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Save Our Streets

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2 hours ago, Planner1 said:

As ECCOnoob has ably pointed out in post #58, its you that is pedalling the lies here.


Roads maintenance is paid for by the government and it has been systematically under-funded by them for many years, with the backlog estimated at £12 billion last year.


Sheffield's roads got into a state before the Amey contract came along  because the councillors for quite a few years spent part of the money allocated by the government for maintenance on other things (which they were entitled to do as it wasn't ring-fenced). I was told this by an SCC manager and have no reason to doubt what they said. The Amey PFI contract was seen as the only way of getting the money  needed to fix the roads.


So no, again, it was not the planners who caused the problem, it was politicians at national  and local level and their funding decisions. (incidentally the people who deal with highway maintenance are engineers and wouldn't thank you for calling them planners.)

I was talking about proper department stores  and real shops, not cheap junk shops.

The only half decent shop he mentioned was Marks & Spencers and, apart from food, there's very little we have ever bought there.

Walsh's have gone, John Lewis have gone, Debenhams have gone, Schofields have gone,  C&A have gone, and even TJ Hughes have gone.

That's just the proper stores and, on top of that, there are scores of smaller shops which have gone along with them.

Yours and Eco's are the lies by ignoring what's gone and pretending we still have  Big City Shopping.  We don't even have Small Town Shopping.


Right - roads next. They were a damned disgrace in the 1970's and all our family and friends always agreed that, after going on holiday, we came back and said "You know when you are back in Sheffield".

You seen that cartoon yet, which was probably made with Sheffield in mind. Says " How is it that they never have enough tarmac to fill pot holes in BUT, they always have plenty to make speed bumps with"?

Councils fault by building student games things and holes in roads, and subways all over which later got knocked down and filled in. 

I am not interested in the titles of city engineers - it's the idiots who plan and decide that I am complaining about.


You, as a planner share responsibility  for years of bad planning and the politicians share it for never having a proper thought out city plan.

Now we are heading to the latest phase of changes which are just as badly thought out as ever they were before.

Build an inner ring road and try and make people use it instead of side streets and then put a charge on so that people come off it and use side streets again.

It just needs good, cheap or free,  public transport and proper cycle routes separate from traffic using roads which would also allow electric bikes, scooters etc.

Yes,  it has to be paid for so start thinking about that. None of you know what you are doing.



Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Build an inner ring road and try and make people use it instead of side streets and then put a charge on so that people come off it and use side streets again.

It just needs good, cheap or free,  public transport and proper cycle routes separate from traffic using roads which would also allow electric bikes, scooters etc.

Yes,  it has to be paid for so start thinking about that. None of you know what you are doing.

Yeah, nice easy fix. We know what's needed. You got a few £ billion going spare?


Studies I've seen show the majority of car drivers say they wouldn't use public transport even if it were free.....

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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Yeah, nice easy fix. We know what's needed. You got a few £ billion going spare?


Studies I've seen show the majority of car drivers say they wouldn't use public transport even if it were free.....

Makes no difference what they say.  Going into the future,  a car each is going to be unsustainable anyway unless somebody suddenly solves the unsolvable.

Governments and cities need to be making a real effort together (Not separately) and looing at new answers, instead of shuffling the cards they've played before.

Yes, as I've said before, it will cost but, so does the Royal family and all the Royal palaces (How many?) and so does the nations defence and so does the nations education and health.

Once we start paying that cost, there would be savings galore with a free public transport system.

As for car drivers, that's going to end anyway but if there was a carrot and a stick instead of a mighty big stick, more expenses, and no carrot.

Do you honestly believe that the planet can cope with the worlds population all running around in an electric car each? If so you are even more out of touch than I thought.

If you can throw your weight around for a clean air zone, you can do it for this too.  If the will is there - which it isn't.  

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4 minutes ago, Planner1 said:

Been tried elsewhere, made no meaningful difference to traffic congestion.

So just give up then and show the true level of your incompetence.

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5 hours ago, Planner1 said:


Sheffield's roads got into a state before the Amey contract came along  because the councillors for quite a few years spent part of the money allocated by the government for maintenance on other things (which they were entitled to do as it wasn't ring-fenced). I was told this by an SCC manager and have no reason to doubt what they said. The Amey PFI contract was seen as the only way of getting the money  needed to fix the roads.


It might be as well if these engineers had a look at Amey's handiwork.

White Lane, Gleadless,  looks like a patchwork quilt AGAIN.

When you drive down lumpy bumpy City Road, you need to sing the well known song -

"Back in pot hole city where the only thing that's pretty is the thought of gettin out"


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10 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

Given that the national government is Tory, and the local government is mainly Labour, which political party would not have brought this CAZ in?


Before you give your answer, remember that the Greens almost certainly would given their policies, Labour in majority brought one in in Bristol, and that the Lib Dems have brought in the one in Bath.  Doesnt leave you many other options huh?

'If voting made a difference, they wouldn't allow it' 

I don't know who said that quote, but it's probably true.


Democracy is a sham to let the little people think they have any control over what happens and who spends their money. 

They don't, as this farce in Sheffield shows. The politicians get into power, ignore the voters, disavow their manifestoes, forget common sense, and do whatever they like, feathering their own nests along the way.

We have no power other than civil disobedience and withholding our taxes.


As Grandma used to say, 'It doesn't matter who you vote for, the Government always gets in.'


Edited by Anna B
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