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Policemen Getting Arrogant.

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11 minutes ago, Axe said:

I judged you to be another poor contributor with an agenda.

If you think this place is full of "poor contributors", go to another forum then.

You knew exactly who posted on here, when you signed up. Or at least you should do, you've been on here under several different user names before!

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1 hour ago, pattricia said:

What’s up with our policemen ?  Lots of them waiting to be questioned over rapes and assaults on women. I remember when we had policemen and women walking the streets on their beats. We trusted them and could ask them anything from the time of day to instructions on how to get to a certain place. Now a lot are arrogant and abusive. Bring back the old Coppers on The Beat !

I can remember George Dixon of Dock Green, Pat.

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1 hour ago, pattricia said:

What’s up with our policemen ?  Lots of them waiting to be questioned over rapes and assaults on women. I remember when we had policemen and women walking the streets on their beats. We trusted them and could ask them anything from the time of day to instructions on how to get to a certain place. Now a lot are arrogant and abusive. Bring back the old Coppers on The Beat !

We had one who lived on our road,  we used to play table tennis together ((I'd be in my teens)  there was one who came in for a cup of tea and a chat after he'd walked me home,  and a workmate tried to matchmake me with one - if he'd looked like Liam Neeson or Jason Mamoa I'd have said yes.


Safer times.

Edited by cressida
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17 minutes ago, melthebell said:

says the right winger

I am politically nuetral.



4 minutes ago, Mister M said:

If you think this place is full of "poor contributors", go to another forum then.

You knew exactly who posted on here, when you signed up. Or at least you should do, you've been on here under several different user names before!

I have only one user name.   You are confusing me with someone else which may be a side effect of living in the land of make believe. 

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1 hour ago, pattricia said:

What’s up with our policemen ?  Lots of them waiting to be questioned over rapes and assaults on women. I remember when we had policemen and women walking the streets on their beats. We trusted them and could ask them anything from the time of day to instructions on how to get to a certain place. Now a lot are arrogant and abusive. Bring back the old Coppers on The Beat !

I worked in a business for 33 years which involved close cooperation with the police, just like any other group of people there are mainly good ones and a minority of not so good, and a few absolute nasty evil ones among them.

The problem being that a police officer is in a position to seriously harm someone and with a good chance of getting away with it.


Many years ago I was invited to a meeting at Elland Road football ground where the West Yorkshire Police were launching a new initiative. They were going to replace foot patrols with Panda Car patrols in order to improve efficiency.

When they asked for questions I said that in my opinion it was a bad decision, because it would break the connection between the public and the police.

People got to know their local Bobby, he or she no longer represented the state, they were friendly acquaintances, and passing on local gossip in a chat wasn't being a snitch, it was just tipping off your mate that something wasn't quite right. The difference between that and phoning up a complete stranger to report a suspicion was immense.

I was informed that a serious study had been carried out and that economically and strategically vehicle patrols were the way to go.

Obviously the accountants had had their input and the numbers were convincing.

The loss of public trust, the breakdown in day to day communication and the increase in the ' them and us ' feeling wasn't taken into account.

And here we are.


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