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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

Vast numbers of children born every year with nothing and parents and cultures who continue to spawn with no thought for their impact on their own and other dwindling resources.

It's not the poor, who are giving no thought to their impact on the planet,


Guess who?


These same DAVOS billionaire narcissist elitists, who claim they are "a select group of human beings" harping on about how "we" must change!


Of course we know who's really hogging the world's resources, don't we?  (Well maybe the gullible haven't managed to put two and two together)  :)


Even John Kerry-Heinz himself has to admit publicly that most folks see them as, "a crazy, tree hugging, liberal lefty do gooder, whatever".


Right on, Chuckles!  :)

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3 hours ago, Anna B said:

I take it you'll be volunteering then, to be one of the 2 BILLION people needing to be dispensed with.

After all, your carbon footprint, as with any Westerner, is 47 times that of some  poverty stricken African, so you'd be a much better candidate for helping save the planet.

Doesn't make it wrong does it?

It's not about 'dispensing with people' as you well know.  It's about bringing the long term numbers down along with every other initiative and long term proposal discussed in these global conferences.   


Jesus Christ it's like debating with a petulant child. 


I am well aware of my own contributions and impact.  I am well aware of the corporate and political responsibilities also affecting.   That's why I put in the last paragraph of my earlier post.  I am also well aware that there is no magic wand solution to make everything happen. 


But for once in your life try to read beyond the soundbites and reactionary headlines.  Stop letting your prejudice against anyone even slightly rich and powerful cloud your rational thought.  

1 hour ago, trastrick said:


It's not the poor, who are giving no thought to their impact on the planet,


Guess who?


These same DAVOS billionaire narcissist elitists, who claim they are "a select group of human beings" harping on about how "we" must change!


Of course we know who's really hogging the world's resources, don't we?  (Well maybe the gullible haven't managed to put two and two together)  :)


Even John Kerry-Heinz himself has to admit publicly that most folks see them as, "a crazy, tree hugging, liberal lefty do gooder, whatever".


Right on, Chuckles!  :)

Yes westernised industrialised nations and those battling to become one. 


But that doesn't mean that overpopulation isn't ALSO a contributing factor that should ALSO be discussed. 

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The population will peak at 8 Billion, then start to decline naturally (according to the boffins) It's just a matter of time, health, resources, and education.

But those things require more worldwide equality / egalitarian thinking.


Is that going to happen with so few hanging on to so much wealth?

The very people who sit on the WEF and fly about in private jets with their entourage etc? 


It's not about hating the rich.

It's about hating poverty, the inequality, and the hypocrisy. Until we get that sorted out we're going to go on repeating all the mistakes that have got us into this mess.



Edited by Anna B
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8 hours ago, trastrick said:


It's not the poor, who are giving no thought to their impact on the planet,


Guess who?


These same DAVOS billionaire narcissist elitists, who claim they are "a select group of human beings" harping on about how "we" must change!


Of course we know who's really hogging the world's resources, don't we?  (Well maybe the gullible haven't managed to put two and two together)  :)


Even John Kerry-Heinz himself has to admit publicly that most folks see them as, "a crazy, tree hugging, liberal lefty do gooder, whatever".


Right on, Chuckles!  :)


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