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Ex Tory P.M Candidate: 'Poorest Think The System Is Rigged Against Them'

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11 hours ago, SCM1 said:

I reckon its not just politics, not always a fan of final end of empire/decline theory, etc, but maybe it is now here.


Only thing is, her party have been in power for over a decade, and she created or voted for many of the measures.

It's a dangerous, career ruining business, voting against your own party when you disagree with something they're doing. As Jeremy Corbyn found out. But in a democratic system, that shouldn't be the case. The conclusion is a system that is flawed beyond redemption.


As for Penny Mordent, she is absolutely right. Has the penny dropped at last?

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I have always liked Mordaunt. She comes across as honest, practical, and realistic. And she has a sense of humour. But she is spot on when she says that the truly disadvantaged, such as the disabled and the elderly, are sidelined by those with an 'agenda'' and sharp elbows such as environmental activists and gender issues. They are invariably media savvy and make themselves busy.


The recent national census found that the LGBT dimension in the UK is 3.1% of the population , and of course their voices should be heard, but others with weaker voices are being sidelined. 


Well said, Penny.

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