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'Online Misogyny' Set To Be Outlawed

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10 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Ah, I think I might know.

Not sure if it's what you might be driving at (if you are driving at anything at all) so I won't say it. 

I will ask though, do you have an idea/opinion as to why?

It's an interesting one Daddy that's for sure.


I will put my tin hat on though and suggest this..


Maybe it's on the increase because men are fed up of being portrayed as the enemy by a large section of especially younger females.  Men are now seen as expendable as there is always another one that comes along. We are constantly told we are useless and nothing more than preditors, misogynistic and sexist and maybe men are just fed up of it and are fighting back?


Misogyny is the new buzzword but it's being used for anything negative that is said about women, when in fact it means a dislike of women or a prejudice against women.


Maybe men are feeling used, not appreciated for things they have done or do for women and they are just starting to rebel a little?

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6 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

It's an interesting one Daddy that's for sure.


I will put my tin hat on though and suggest this..


Maybe it's on the increase because men are fed up of being portrayed as the enemy by a large section of especially younger females.  Men are now seen as expendable as there is always another one that comes along. We are constantly told we are useless and nothing more than preditors, misogynistic and sexist and maybe men are just fed up of it and are fighting back?


Misogyny is the new buzzword but it's being used for anything negative that is said about women, when in fact it means a dislike of women or a prejudice against women.


Maybe men are feeling used, not appreciated for things they have done or do for women and they are just starting to rebel a little?

There might be something in that.

A few years ago I had to read the school the riot act as one English teacher was teaching the kids about "toxic masculinity " and "toxic men" instead of reading McBeth like she should have been doing.

She also told them numerous times how she was gender fluid, a feminist,etc.

What a berk 🙄

Edited by The_DADDY
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19 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

There might be something in that.

A few years ago I had to read the school the riot act as one English teacher was teaching the kids about "toxic masculinity " and "toxic men" instead of reading McBeth like she should have been doing.

She also told them numerous times how she was gender fluid, a feminist,etc.

What a berk 🙄

" Toxic masculinity '

Aye that's the other new buzzword



Makes me smile when you watch these rabid feminists saying they don't need men.


Whilst standing on roads that men built.

Whilst using the toilets that men installed.

Whilst living and working in buildings that men built.

Whilst watching men go to fight wars to protect their freedoms.


I could go on and on and on.


I honestly think men are starting to fight back.


Edited by Al Bundy
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8 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

" Toxic masculinity '

Aye that's the other new buzzword



Makes me smile when you watch these rabid feminists saying they don't need men.


Whilst standing on roads that men built.

Whilst using the toilets that men installed.

Whilst living and working in buildings that men built.


I could go on and on and on.


I honestly think men are starting to fight back.


Very possibly. I'm just thankful I'm a child of the 70s and my kids are likely never going to have families. I'd hate to bring a child up nowadays 

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12 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Very possibly. I'm just thankful I'm a child of the 70s and my kids are likely never going to have families. I'd hate to bring a child up nowadays 

Me too, knowing my luck any kids that were half mine would end up with my physical and mental health issues.


I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy's kids.


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Just now, XPertByExperien said:

Me too, knowing my luck any kids that were half mine would end up with my physical and mental health issues.


I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy's kids.


That's very sad but I do understand. Kids are an absolute joy but yeah, if you think there's a good chance you'll pass on some of your difficulties to them then not having kids is the kindest thing you can do.

Respect to you for that fella 👍

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4 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

I believe this is true. Thankfully my kids were old enough to decide who they wanted to live with 

When my twins were born me and my ex weren't together. However, i was determined to support her and i wanted to be a dad to the boys. However, she was an ex for a reason i.e. mentally unhinged, but it didn't click with me until it was too late.


All through the pregnancy she'd been saying how she didn't want me involved; they came as a package and if i wanted to be a dad i'd have to get back with her.


I'd stayed with her in the hospital after they were born, sleeping in the chair next to her bed; checking on the boys in ICU and reporting back to ease her worries... even so, she was still talking about how she didn't want me arpund if we weren't going to be a family. I was stressed and exhausted from a lack of sleep and worried about what she was saying, so i went to speak to one of the nurses about my concerns around what she was saying. After i'd vented, i went and sat outside for half an our to get some fresh air.


I go back in to her room... she had a smirk on her face - apparently the nurse had asked her if i'd been domestically abusing her!!! I'd never even raised my voice to her, let alone a hand!!!


And then i attempted to take her to court for joint custody - just to be able to get it to court cost me £100 to attend a mediation session to acquire the correct form, a session she wasn't obliged to attend, so £100 just for a piece of paper. And to hire a solicitor for one court session cost me a months wages at the time - he was useless; just sat there and didn't dispute anything that she accused me of, despite what i'd told him had happened, and i was 'allowed' 2 hours a week of supervised access. I felt like a criminal and all because she couldn't handle that i'd left her.


So, yes, even in the current times of 'equality', it's not that equal in some ways.

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