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'Individuals Should Not Be Responsible For Being Obese'

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3 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

So, it's down to the individual then.



Fat folk are fat because they eat ****e and too much.


It's that simple 

how do people know how many calories, sugar intake etc?

because the "nanny" state made it a requirement to have them on packs, so no its NOT just down to individuals, businesses wouldnt want you knowing if they wernt legally obliged to tell you

Edited by melthebell
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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:

I don't know.

What I do know is that everyone who is fat, is fat because they eat too much.

again nope, they are fat because either / or a combination


A: they eat too much

B: they eat too much of the wrong stuff

C they dont eat enough of the right stuff

Edited by melthebell
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I'm fat. 

Is it my fault? Probably. 

Do I overeat? No

Do I eat crap? No

In fact I grown some of my own stuff now. 

Do I exercise enough? No.

Is that cos I'm lazy? Not really. I'm busy looking after two young adults, a home, neighbours on occasion, 

My Mum, Dad, Uncles, Aunts, Grandparents, sister, brother are all fat.

Maybe genetics plays a part?

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The  Stuff me and my mates ate when we was out and about in the Sixties like Chips and scraps from the chippy and all sorts from the school tuck shop and spice from the corner shop never hurt us,   there is  too much mamby pamby mularky these day,  just let kids be kids . :roll:

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1 minute ago, Al Bundy said:



No sympathy.


Take responsibility FFS 

No sympathy OR Empathy


Like i said its a lot easier to know what you are putting in your body these days BECAUSE the state made businesses print on packets whats in the food, before you wouldnt have a clue

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