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Scc Being Given Draconian Powers.


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7 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Outside London, pavement parking isn’t in itself illegal. ( unless there’s an enforceable parking restriction already in place like a double or single yellow line that applies to the whole of the highway including the footway)


The Council would have to put in place traffic regulation orders and associated signing on every street they wanted to cover. The contraventions would need to be enforced by Civil Enforcement Officers on foot. 

In many places, enforcing against drivers who park partly on the footway would be controversial and very unpopular with locals.


Therefore it would not be easy.


On the other hand, enforcement of banned turns and box junctions can be done by camera and reviewed remotely and isn’t as controversial.

Actually, at 2 of the locations they are planning to enforce, it is mainly taxi drivers who are making the banned turns, so SCC will be bothering them.

Ah so the below is an 

Enforceable parking restriction then ? 

https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/roads-and-pavements/traffic orders/sealed-orders/city-centre-pavement-parking-sealed-order.pdf


it was also written about in the Sheffield star. 



I’ve not checked if those roads have such lines as you describe but the article does specify Parkin on footpaths and verges. The star also quotes fine prices. 

I guess at the end of the day you park on the pavement on those streets you get a fine irrespective of law or restriction ?

please do correct me if I’m reading the articles incorrectly. 


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2 hours ago, srtaylo0 said:

Ah so the below is an 

Enforceable parking restriction then ? 

https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/sites/default/files/docs/roads-and-pavements/traffic orders/sealed-orders/city-centre-pavement-parking-sealed-order.pdf


it was also written about in the Sheffield star. 



I’ve not checked if those roads have such lines as you describe but the article does specify Parkin on footpaths and verges. The star also quotes fine prices. 

I guess at the end of the day you park on the pavement on those streets you get a fine irrespective of law or restriction ?

please do correct me if I’m reading the articles incorrectly. 


Yes, the Council have put in place enforceable footway parking restrictions in the city centre.


There were several places where people used to park on the footway as the restrictions in place weren’t enforceable on the footway. 

In the city centre its’s not difficult for politicians to justify footway parking restrictions. Outside it isn’t as easy.

Edited by Planner1
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19 hours ago, Planner1 said:

You need to read your Highway Code I think. It’s fine to wait in a box junction if you are turning and you are obstructed by oncoming traffic.


An entire turn of the lights on one approach is a few seconds. Most signals here work on a 60 second cycle to serve the whole junction. Some places it’s a bit longer at peaks, maybe 70 seconds.


Is losing 30 seconds occasionally so important?

It's not that easy.  Sometimes you can wait outside the box and other vehicles come in from the other junction and fill the box, so unless you do it as well you would be stuck there all day with the vehicle's behind you blowing the horn and then driving round you and doing the same as what the others have done and filling the box.

The only way to stop that would be to rigorously enforce it and fine every one every time.

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There should be no right turn across a dual carriageway unless there provision to do so with a specific lane and/or light filters, same applies anywhere tbh.


Imagine if the A1 (non motorway sections) had right turns whereby cars had to sit in the fast lane with their indicators on, it would be utter carnage.

Edited by HeHasRisen
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13 minutes ago, spilldig said:

It's not that easy.  Sometimes you can wait outside the box and other vehicles come in from the other junction and fill the box, so unless you do it as well you would be stuck there all day with the vehicle's behind you blowing the horn and then driving round you and doing the same as what the others have done and filling the box.

The only way to stop that would be to rigorously enforce it and fine every one every time.

Probably one that won't get enforced but one box junction that regularly gets blocked is the bus station exit, to the annoyance of bus drivers that I know.  It's there to facilitate their exit during busy times and constantly ignored 

As for your example, those that block it from other junctions should be enforced


Box junctions. These have criss-cross yellow lines painted on the road (download ‘Road markings’). You MUST NOT enter the box until your exit road or lane is clear. However, you may enter the box and wait when you want to turn right, and are only stopped from doing so by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right. At signalled roundabouts you MUST NOT enter the box unless you can cross over it completely without stopping.
Law TSRGD regs 10(1) & 29(2)

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44 minutes ago, fools said:

It was easy to park for free in the centre a couple of decades ago, that is no longer the case.

Oh really.


Well, a couple of decades ago was 2003 so go on then. Let's hear all these wonderful easy free parking areas all over the city centre.


I was working in a city centre in 2003 and paying for parking every day. So were thousands of others in the many multi stories and surface car parks and on street parking meters all around.  


Are you Anna in disguise? You sound just as deluded.


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