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Seat Belts

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I can't believe this was all over the news today. 


Really, get a grip. People were ringing in to LBC and practically crying because it's 'one rule for the wealthy, and one rule for the rest'


They couldn't even get their stories straight... one woman said, 'he should give £500 to charity for this'...

I wish I was on the call with her. I would say, surely that would show that the wealthy can buy their way out of the law! And she was a teacher! 

Thank f**k she's not teaching my children (if I had any)

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Why, oh why did the PM have to do a piece to camera in the back of a moving car?  Perhaps to show to the public that he was out and about doing good works?  There may be some who will be baying for his resignation over this?  It was a silly and stupid error of judgement, he has paid the price ......Move on I say!

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12 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

I can't believe this was all over the news today. 


Really, get a grip. People were ringing in to LBC and practically crying because it's 'one rule for the wealthy, and one rule for the rest'


They couldn't even get their stories straight... one woman said, 'he should give £500 to charity for this'...

I wish I was on the call with her. I would say, surely that would show that the wealthy can buy their way out of the law! And she was a teacher! 

Thank f**k she's not teaching my children (if I had any)

Glad you haven't if you can't even write a few words without swearing.

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3 hours ago, Thorpist said:

As a snippet in the news I suppose it's worth mentioning that PM makes a mistake and admits it ,a  reminder to us all to belt up.

He pays the fine issue over.

How he is handling the running of the country should be the issue.

He is doing even worse on that score

Highest taxes since Word War 2.  Highest inflation  ever. most strikes ever.

NHS and all other public services on their knees.

Can't get much better than that can you?

I would stick to the seat belt story.

Forgot to mention, his good friend, the party chairman (former chancellor) trying to rob the taxman of a few million but he sticks by him.

Every Tory know that, if there was an election tomorrow, they would be OUT.

YES,   How he is running the country should be the issue. Takes your breath away.

Edited by Organgrinder
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11 minutes ago, fools said:

misinformation rather than facts

We have all seen the REAL facts on the TV news.

You carry on with your cartoon misinformation.


That is my last post to you. I cannot be bothered to argue with fools, especially those of your calibre.

Edited by Organgrinder
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