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Scc Being Given Draconian Powers.


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24 minutes ago, Vrsaljko said:

I've noticed loads of these lately and wondered what it was all about? I assumed it might be easier to get a licence there than in a big city?

Its exactly the reason.


In the same way that a disproportionately large number of huge ships in the world are registered to either Panama, Liberia or the Marshall Islands.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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3 hours ago, MJ01 said:

You might want to change the thread title to '......apply for....' instead of '..,given...' - that's assuming you've read the news item


It's a shame they need to apply for these things - if motorists did what they should do & didn't do what they shouldn't do - SHAZAM no requirement to apply for such measures

No, its not that - it is SCC seeing this as another way of increasing revenue to pay the spongers in the council. There has been no benefit to the residents of the area in which the permits were imposed, but there have been more slackers walking (or driving) the streets, ignoring illegal parking and drinking coffee and eating doughnuts... We need to get these charlatans out of office so we can get this city back to where it belongs.

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9 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Well, no. Simply dont perform any moving traffic infringements. Simple, isnt it?


Bit like these people who moan when they get parking tickets. Erm, dont park on yellow lines or in places you shouldnt park in then 😏


This is a tax on stupidity, I'm all for it.

Remember when you could park anywhere in Sheffield for free as long as you weren't causing an obstruction? 

I do...

Then along came a money making opportunity for the council - parking meters. And the yellow lines simply grew and grew....

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

Remember when you could park anywhere in Sheffield for free as long as you weren't causing an obstruction? 

I do...

Then along came a money making opportunity for the council - parking meters. And the yellow lines simply grew and grew....

Oh really?  Were you a foetus at the time because parking meters have been on these shores since the late 50s.  By the end of the 60s charged car parking, traffic controls, yellow lines and restrictions had been well established.


Add on the fact that car use absolutely exploded over the decades and you can't be so deluded to think there would remain some free for all when it comes to parking and traffic controls.


As usual just a load of oversimplistic rose tinted guff.   

Edited by ECCOnoob
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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Oh really?  Were you a foetus at the time because parking meters have been on these shores since the late 50s.  By the end of the 60s charged car parking, traffic controls, yellow lines and restrictions had been well established.


Add on the fact that car use absolutely exploded over the decades and you can't be so deluded to think there would remain some free for all when it comes to parking and traffic controls.


As usual just a load of oversimplistic rose tinted guff.   

Not at all.

Just sayin' we're charged now for something that used to be free. It's not like they're offering any kind of service for the privilege, they're just renting space that is already yours..

The principal is all.


If they can charge you for fresh air they will....

Oh, just a minute... actually they already are...

Edited by Anna B
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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

Remember when you could park anywhere in Sheffield for free as long as you weren't causing an obstruction? 

I do...

Then along came a money making opportunity for the council - parking meters. And the yellow lines simply grew and grew....

Is this dangerously close to a "The 1950s Were Great" klaxon?

8 hours ago, Litotes said:

No, its not that - it is SCC seeing this as another way of increasing revenue to pay the spongers in the council. There has been no benefit to the residents of the area in which the permits were imposed, but there have been more slackers walking (or driving) the streets, ignoring illegal parking and drinking coffee and eating doughnuts... We need to get these charlatans out of office so we can get this city back to where it belongs.

I mean, this has sod all to do with parking permits, but carry on with your irrelevant rant if you must.


I assume you often perform numerous moving traffic infringements? Thats the only way i can see why anyone would be annoyed at all of this.

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In the news article it says of those consulted - 70”% of respondents said yes. 

In my mind that’s a big majority. If people don’t like it they should vote against it.


I can see why people are cynical of intent but perhaps if the motivation was purely financial the council would fare better targeting pavement parking. Bet that would generate more revenue and need less investment to implement. 


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1 hour ago, srtaylo0 said:

In the news article it says of those consulted - 70”% of respondents said yes. 

In my mind that’s a big majority. If people don’t like it they should vote against it.


I can see why people are cynical of intent but perhaps if the motivation was purely financial the council would fare better targeting pavement parking. Bet that would generate more revenue and need less investment to implement. 


How many respondents? SCC have previously been shown to have used dubious tactics for consultation - e.g. canvassing student areas during holiday periods and then saying that "of the households canvassed, only 15% objected". I don't expect this to be any different.

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7 hours ago, Anna B said:

Not at all.

Just sayin' we're charged now for something that used to be free. It's not like they're offering any kind of service for the privilege, they're just renting space that is already yours..

The principal is all.


If they can charge you for fresh air they will....

Oh, just a minute... actually they already are...

Never mind 'just saying' and 'principles'.  Stop with the backtracking and diversions.


You clearly said:

12 hours ago, Anna B said:

Remember when you could park anywhere in Sheffield for free as long as you weren't causing an obstruction? 

So when was this wonderful utopia you describe? Absolutely free car parking anywhere and everywhere in the city.  No yellow lines, no traffic restrictions, no control zones, no parking meters.  You remember it so fondly. So when was it?


A quick flick through the photographic archives of the city clearly show images going back to the '60s and 70s filled with yellow lines and parking notices and parking meters. There were multi-story car parks that were built in late 1950s.  There were surface car parks operated by the Council with signs showing pre decimalised currency.   One of the biggest operators, NCP was established as far back as the 1930s and by 1948 was a nationwide company....


So let's jog your memory again. Was it really like you describe or just your rose tinted interpretation?


Getting back on topic, whilst I'm never going to agree with every move the council makes against the motorists, I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. People are constantly whinging about lack of enforcement with traffic restrictions or inconsiderate drivers or hazardous acts because the police can't be everywhere all the time so surely delegating some of these minor infringement powers to the local authority is a good thing. After all, it's their road restrictions being breached  in the main anyway.   


Seems a little bit of can't do right for doing wrong.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Every time I pass Alderson Road/Bramall Lane junction there is someone making an illegal (and dangerous ) right turn. I can't wait for cameras to be installed there...but instead they are being put at Queens Road/Havelock Bridge where there are so many confusing signs that it would be a logical challenge to any summons. But the council are only doing what the Police should be doing...and can't be bothered. 

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