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Retiring To Increase To 68 By Tories

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10 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

And people live longer. This was on at the weekend and a real eye opener of other countries. 


Channel 4’s Jon Snow to front new show How To Live To 100 


very interesting, where did he stick the petrol hose


some people live longer you mean, some don't, my point still stands, work till you drop baby, if some people live longer the govt thinks it ok to make everyone work longer regardless of their physical/mental condition

Edited by fools
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9 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Retirement age should be 60 and should be compulsary,  in other words let the youngens do summat and if they don't! Dtop their Universal Credit. :hihi: 

er the Labour party started all that, as well as nicking a few billion of tax pa from Pension investments

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