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'Individuals Should Not Be Responsible For Being Obese'

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OMG the world really has gone mad, there is no question about it. The trend for the state to be expected to do pretty much everything for us (and us not having to take personal responsibility for pretty much anything) has truly hit top gear. Apparently if people get fat that's the fault of the state !


Article in The Times this Monday was about a report by NESTA ("UK's innovation agency for social good") which said :


"It would be wrong to place all the responsibility [for combatting obesity] on individuals"

"When we rely on individuals to summon the willpower to resist temptation, most people will fail within weeks....... we need food producers and sellers to change their recipes, cooking methods, portion sizes and promotions" [they're already doing that, I wondered if the Lion bar I was eating today was a "Fun size", but at £1.25 for four it cannot have been, surely....]*

"An institution should be established to design, set and monitor targets for calorie reduction by manufacturers and shops, with powers to levy fines where targets are not met". [yet more regulation, surely not ? ]


Apparently the "National Obesity Forum" agree with this ballcox : "Reformulation, backed by legislation, is crucial if we are ever to see the back of obesity".


Of course ! It's all the government's fault if anyone eats too much cake and fails to get enough exercise.

Just like it's all the government's fault if anything happens to us. Blame someone else, why should anyone tale responsibility for anything ?


* Yeah, we all know what they do, smaller portion size, same price.

Edited by Chekhov
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4 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

OMG the world really has gone mad, there is no question about it. The trend for the state to be expected to do pretty much everything for us (and us not having to take personal responsibility for pretty much anything) has truly hit top gear. Apparently if people get fat that's the fault of the state !


Article in The Times this Monday was about a report by NESTA ("UK's innovation agency for social good") which said :


"It would be wrong to place all the responsibility [for combatting obesity] on individuals"


"When we rely on individuals to summon the willpower to resist temptation, most people will fail within weeks....... we need food producers and sellers to change their recipes, cooking methods, portion sizes and promotions" [they're already doing that, I wondered if the Lion bar I was eating today was a "Fun size", but at £1.25 for four it cannot have been, surely....]


"An institution should be established to design, set and monitor targets for calorie reduction by manufacturers and shops, with powers to levy fines where targets are not met".



The key phrase is

"It would be wrong to place ALL the responsibility


Its not saying people should look to the state to look after them per se, but like everything in life, businesses arent always doing things for the good, they want to sell, make money and sometimes use tricks to do that, do you think its bad that nutritional content,

ingredients etc are listed on packets? they didnt used to be?

Dont you think its good that adverts targetting kids for snacks, high sugerary content are looked at and banned?

etc etc


3 minutes ago, fools said:

they do put too much crap in foods, particularly sugar.

some would say to get you addicted so you do buy more, you cant say no

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2 minutes ago, melthebell said:

The key phrase is

"It would be wrong to place ALL the responsibility


Its not saying people should look to the state to look after them per se, but like everything in life, businesses arent always doing things for the good, they want to sell, make money and sometimes use tricks to do that, do you think its bad that nutritional content,

ingredients etc are listed on packets? they didnt used to be?

Dont you think its good that adverts targetting kids for snacks, high sugerary content are looked at and banned?

etc etc

No, if my lad was fat I'd give him less to eat (and no money to buy any sugary snacks). It is personal, or parental, responsibility.

Edited by Chekhov
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7 minutes ago, fools said:

they do put too much crap in foods, particularly sugar.

Nobody has to eat it. It's quite simple, if one starts getting fat one should eat less and/or exercises more.

When I have chocolate with my tea I have about 3 squares, not half a bar. Don't get me wrong I'd like like half a bar, but I don't want to get fat, so I eat three squares....

Edited by Chekhov
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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

No, if my lad was fat I'd give him less to eat (and no money to buy any sugary snacks). It is personal, or parental, responsibility.

its not about eating less per se, i think you know that and just trolling

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