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Scc Being Given Draconian Powers.


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Guest makapaka
13 hours ago, Litotes said:

No, its not that - it is SCC seeing this as another way of increasing revenue to pay the spongers in the council. There has been no benefit to the residents of the area in which the permits were imposed, but there have been more slackers walking (or driving) the streets, ignoring illegal parking and drinking coffee and eating doughnuts... We need to get these charlatans out of office so we can get this city back to where it belongs.


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15 minutes ago, DavidFrance said:

Every time I pass Alderson Road/Bramall Lane junction there is someone making an illegal (and dangerous ) right turn. I can't wait for cameras to be installed there...but instead they are being put at Queens Road/Havelock Bridge where there are so many confusing signs that it would be a logical challenge to any summons. But the council are only doing what the Police should be doing...and can't be bothered. 

Should go on the Queens Rd/Bramall Lane junction instead tbh: I have had a moan about that junction on here a couple of times and I have been told a right turn there isnt actually an illegal turn, which just baffles me. It should be 🤣

Edited by HeHasRisen
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3 hours ago, srtaylo0 said:


I can see why people are cynical of intent but perhaps if the motivation was purely financial the council would fare better targeting pavement parking. Bet that would generate more revenue and need less investment to implement. 


Outside London, pavement parking isn’t in itself illegal. ( unless there’s an enforceable parking restriction already in place like a double or single yellow line that applies to the whole of the highway including the footway)


The Council would have to put in place traffic regulation orders and associated signing on every street they wanted to cover. The contraventions would need to be enforced by Civil Enforcement Officers on foot. 

In many places, enforcing against drivers who park partly on the footway would be controversial and very unpopular with locals.


Therefore it would not be easy.


On the other hand, enforcement of banned turns and box junctions can be done by camera and reviewed remotely and isn’t as controversial.

20 hours ago, Resident said:

Just register a taxi plate, preferably an out of town one such as Calderdale or North East Derbyshire, since they'll give them to anyone. 

That way SCC won't bother you. 

Actually, at 2 of the locations they are planning to enforce, it is mainly taxi drivers who are making the banned turns, so SCC will be bothering them.

Edited by Planner1
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55 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Should go on the Queens Rd/Bramall Lane junction instead tbh: I have had a moan about that junction on here a couple of times and I have been told a right turn there isnt actually an illegal turn, which just baffles me. It should be 🤣

Why should they ban it? Not many people make the turn and there’s nothing inherently unsafe about the manoeuvre. It’s just that many drivers think that the turn is banned and don’t like it when they get held up for a few seconds behind someone making a perfectly legitimate turn.


The enforcement camera is going in at that junction, it’s enforcing the bus only right turn from Bramall Lane into Queens Rd. That turn is roundly abused by taxi drivers and a few others.

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Personally, if you break a law / rules whilst driving, then why shouldn’t you be fined.


I’m sick of not being able to get somewhere because someone else is parked in a yellow box junction. The police are clearly not able to catch this kind of thing, why shouldn’t the council be able to do something. If it keeps the roads clearer / safer. Another added benefit would also be more money in the coffers.

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35 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

Why should they ban it? Not many people make the turn and there’s nothing inherently unsafe about the manoeuvre. It’s just that many drivers think that the turn is banned and don’t like it when they get held up for a few seconds behind someone making a perfectly legitimate turn.

A few seconds? At busy times drivers end up waiting for the entire turn the lights are on green given the traffic coming the other way, and nobody letting you into Lane 1 to go round the obstruction. Also they sit in the middle of the junction which I believe is a box junction.

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Just now, HeHasRisen said:

A few seconds? At busy times drivers end up waiting for the entire turn the lights are on green given the traffic coming the other way, and nobody letting you into Lane 1 to go round the obstruction. Also they sit in the middle of the junction which I believe is a box junction.

You need to read your Highway Code I think. It’s fine to wait in a box junction if you are turning and you are obstructed by oncoming traffic.


An entire turn of the lights on one approach is a few seconds. Most signals here work on a 60 second cycle to serve the whole junction. Some places it’s a bit longer at peaks, maybe 70 seconds.


Is losing 30 seconds occasionally so important?

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10 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

You need to read your Highway Code I think. It’s fine to wait in a box junction if you are turning and you are obstructed by oncoming traffic.


An entire turn of the lights on one approach is a few seconds. Most signals here work on a 60 second cycle to serve the whole junction. Some places it’s a bit longer at peaks, maybe 70 seconds.


Is losing 30 seconds occasionally so important?

Yes. Time is money.

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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Why should they ban it? Not many people make the turn and there’s nothing inherently unsafe about the manoeuvre. It’s just that many drivers think that the turn is banned and don’t like it when they get held up for a few seconds behind someone making a perfectly legitimate turn.


The enforcement camera is going in at that junction, it’s enforcing the bus only right turn from Bramall Lane into Queens Rd. That turn is roundly abused by taxi drivers and a few others.

Three others that I see regularly abused by taxis:

Driving down Bank St and turning right onto Castle St, despite signs & road marking stating left only (onto Snig Hill)

Driving either down from Snig Hill, over Lady's Bridge then right onto Blonk St (signposted ahead only)

Driving down Meadow St (Medico Legal side) and turning right up Netherthorpe Rd

In reporting this to all parties concerned (Police & Licencing) I've NEVER had a response

I once reported a taxis turning right thru gate signposted NO ENTRY with an exception plate for buses only. I did get a response and was told that taxis are allowed despite signs stating otherwise. 

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1 hour ago, Resident said:

Three others that I see regularly abused by taxis:

Driving down Bank St and turning right onto Castle St, despite signs & road marking stating left only (onto Snig Hill)

Driving either down from Snig Hill, over Lady's Bridge then right onto Blonk St (signposted ahead only)

Driving down Meadow St (Medico Legal side) and turning right up Netherthorpe Rd

I witness the first two trangressions on a very regular basis. Taxis also frequently turn left (as permitted) out of Nursery St then immediately sharp right (banned) into Blonk Street. Another very regular abuse is turning left out of Blonk St (signposted right only) then sharp right into Nursery St (rather than the 'official' route right onto Wicker, left onto Stanley St to reach Nursery St via Joiner St, Johnson St or Spitalfields).

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