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Save Our Streets

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In January 2022 I wrote to  the Chief Executive of Sheffield City Council in respect of the proposed revised parking zones on Abbeydale and Ecclesall Roads. I made plain that the scheme, if implemented, would see most if not all of the independent businesses on both these roads fail. I also had concerns about the temporary closure of many of the side roads and access routes around the city, in what was supposed to be a temporary test case, devised by the Green Party to enhance the environment and lessen pollution. This catastrophic and ill thought out exercise, left well behind when the Green Party departed, has left the two main arterial routes out of Sheffield considerably more congested and almost impossible to navigate without long delays. Far from reducing emissions and enhancing the environment, the scheme has had exactly the opposite effect.  


As a resident and business owner in the city, I can no longer stand by and watch the council decimate what should be one of the most go ahead and forward thinking cities in this country. Successive councils have squandered money on ridiculous half-baked ideas such as the world student games, which we are still paying for, a tram system that hardly anyone uses, and the total remodelling of the city centre, at a cost of millions to the tax payer, that no one wants to visit since the council allowed John Lewis out of a contract that saw the company immediately leave the city. I have no desire to eat pretzels from the tardy faux Swiss chalets by the peace garden, or use container toilets, parked over mains utility services, at the top of Fargate. I doubt the majority of Sheffield residents do either. The idea, that turning the centre of the city into a totally residential area, when it  now has little appeal, is totally farcical.


The waste of tax payers money that this this and previous councils have presided over, is absolutely disgraceful, and has gone on for long enough. We lag far behind Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool, and Nottingham, because successive councils, staffed by people with seemingly  little foresight, have been left to make decisions about how that money should be spent. It seems that a small group of  council employees are able to make decisions at will, without the input or permission of the residents they are supposed to serve, and this has got to stop.


Therefore I have started a campaign 'Save Our Streets' to halt the proposed  red line parking scheme, open up all roads around the city closed by the redundant Green Party initiative, and to ask for clarification about what, if any, surveys were commissioned to prove that these schemes were required in the first place. I will be demanding that in future the public are given a say about the running of the city, and how tax payer’s money is being spent, and will be asking senior business leaders to become involved in demanding change. I am looking to start a petition, which I propose to submit to the Chief Executive, in an attempt to stop this madness and reverse decisions that have been made without any proof of their worth or legitimacy.  

Sheffield has to be given the chance to excel, and unless there is significant change in its management, then it will never achieve its true potential. It is time that residents had a say. Please contact me at saveourstreetssheffield@outlook.com if you would like a say, or feel that you could contribute to this action.


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1 hour ago, ukdobby said:

Got to agree with the op,the roads and pavements are complete mess,walked up Eccie Rd today and council workmen was patching the pavements up,the roadblocks around Crooke s are an eyesore and the shipping containers are awful.




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1 minute ago, HeHasRisen said:

They have as far as using them is concerned. No idea if they have physically gone yet, havent been down there.  In any case they will be soon.

Fair enough, but if they take as long to go as they did to come, be prepared for a long wait. IF I go to the city centre tomorrow as planned, I'll let you know.

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22 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Fair enough, but if they take as long to go as they did to come, be prepared for a long wait. IF I go to the city centre tomorrow as planned, I'll let you know.

Went past not long after 4pm today. Still there.


One thing I've wondered, and maybe I'm not appreciating the weight of the containers, but when we had the really big wheel 10 odd years ago on the same location, surely the weight issue with Yorkshire water was looked at then as well?

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