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Transgender Rapist - Is Common Sense Finally Starting To Prevail. ? can it be. ?

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Transgender Rapist - Is Common Sense Finally Starting To Prevail. ? can it be. ?

Hopefully, yes but we have a long way to go. There are still vast numbers of people who are ‘captured’ by this ideology.  

This one case has spotlighted what is being hidden in plain sight. Trans identified males, some sex offenders are  already in women’s prisons. Paedophile Katie Dolotowski is currently being held in Cornton Vale. Keep Prisons Single Sex has up to date information. 

The media seems to have avoided the question of what would have happened had the Scottish GRR Act had been law. A person in possession’s of a GRC receives a new birth certificate stating female and is to be considered as such for all legal purposes. 


The Daily Mail is the only news outlet that I have seen that has addressed this and according to their legal analyst, Graham would have had to be held in a women’s prison. This is exactly what KPSS says:


Prison policy states that a male prisoner who identifies as transgender and who has a Gender Recognition Certificate must be allocated to the female estate. Conviction, offending history and anatomy are all irrelevant.

The KPSS website also has disturbing information on DB checks/ identity avoidance which is relevant for safeguarding.  

Sturgeon is going DARVO and refuses to take responsibility. If she really believed that TWAW and TMAM then she would not be supporting Graham’s move to a men’s prison. She has steadfastly refused to listen to women, even vetoing the amendment on disallowing sex offenders from obtaining a GRC.

There is a Gender: A Wider Lens podcast in which an ex Scottish female prisoner recounts her experiences of being incarcerated with two men. It is quite distressing. We should also remember that the majority of prison officers in women’s prisons are female and therefore also at risk. They shouldn’t be expected to intimately search males, particularly sex offenders. 


IPSO and the media have a lot to answer for in their coverage of these issues. Stating ‘she’ and ‘her penis’ is total rubbish. Sex-Matters is addressing this with IPSO. We need to do better and use plain, factual language eg gender and sex are not interchangeable, bottom surgery is not a sex change - that is not possible. The correct term is ‘genital reassignment surgery’,


This is an article by Nick Timothy which is surprisingly open and to the point: Britain is becoming sick over the trans debate.Only facts can cure it. Hopefully it is the start of a wider, more honest debate.


* Sex-Matters has a petition running to make the equality act clear. If anyone wishes to sign, the information is here: Make the Equality Act clear! 




Edited by Jomie
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One problem that should be discussed in the advisability of encouraging a minor, who according to law, has not yet reached the age of informed consent, to agree to gender affirming surgery.


Does that happen?


And If that minor, through further life experience comes to decide it was not a good choice, should they (or their parents) s be allowed to sue the enablers and providers for damages?


Kids can change their minds, and so can adults.


A classic case is the Roe vs Wade protagonist Roe refers to Jane Roe, the pseudonym in this case for the woman who originally sought the abortion: Norma McCorvey.




"In 1994, McCorvey published her autobiography, I Am Roe. At a book signing, McCorvey was befriended by Flip Benham, an evangelical minister and the national director of the anti-abortion organization Operation Rescue.[27] She converted to Evangelical Protestantism and was baptized on August 8, 1995, by Benham, in a Dallas, Texas, backyard swimming pool—an event that was filmed for national television. Two days later, she announced that she had quit her job at an abortion clinic and had become an advocate of Operation Rescue's campaign to make abortion illegal.[13] She voiced remorse for her part in the Supreme Court decision and said she had been a pawn for abortion activists.[11][28]


"In 2004, McCorvey sought to have the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade, saying that there was now evidence that the procedure harms women, but the case was ultimately dismissed in 2005.[31][32] On January 22, 2008, McCorvey endorsed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul because of his anti-abortion position.[33]


"McCorvey remained active in anti-abortion demonstrations, including one she participated in before President Barack Obama's commencement address to the graduates of the University of Notre Dame. McCorvey was arrested on the first day of U.S. Senate hearings for the confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States of Sonia Sotomayor after McCorvey and another protester began shouting during Senator Al Franken's opening statement.[34] McCorvey appeared in the 2013 film Doonby, in which she delivers an anti-abortion message.[35][36] She is also the subject of Joshua Prager's 2021 book, The Family Roe: An American Story.[37][38]

  -  WIKI





Edited by trastrick
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6 minutes ago, trastrick said:

A classic case is the Roe vs Wade protagonist Roe refers to Jane Roe, the pseudonym in this case for the woman who originally sought the abortion: Norma McCorvey.



A great shame you couldn't be bothered to carry on reading...




On May 22, 2020, a documentary titled AKA Jane Roe aired on FX, describing McCorvey's life and the financial incentives to change her views on abortion.[5] In an interview conducted for the film shortly before her death, in what she referred to as her "deathbed confession", McCorvey said her anti-abortion activism had been "all an act", which she did because she was paid, stating that she did not care whether a woman got an abortion. "I was the big fish. I think it was a mutual thing. I took their money and they'd put me out in front of the cameras and tell me what to say. That's what I'd say," McCorvey said. "If a young woman wants to have an abortion, that's no skin off my ass. That's why they call it choice," she added.[41][42]

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35 minutes ago, alchemist said:

If legally he does have to end up in a female prison it should be a requirement that he completes the gender reassignment surgery.  That will teach him (and others who think to use it as a way to perv on women) a valuable lesson



An official gender re-asignment Passport to enter women's facility might solve many problems?

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33 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

Another Scottish problem case.



From the article 


Scott is serving an indefinite sentence as she is subject to an order for lifelong restriction (OLR), meaning she will only be released when she is no longer considered an "unmanageable risk to public safety".


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