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Is Taiwan Teetering On The Edge Of War?

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

There's another angle, 70% of the world IC's are made there, on processes that would take decades to replicate elsewhere.


If they stop producing that would cripple the entire worlds economy for years, particularly China's.


I would expect significant blowback for China, if that happened.


That could well be enough to America to side with Taiwan and commit forces.

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53 minutes ago, L00b said:

The US and the EU are investing massively in reshoring semiconductors. By the way 😉


Ah right, wasn’t aware of that. Wonder how much that’s being driven by fears over a Chinese attack on Taiwan, and how much it’s an economic decision?

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14 hours ago, Waldo said:

Ah right, wasn’t aware of that. Wonder how much that’s being driven by fears over a Chinese attack on Taiwan, and how much it’s an economic decision?

Mostly an economic and geopolitical decision (de-risking ‘all tech eggs in one Asian basket or two’, after the recent lesson over ‘all energy eggs in one Russian basket’), partly a decision in view of Chinese Trojan-horsing tech at manufacture, partly a decision over a potential Chinese attack on Taiwan. IMHO.

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America are going big on semiconductors, more so than Europe I'd say.

They're now an essential item, it's a gigantic market so something they can't let China get control over and use against them.


They've also blocked transfer of latest generation lithography tech to China, freezing them out of the high tech chip market.  Obviously China are trying to develop this independently, but it's very long and arduous.  I believe it took near 20 years to accomplish the first time round.

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7 hours ago, geared said:


They've also blocked transfer of latest generation lithography tech to China, freezing them out of the high tech chip market.  Obviously China are trying to develop this independently, but it's very long and arduous.  I believe it took near 20 years to accomplish the first time round.

From what I have read recently Huawei have already cracked it when it comes to EUV lithography for chips so its just a matter of time now before they build a plant and get it up and running. Trumps sanctions it seems gave them extra impetus to speed it all up and do it as soon as they could.

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22 minutes ago, Dromedary said:

From what I have read recently Huawei have already cracked it when it comes to EUV lithography for chips so its just a matter of time now before they build a plant and get it up and running. Trumps sanctions it seems gave them extra impetus to speed it all up and do it as soon as they could.

Yea it's not a matter of it, it's more of when.  Although proof is in the pudding, the last low nm chip trumpeted by a Chinese company turned out to be a ripoff of a technology demonstrator TSMC put out a number of years ago.

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  • 2 months later...
12 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

China has been simulating hitting key targets on Taiwan.  All these military drills are very worrying.  That’s all we need, China invading Taiwan.  
At times you have to think the worlds gone mad.






Some say it's just 'sabre rattling' by China.

I'm not so sure. America is weak right now. I doubt they could stop China from invading even if they wanted to and I'm not even sure America's people have the appetite for a full scale and very bloody war.

They prefer proxy wars where there is little to no risk to American assets.

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37 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I hope that is all it is.  I just feel that if China invades Taiwan then there will be W111.  

After the recent agreements between Russia and China I think there's a good chance of WWIII even if China don't invade Taiwan. Its been suggested America is actively preparing for war against Russia and China. I'll be honest, I was a bit surprised to hear that and I hope it's wrong.

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