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'Online Misogyny' Set To Be Outlawed

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12 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There really is stuff you cannot say withiout getting the usual suspects outrage, it's very sad.


Just out of interest, do you think phsychological abuse exists ?

Are you saying someone just hit you whilst for no reason whatsoever ?

Had he, I'm assuming it was a he, never given any incling he might do such a thing before ?

If your ‘usual suspects’ comment is aimed at me, believe me I couldn’t be less outraged.

To be outraged I’d have to be shocked, and I’m far from that.

Of course psychological abuse exists.

He obviously thought he had a reason/excuse.

And no, no ‘inkling’ of actual violence.

Edited by nikki-red
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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

There really is stuff you cannot say withiout getting the usual suspects outrage, it's very sad.


Just out of interest, do you think phsychological abuse exists ?

Are you saying someone just hit you whilst for no reason whatsoever ?

Had he, I'm assuming it was a he, never given any incling he might do such a thing before ?

I don't think someone posting from personal experience of the issue can or should be dismissed like that. 

You seem to have a very black and white, binary way of looking at things. If they disagree it's the 'usual suspects'. No, it's people who've been on the receiving end. Not lecturing you, just pointing out how it can come across.


Yes psychological abuse exists - bullying is a good example of psychological abuse. I guess there's an element of psychological abuse with physical and sexual abuse as well.

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have has some experience of this TD.

One of my previous girlfriends used to sometimes go on at me so much I literally used to have to run out into the street to get away as it was winding me up so much and I really was losing it. She literally seemed to have no idea how angry I was getting, or if she did it made no difference. On and on and on she used to go, for hours sometimes, on and off for soddin' days. I have spoken to other men about this and I am not on my own in this experience. 

There certainly are people like that. Baiting, badgering, antagonising all to get a response.  If you do respond then BINGO!!!

They get what they want.

There are also people who are just plain violent. There are also those who are violent both physically and emotionally and very manipulative. My ex was the last one. 

I'm now in a position where I'm very lonely but too afraid to even dare think about getting into another relationship. 

Besides, what woman wants to look at a man who's body is covered in scars from cigarette burns etc?


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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

>>Registers are only needed because there is a problem<<


So you don't think someone, esp someone with kids, "messing about" behind his (or her) back is a problem ?


>>Tell me MM, is there any regulation / edict / ban in modern society that you think is a bit OTT ? 

I'm guessing not, but you could prove me wrong.<<


You didn't answer this question MM.

Yes I do think being unfaithful while in a relationship is a problem for the people concerned. However, as no criminal law has been broken, you can't really have some kind of register of people that do this.

I'm sure there might be bans / edicts that I think are a bit OTT, but I genuinely can't think of any. In general the UK is quite a 'liberal' society, as compared with others. Religion doesn't play much of a role in censuring / shaming people which is good. Most regulations I can think of are there for a good reason, that is laws relating to Health & Safety. The fact that we don't have many bans / edicts, makes it all the more important that we hold on to the ones we have, not less important

Going back to the thread title the online world is unregulated, and this is why I think national governments are right to try to rein social media companies in with regards to content which is downright dangerous and runs counter to the values which define us as a country.

EDIT: As a smoker I don't personally like the smoking ban. However there are lots of people with asthma, or other health conditions where me smoking would affect them, so I think it's fair that we do have a smoking ban.

Edited by Mister M
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36 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I have has some experience of this TD.

One of my previous girlfriends used to sometimes go on at me so much I literally used to have to run out into the street to get away as it was winding me up so much and I really was losing it. She literally seemed to have no idea how angry I was getting, or if she did it made no difference. On and on and on she used to go, for hours sometimes, on and off for soddin' days. I have spoken to other men about this and I am not on my own in this experience. 

My advice to any man who finds himself with this type of partner, particularly if there are no kids involved, is get out of it, like I did. It will depress you and mess with your brain, there is no way to stop it.

Some partners just do not want to get over a fall out / argument, ever. To me the most important thing in any relationship is not how many fall outs you have, it's how quickly you get over them.

Edited by Chekhov
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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

My advice to any man who finds himself with this type of partner, particularly if there are no kids involved, is get out of it, like I did. It will depress you and mess with your brain, there is no way to stop it.

Some partners just do not want to get over a fall out / argument, ever. To me the most important thing in any relationship is not how many fall outs you have, it's how quickly you get over them.

True. And some a plain spiteful. My ex already had a new life to walk into. It was planned as she'd been having an affair for quite some time. Anyway, the day she left she did it in a blaze of glory. False allegations to the police had me hauled to the police station and questioned. They didn't believe her but had to follow the process. 

When she didn't get me locked up she decided to set the SS on me (my kids chose to stay with me) and the following 2 years was the most painful of my life. Every day I'd be thinking "Is it today that I'll lose me kids?"

The social worker was plain evil. Hated me the minutes she set eyes on me, she got into my daughter's head trying to turn her against me. She was just nasty. She even said in a meeting that I'm a "useless parent and a terrible person who is a danger to the kids".

Still gives me bad anxiety to this day. 

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4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

True. And some a plain spiteful. My ex already had a new life to walk into. It was planned as she'd been having an affair for quite some time. Anyway, the day she left she did it in a blaze of glory. False allegations to the police had me hauled to the police station and questioned. They didn't believe her but had to follow the process. 

When she didn't get me locked up she decided to set the SS on me (my kids chose to stay with me) and the following 2 years was the most painful of my life. Every day I'd be thinking "Is it today that I'll lose me kids?"

The social worker was plain evil. Hated me the minutes she set eyes on me, she got into my daughter's head trying to turn her against me. She was just nasty. She even said in a meeting that I'm a "useless parent and a terrible person who is a danger to the kids".

Still gives me bad anxiety to this day. 

Oh yeah, I've had social workers in the past that were literally about as much use as a chocolate teapot!


I've also seen enough legal dramas on t'telly that have indicated that in the majority of custody cases, they give the kids to the Mum.


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17 minutes ago, XPertByExperien said:

Oh yeah, I've had social workers in the past that were literally about as much use as a chocolate teapot!


I've also seen enough legal dramas on t'telly that have indicated that in the majority of custody cases, they give the kids to the Mum.


I believe this is true. Thankfully my kids were old enough to decide who they wanted to live with 

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