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If The Bbc Are Nauseatingly Woke, How Bad Are Google ?

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31 minutes ago, trastrick said:

In a few years, when the pendulum swings back, maybe we might have some class action lawsuits against these government educators. health officials and teachers , who advocated and enabled this genital mutilation (gender re-assignment) of minors, under the age of consent.  :)


I highly doubt it. But let's hope so.

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I think that the more we know about gender dysphoria, the more that we realise that probably for genetic reasons there is a small number of people who have been 'born in the wrong body'. That's to say, their physical identity doesn't match their sense of being male or female.


To a large extent I have much less of an issue with that than with those who wish to 'self identify' as male / female when they don't want to physically change their sex. And yes, that is probably more of an issue to do with me and my lack of understanding rather than it is to do with them.


I think lots of us can understand that sense of not being able to live up to or conform to societal ideals; but what I don't understand if there is not that biological sense that you have been born in the wrong body, where does that lack of congruence come from?

I'm sensing they're not doing it to be awkward or difficult, or doing it because they can.... 


Edited by Mister M
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12 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I think that the more we know about gender dysphoria, the more that we realise that probably for genetic reasons there is a small number of people who have been 'born in the wrong body'. That's to say, their physical identity doesn't match their sense of being male or female.


To a large extent I have much less of an issue with that than with those who wish to 'self identify' as male / female when they don't want to physically change their sex. And yes, that is probably more of an issue to do with me and my lack of understanding rather than it is to do with them.


I think lots of us can understand that sense of not being able to live up to or conform to societal ideals; but what I don't understand if there is not that biological sense that you have been born in the wrong body, where does that lack of congruence come from?

I'm sensing they're not doing it to be awkward or difficult, or doing it because they can.... 



Do you think that it's now becoming a bit of a fashion statement for many?


I think I posted this previous but not too sure..


I've good friends in Chicago, their child ( male) was not shall we say popular at all, he was rather unfortunate looks wise and got zero attention.  Once he went to university he suddenly wanted to become non binary, dyed his hair pink and wanted to be known as ' they" All of a sudden he was the centre of attention, the Facebook comments and attention they received were proof of that.


Around 6 months later they wanted to become he again. They found a girlfriend.

His girlfriend dumped him.


He is now back to being they and has changed their name. 


His mum and dad just want him to be happy but 100% know it's all for attention.




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1 hour ago, Mister M said:

I think that the more we know about gender dysphoria, the more that we realise that probably for genetic reasons there is a small number of people who have been 'born in the wrong body'. That's to say, their physical identity doesn't match their sense of being male or female.


To a large extent I have much less of an issue with that than with those who wish to 'self identify' as male / female when they don't want to physically change their sex. And yes, that is probably more of an issue to do with me and my lack of understanding rather than it is to do with them.


I think lots of us can understand that sense of not being able to live up to or conform to societal ideals; but what I don't understand if there is not that biological sense that you have been born in the wrong body, where does that lack of congruence come from?

I'm sensing they're not doing it to be awkward or difficult, or doing it because they can.... 


Fluid gender roles and kicking gender stereotypes aside is nothing new.  What's new is that, for example, a woman who rejects the 'feminine' or a girl who's a tomboy isn't existing on a different position on a social continuum, but might actually be/want to be male.  Women who historically rejected restrictive female clothing and societal roles were not women attempting to break free of a patriarchal society (to be  doctors, independently published writers etc), but were women who longed to be men (see the recent article in the New York Times that attempted to trans Lousia M Alcott).  It's regressive and offensive.


A 'gendered soul', as Stonewall as it,  despite retention of a penis and a beard, does not and should not grant access to female spaces.

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Quote Hecate: 


Fluid gender roles and kicking gender stereotypes aside is nothing new.  What's new is that, for example, a woman who rejects the 'feminine' or a girl who's a tomboy isn't existing on a different position on a social continuum, but might actually be/want to be male.  Women who historically rejected restrictive female clothing and societal roles were not women attempting to break free of a patriarchal society (to be  doctors, independently published writers etc), but were women who longed to be men (see the recent article in the New York Times that attempted to trans Lousia M Alcott).  It's regressive and offensive.


A 'gendered soul', as Stonewall as it,  despite retention of a penis and a beard, does not and should not grant access to female spaces.


Exactly this. ⬆️




Quote MrM: I 

think that the more we know about gender dysphoria, the more that we realise that probably for genetic reasons there is a small number of people who have been 'born in the wrong body'. That's to say, their physical identity doesn't match their sense of being male or female.

Nobody is ‘born in the wrong body’. Many of these people who say this are same sex attracted but have internalised homophobia.  For others (mainly natal men) it is simply a fetish.  We need to accept that some individuals perform better outside of the expected gender roles. People would then maybe not have to harm perfectly healthy bodies with drugs and surgery. 

As for the original post about equality in advertising it will have been achieved when they feature disabled and elderly people. These two groups are far and away more marginalised than trans folk. The only time you see disabled people is in charity appeals and disability aids ads. The elderly feature mostly in funeral plans. Also, why do we never see same sex couples in the mattress ads?  They need to sleep comfortably too. 

Interesting article here: Neither Marginalised, abused nor vulnerable.

Edited by Jomie
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1 hour ago, Jomie said:

Exactly this. ⬆️



Nobody is ‘born in the wrong body’. Many of these people who say this are same sex attracted but have internalised homophobia.  For others (mainly natal men) it is simply a fetish.  We need to accept that some individuals perform better outside of the expected gender roles. People would then maybe not have to harm perfectly healthy bodies with drugs and surgery. 

As for the original post about equality in advertising it will have been achieved when they feature disabled and elderly people. These two groups are far and away more marginalised than trans folk. The only time you see disabled people is in charity appeals and disability aids ads. The elderly feature mostly in funeral plans. Also, why do we never see same sex couples in the mattress ads?  They need to sleep comfortably too. 

Interesting article here: Neither Marginalised, abused nor vulnerable.

Okay thanks for this.


19 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Most sensible thing you have said all week.

I had intended to write a response to your #73.

I decided to leave it for a bit, and give it some more thought as I thought you were being genuine in your question.

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6 hours ago, Al Bundy said:


Do you think that it's now becoming a bit of a fashion statement for many?


I think I posted this previous but not too sure..


I've good friends in Chicago, their child ( male) was not shall we say popular at all, he was rather unfortunate looks wise and got zero attention.  Once he went to university he suddenly wanted to become non binary, dyed his hair pink and wanted to be known as ' they" All of a sudden he was the centre of attention, the Facebook comments and attention they received were proof of that.


Around 6 months later they wanted to become he again. They found a girlfriend.

His girlfriend dumped him.


He is now back to being they and has changed their name. 


His mum and dad just want him to be happy but 100% know it's all for attention.




They may need attention, and questioning their gender may be a way of getting it. 

I'm not going to dismiss that because anyone who goes to the doctor needs attention. Not everyone who questions their gender identity does so as a proxy for something else - I think many will be absolutely genuine. 

In my previous job I worked with a couple of young people who were in the early process of transitioning. In both their cases I had absolutely no sense that they were doing it for attention for any other reason. The process of change involves lots of singling out of people who feel different, but like most teenagers, don't want to be different to anyone else. I know that on here, on another thread ages ago, some were saying that it was all done in a 'look at me' way. Definitely not the people I worked with, and like I say, most teenagers that I know don't want to be singled out and to be made to feel different to everyone else. They just wanted to fit in.

Edited by Mister M
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