pushing Republican talking points... why wouldn't it make those claims?



It was stated that the CIA admitted years afterwards that they were involved with Lee Harvey Oswald.  


There is no equivocation in that report, it was stated that the CIA were involved in the assassination. Why would they broadcast it in that way?

Unencumbered by the need for anything they say to be based in fact, and that it re-enforces the many claims on the electoral trail of candidates Tucker regularly supports... why wouldn't they?


For that reason, whatever Tucker states, unequivocally or not, is largely irrelevant... more like a foregone conclusion in any given situation.

Edited by Magilla
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