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Ghislaine Maxwell Interview 23/01/2023

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Seems all these women are blaming a man for their sad sack lives.


I guess if you are a woman, you have no responsibility for your own actions?


Is that the stuff they are teaching your young female generation these days?


Hardly promotes equality and independence.


They stridently defend their bodies against male dominance in the abortion issue, but not, it seems, their minds.


I'm just a man, set me straight, someone!  :)

Ghislaine Maxwell is 61. You need to recalibrate your idea of "young female generation".

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59 minutes ago, cressida said:

Not sure why you quoted my post,  doesn't seem relevant to your points.

I thought an anonymous poster who appears to self identity as a woman, could answer my gender related question.


Apologies for my mistake!  :)


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  • 5 weeks later...

The Sun

"Mystery sparked over death of Bill Clinton aide Mark Middleton who signed Jeffrey Epstein into the White House 7 times"




New York Post

Death of Clinton aide tied to Jeffrey Epstein,  ruled a suicide




The Curious Case of Mark Middleton


Chapter One


It had been quite some time since I had seen my old friend and mentor Sherlock Holmes, as my recent marriage had kept me occupied with the usual things that requires the attention of a newly married man, and a re-dedication of my time to my medical practice.


But one day I found my carriage had taken me into the vicinity of the lodgings I had, until recently, shared with my dear friend at 221b Baker Street.  I decided to drop in, and see how he was. I instructed my driver not to wait, and rang the bell at the door of those familiar premises.


I was greeted by the familiar face of  our old housekeeper, Mrs. Hudson. "Dr. Watson", she exclaimed, "please do come in".


I was shown in to the rooms that our esteemed detective occupied and found him in his usual chair by the fire,  packing his pipe, and surrounded by newspapers. He waived me in, saying how good it was to see me and what an opportune time I had picked to do so. He had that gleam in his eye that told me he was enthusiastically occupied by some new event that had attracted his interest.


To be continued........



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Noticing the mastheads of the newspapers he was surrounded by, I  volunteered, " I must say Holmes, your sudden interest in the sensationalist press, surprises me. They are scoundrels, who capitalize on exploiting the personal  tragedies of people at the darkest moments of their lives, I' m afraid I have no time for them, no time at all"!


"Ah, but Watson, sometimes one can get information from sources other than the mainstream, that can be useful in analyzing the public perception of current events. One should leave no stone unturned, if one is to be fully apprised of all the circumstances of a given matter. Remember the case of the Madurai Ruby, which you well documented, albeit, with some exaggeration of my involvement, and that snippet in an obscure obituary in a local newspaper, that ultimately provided the initial clue that led to the resolution of the case, and for which we were well rewarded?"


"In this instance, there are some similarities, with other, ostensibly unrelated events, which, when viewed in their totality, have a commonality which raises certain questions in the investigative mind".


Not wishing to question the undisputable  proven abilities of his great investigative mind, I asked, "How so, Holmes?"


He smiled his enigmatic  smile and said, " I've noticed something common in this particular series of event's. Here, look these over while Mrs Hudson prepares some lunch. Then perhaps we can discuss it over a cup of her excellent Darjeeling tea, a supply of which you so graciously left in our care when you went off to your new and more rewarding, endeavors".


After lunch, and after I had perused the reports, while he was dabbling with his  infernal, evil smelling, laboratory equipment which was always present on his worktable off to the side, he queried, "Well, my friend, do you see anything in those reports, and some of the similar reports we have discussed in the past"?





Edited by trastrick
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