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Sheffield City Hall / Ticketmaster : E Ticket Cannot Be Printed Out !


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I always screenshot my tickets. Just in case there’s a signal issue or something.

Never been a problem.

Ive never printed one off tho.

Im presuming it’s just about going paperless, as long as they can scan the barcode or QR code I don’t see why they wouldn’t accept it.


Edited by nikki-red
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5 hours ago, nikki-red said:

I always screenshot my tickets. Just in case there’s a signal issue or something.

Never been a problem.

Ive never printed one off tho.

Im presuming it’s just about going paperless, as long as they can scan the barcode or QR code I don’t see why they wouldn’t accept it.

Well I would have thought that too, but why do they emphasise that there is no printable ticket if that's the case ?

I wondered if it was some sort of "security" excuse.


20 hours ago, Resident said:

Did you try the forum's own search engine. It's not hard to find, top right corner, named Search

I have tried that before and it took so long to do its thing I gave up and used Google.


On 26/01/2023 at 20:07, HeHasRisen said:

Oh. End of thread then.

No it isn't at all :

1 - It's not my smart phone

2 - If anything goes wrong with the smartphone it it gets lost  or damaged a paper back up (printed off the E Mail on another PC) is worth having

3 - And most importantly, I am 100% certain it's not just me who would like an answer to this.


Isn't the City Hall subsidised one way or another ?

If so they have no right to limit who can go to those with a (working) smart phone. No right at all.

Edited by Chekhov
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 26/01/2023 at 19:05, Chekhov said:

Can anyone tell me what possible justification there can be for E Ticket Ticketmaster tickets for the City hall not being printable ?

They send you an E Mail but, unlike, say, the ones for the Penistone paramount, the tickets are not on it.  Instead it says :


Locate your tickets in your Ticketmaster account, or in your app. When you go mobile, your tickets will not be emailed to you or available for print.


We'll be using a Smart Phone but I never like relying on that, what happens if it gets broken, or lost, or some other issue. I want to be able to print the soddin' things out !


Incidentally, does anyone know how you get a ticket if you don't have, or don't want to use, a smart phone ? The website did not seem to give me the option

Welcome to my world. 

I hate Tech!

I always have trouble with it, always need help with it which I don't have, end up wanting to throw my computer or smart phone through the window.

I long for the simplicity of days gone by. 

And I'm not alone. A good many people I meet, young and old, also find it the most irritating thing on the planet. I wonder if it is contributing to the mental problems that people seem to be having these days?

Digital Dementia? You bet.


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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Welcome to my world. 

I hate Tech!

I always have trouble with it, always need help with it which I don't have, end up wanting to throw my computer or smart phone through the window.

I long for the simplicity of days gone by. 

And I'm not alone. A good many people I meet, young and old, also find it the most irritating thing on the planet. I wonder if it is contributing to the mental problems that people seem to be having these days?

Digital Dementia? You bet.


We are having huge problems with our broadband at work, which is even more of a PITA as we also swapped all our phones (and even our card machine) onto VOIP (internet phones) at the same time. So, when we lose our broadband line we lose everything.

I wish we'd never bothered, but in fact we were "advised" that all phone lines in Sheffield would have to be internet based by 2023. Which, a BT engineer revealed, is ballcox, "it'll be years before that happens" he said.


52 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

I posted the solution in post 23. Live long and prosper!

Going into the City Hall and personally buying ones ticket is not a practical workaround for most people though is it ?

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17 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



Going into the City Hall and personally buying ones ticket is not a practical workaround for most people though is it ?

What do you think people did before the Internet existed?


If you want to be a funny bugger then you will have to prepare to put yourself to some inconvenience in order to do so and go and queue up within their opening times

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1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

What do you think people did before the Internet existed?

Err, they phoned up, they paid with their card, and they got sent the tickets in the post.

Next question ?


1 hour ago, HeHasRisen said:

If you want to be a funny bugger then you will have to prepare to put yourself to some inconvenience in order to do so and go and queue up within their opening times

Why ?

We have just bought a load of tickets for the Pensitone paramount and didn't have to do any of that.


>>If you want to be a funny bugger<<


Because I don't want  a smart phone ?

Really ?

Interesting take on life.

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25 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Err, they phoned up, they paid with their card, and they got sent the tickets in the post.

Next question ?



Did they?


You can still do that now. There is a number on their website. Just say you need assistance.

25 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



Because I don't want  a smart phone ?

Really ?

Interesting take on life.

So the entire party you are going  to the City Hall with, NONE have a smart phone and NONE can get to town to buy tickets in person?


I don't believe you. This is just outrage for the sake of it, we have known you far too long, it doesnt wash anymore.

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