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So Who Was Behind The J F Kennedy Assassination .

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Take your pick, segregationists who hated the Kennedys for their support for civil rights, the Mafia because of their investigations into corruption, the military brass because they stood  up to them and made them back down during the Cuban Crisis in order to prevent nuclear war, right wing WASP Republicans who hated the idea that Irish American Catholics had gained the highest office in the land. The list of enemies was extensive which provided good cover.

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9 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Hate to be picky but it's Ku Klux Klan 

Thanks for that DADDY. You're right, of course.

In my defence it was late last night when I was replying and I obviously didn't have a Klu it was wrong!

Anyhow, from an alliterative viewpoint Klu goes much better with Klux and Klan  than Ku doesn't it?

Perhaps they should change it!



Edited by echo beach
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On 11/01/2023 at 20:43, m williamson said:

Take your pick, segregationists who hated the Kennedys for their support for civil rights, the Mafia because of their investigations into corruption, the military brass because they stood  up to them and made them back down during the Cuban Crisis in order to prevent nuclear war, right wing WASP Republicans who hated the idea that Irish American Catholics had gained the highest office in the land. The list of enemies was extensive which provided good cover.

Wasp Republicans?  :)


Better targets for conspiracy theorists, by far, are the most powerful people this side of Russia, The U.S. Intelligence Establishment.


FBI Director J.Edgar Hoover, had a ton of files on John and Bobby. and their mob related girlfriends.


The CIA /FBI knew a lot about Oswald in the years leading up to the take down of JFK. It's all in the Commission Report.


The CIA /FBI  is accused by Robert Kennedy Jr of killing his father, see: 


Did 'Mission Impossible' CIA contractor Robert Maheu kill Bobby Kennedy? 

https://www.washingtonpost.com › history › 2019/02/09


Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy? - The Guardian

In 1968, Robert Kennedy seemed likely to follow his brother, John, into the White House. Then, on June 6, he was assassinated - apparently by a lone gunman. But Shane O'Sullivan says he has evidence implicating three CIA agents in the murder....


CIA/FBI connections to Nixon takedown


Deep Throat, who, with Woodward and Bernstein brought down Nixon was revealed to be Mark Felt, Assoc. Director of the FBI


Martin Luther King  CIA/FBI connections there.


Then there's Trump.


By this time the crazed "lone gunman" was getting a bit stale, and everybody had a movie camera on their phones  :)


FBI Director Comey admittedly was the Deep Throat, behind the leaks to the NYT to get a Special Prosecutor on Trump 


Friend confirms he leaked Comey memo to NYT - PBS


And you had John Brennan CIA Director on CNN for 2 years calling Trump a traitor.


As for poor sod Jeffrey Epstein, the man with the really big secrets, he was in tight security. He never had a chance!


So much fog and mystery in politics hits.


That's why they are still wring books about it every day.


But if you believe in the integrity of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies, it's all conspiracy theory, so we must accept the official version.  :)



Edited by trastrick
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I went with some friends to see JFK when he went to the church at Edensor at Chatsworth where he visited his sisters grave.

It was July 29th 1963, if my memory is correct. I was 16. Maybe his fate had already been sealed at the time.

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13 minutes ago, diksey said:

I went with some friends to see JFK when he went to the church at Edensor at Chatsworth where he visited his sisters grave.

It was July 29th 1963, if my memory is correct. I was 16. Maybe his fate had already been sealed at the time.

He probably had one of the Chatsworth house Cornish pasties.

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7 minutes ago, diksey said:

I went with some friends to see JFK when he went to the church at Edensor at Chatsworth where he visited his sisters grave.

It was July 29th 1963, if my memory is correct. I was 16. Maybe his fate had already been sealed at the time.

Anecdote alert!


One of the ex pats I have lunch with is a ex Washington D.C. lawyer happens to be black (not WASP Republican, and a devoted Democrat.


He tells me that there is a lot of paranoia there right now amongst people in public life, because of what happens to you if you get on the FBI radar.


As part of their job, they collect raw files on any mover and shaker who might be related to active politics. They are charged with  defending the Nation and its Democracy from harm, after all, and that includes potential elected politicians.


What has happened in the last few years has every spooked.


Whether by weird co-incidence or malfeasance, take your pick, everybody can see that bad things happen to folks who don't play the DC Game.


(I'll miss my lunch at the pub today, because It's raining like hell down here and 68 degrees. Where's global warming when you need it?  :)



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1 hour ago, trastrick said:



Whether by weird co-incidence or malfeasance, take your pick, everybody can see that bad things happen to folks who don't play the DC Game.





A friend has lent me the Max Hastings book Abyss about the Cuban Crisis. After he read  it he told me that he wouldn't be surprised if USAF General Curtis Lemay had some involvement in the assassination.

JFK and Bobby had to make it plain to Lemay and the rest of the military who was in charge in order to prevent them from employing military force up to and including nuclear weapons. Lemay was an arrogant piece of work, and this doesn't show him in a good light.



The Kennedys certainly knew how to collect enemies!  I'll have more of an idea after reading the book.

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23 minutes ago, m williamson said:

A friend has lent me the Max Hastings book Abyss about the Cuban Crisis. After he read  it he told me that he wouldn't be surprised if USAF General Curtis Lemay had some involvement in the assassination.

JFK and Bobby had to make it plain to Lemay and the rest of the military who was in charge in order to prevent them from employing military force up to and including nuclear weapons. Lemay was an arrogant piece of work, and this doesn't show him in a good light.



The Kennedys certainly knew how to collect enemies!  I'll have more of an idea after reading the book.

John Goodman would make a good Curtis LeMay when the film comes out, lol.

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

A friend has lent me the Max Hastings book Abyss about the Cuban Crisis. After he read  it he told me that he wouldn't be surprised if USAF General Curtis Lemay had some involvement in the assassination.

JFK and Bobby had to make it plain to Lemay and the rest of the military who was in charge in order to prevent them from employing military force up to and including nuclear weapons. Lemay was an arrogant piece of work, and this doesn't show him in a good light.



The Kennedys certainly knew how to collect enemies!  I'll have more of an idea after reading the book.

If you read about the "Cambridge three" or was it 4 ,5.6 or more.? Philby and gang. He was a darling of MI5 and an OBE recipient.


You have to be perplexed about a Russian spy, Philby, who became the chief British MI5 intelligence representative in Washington, D.C. and by virtue of this position Philby got access to CIA information, which doomed allied spies all over the world.


Aldrich Ames was likewise a CIA embedded spy for the U.S.S.R. He was chief of CIA's Soviet counterintelligence.


You can assume that these are just the tip of the iceberg, who's personal weaknesses and bad habits led to their own  downfall, not any brilliant work by their duped Agencies.


So you can assume this stuff is going as we speak!


Case in point: 


John Brennan, Obama's CIA Chief who was on CNN for 2 years calling Trump a traitor, was in fact a guy who says he is neither Republican, nor Democrat, but admitted voting for the Communist Presidential Candidate Gus Hall, at the height of the Cold War. After the Russian Collusion Hoax was destroyed, he says, "Well, I don't know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was. I am relieved that it's been determined there was not a criminal conspiracy with the Russian government over our election...".  :)


How did HE get that job, which even he says, he was surprised to get, given his political leanings!  :)


So it's just move on time again! Business as usual in the Swamp. They'll have no outsiders lifting up the rocks of 50 years of corruption.  :)

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