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'Individuals Should Not Be Responsible For Being Obese'

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6 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

On the subject of the powers that be telling us what to eat  :


The Times Mon 23 Jan 2023 (p14)


Last year when Cambridge council voted to [eventually] phase out serving meat and dairy products and [only] provide vegan alternatives they were praised [by some people] for "leading the way on climate action". 
But the plan has hit a big problem, people do not want the food.
At the first civic event since the vote, a council report has revealed the vegan menu went down so badly that almost all of the
[vegan plant based] food remained uneaten and had to be thrown away. It noted that only 1 in 10 attendees tried the vegan options and some guests were left hungry because there was "an insufficient amount of food available that people actually wanted to eat"........ Half of the sandwiches and cakes were vegan and half contained meat or dairy. The report [to the council] said that despite the food looking "very fresh, good quality and visually appealing" almost all the vegan options remained untouched. "There was extremely low uptake of plant based food options : under 10% of people tried these options whilst the vegetarian and/or meat/dairy options were all eaten". The report recommended cutting the amount of vegan food served to only 25%, but the council [still] announced that it wanted to offer 100% plant based vegan food by 2026.

So good, he posted it twice.

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got to say im loving all the "eat less" comments on here. 


A few posters have got it spot on, eat the right food in the quantities needed to burn in your body. If i told you that eating 2700 calories would result in higher weight loss would you believe me?


Because its true, provided you eat in the right balance. Took me ages to get round it in my head but the proof for me was a loss of 2 stone in 12 weeks by eating more than i ever had, but it was the right balance of good carbs (rice, pasta, not bread) protien and veg. Your body keeps working to burn off the food resulting in weight loss. 

By just simply cutting calories your body essentially starves itself and retains any calories it gets instead of burning it off. You look at any low calorie diet and the people who do it then they will initially lose but then plateau and after coming off a diet are liable to put weight back on quickly as the body is still storing all the extra nutrition. Thats why a lot of the slimming groups have members that lose half a pound a month in fluctuation.


you cannot out exercise a bad diet.



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Restricting what a citizen can choose to eat by regulating what food suppliers can manufacture and offer for sale, is a natural progression, by governments, who have previously regulated you can only remove a mandatory mask, while actually eating .


It's all for the good of the State!  :)


So don't worry, be happy!


But pork sausages, pork pies, Bakewell Tart, butter, lard, and sugar will be on the endangered list down the road,


As usual, don't go after the problem , regulate the entire population, including folks like me who live mostly on local rice and beans and vegetables, but enjoy a well made greasy pizza at least once a month!


Spending the scarce public resources on targeting the actual criminals, pedos and obese folks who are causing these societal problems, is just "victimization".


Like with the COVID most vulnerable.


Easier to target the whole of society.


The "inclusive" approach!  :)

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11 hours ago, cressida said:

Put the Tv on and we are faced with ads like McDonalds and countless cookery programmes (which I never watch).   I wonder if the Chippendales kept their trim muscley figures,  not so methinks.


I have lost my appetite these last few years, maybe long covid maybe not,  but I worry that if I recover from the long covid my appetite my increase.  Now where's  my

Mr Motivator dvd which I not played yet - just in case.

Hackey and Padders were in the Chippendales until they decided to start up as a duo known as the Shackleton Chairs.  :hihi:

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1 hour ago, sheffbag said:

If i told you that eating 2700 calories would result in higher weight loss would you believe me?


Because its true, provided you eat in the right balance. Took me ages to get round it in my head but the proof for me was a loss of 2 stone in 12 weeks by eating more than i ever had, but it was the right balance of good carbs (rice, pasta, not bread) protien and veg. Your body keeps working to burn off the food resulting in weight loss. 


 Thats why a lot of the slimming groups have members that lose half a pound a month in fluctuation.

higher weight loss than what, 3500 calories? Your calorie requirement depends on your weight. To lose that amount of weight in 12 weeks means you would have to have a deficit of 1166 calories a day, every day, so you'd have to be in the region of 23 stone to lose that amount on 2700c/day


eating more calories to lose weight is a nonsense, as is the good carbs/bad carbs stuff, pasta is made from flour, as is bread.


more likely because they were bored of it and hungry, and ordered a takeaway pizza and cheesecake to escape from the misery

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1 hour ago, sibon said:

So good, he posted it twice.

And your point is ?

Different sections are a valid quotes in two different threads.

In fact it will be a valid quote on loads of threads because it is a CLASSIC case of the powers that be telling us (forcing us in fact) how to run our lives "for the greater good" (no matter how disproportionate or unpopular it is). Something you have consistently supported in everything from Covid lockdowns to banning parents filming their kids in swimming galas.

People should stop telling me how to run my life and banning me from doing more and more stuff which has a minuscule risk level anyway.

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14 hours ago, Mister M said:

But then in the 1960s people didn't lead the sedentary lifestyle they do now. People burned off fatty tissues through daily exercise or just working.

I've noticed something else. My lad's shoes are lasting much longer now than they used to only a year or so ago. This puzzled me but I think I have worked it out. I think the kids who aren't that good at football (so the other kids don't really want them to play it etc) eventually cotton on and basically play it less in playtime etc. Fortunately my lad does loads of swimming so burns it off that way, though in actual fact I don't think he'd ever get fat anyway because, like his parents, his appetite is not huge. For myself I quite often seem to feel full before I have finished a meal and then I think, I'm not really that hungry anymore, why eat any more of this (just so it doesn't get thrown away) when it'll only make me put on weight anyway. Thus I often wonder if people with naturally small stomachs are likely to be naturally thinner.

That said, as I mentioned previously, I could quite easily eat much more than three squares of chocolate with my cup of tea, but I stop myself doing so. The secret is only get three squares of choccy out, never take the bar with you as it's always "just a bit more won't hurt".

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1 hour ago, cressida said:

Shackleton Chairs!  Do you know secrets?   Spill - or else.


Scary  duo idea,   Mikey 10 and Jabberwocky!



I think Padders might be performing the strip joints  solo at the moment  regarding  his recent absence from the Forum,   Oh!  and not to worry about Padders Bar, Flapper is in charge of Security, just hope Padders has left him enough Bird Seed.  :hihi:

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