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'Online Misogyny' Set To Be Outlawed

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4 minutes ago, leviathan13 said:

When my twins were born me and my ex weren't together. However, i was determined to support her and i wanted to be a dad to the boys. However, she was an ex for a reason i.e. mentally unhinged, but it didn't click with me until it was too late.


All through the pregnancy she'd been saying how she didn't want me involved; they came as a package and if i wanted to be a dad i'd have to get back with her.


I'd stayed with her in the hospital after they were born, sleeping in the chair next to her bed; checking on the boys in ICU and reporting back to ease her worries... even so, she was still talking about how she didn't want me arpund if we weren't going to be a family. I was stressed and exhausted from a lack of sleep and worried about what she was saying, so i went to speak to one of the nurses about my concerns around what she was saying. After i'd vented, i went and sat outside for half an our to get some fresh air.


I go back in to her room... she had a smirk on her face - apparently the nurse had asked her if i'd been domestically abusing her!!! I'd never even raised my voice to her, let alone a hand!!!


And then i attempted to take her to court for joint custody - just to be able to get it to court cost me £100 to attend a mediation session to acquire the correct form, a session she wasn't obliged to attend, so £100 just for a piece of paper. And to hire a solicitor for one court session cost me a months wages at the time - he was useless; just sat there and didn't dispute anything that she accused me of, despite what i'd told him had happened, and i was 'allowed' 2 hours a week of supervised access. I felt like a criminal and all because she couldn't handle that i'd left her.


So, yes, even in the current times of 'equality', it's not that equal in some ways.

My god. That's terrible. I'm genuinely heartbroken for you. May I ask, the visits, did they stay at 2 hours supervised or did you get an increase and them unsupervised?

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19 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

True. And some a plain spiteful. My ex already had a new life to walk into. It was planned as she'd been having an affair for quite some time. Anyway, the day she left she did it in a blaze of glory. False allegations to the police had me hauled to the police station and questioned. They didn't believe her but had to follow the process. 

When she didn't get me locked up she decided to set the SS on me (my kids chose to stay with me) and the following 2 years was the most painful of my life. Every day I'd be thinking "Is it today that I'll lose me kids?"

The social worker was plain evil. Hated me the minutes she set eyes on me, she got into my daughter's head trying to turn her against me. She was just nasty. She even said in a meeting that I'm a "useless parent and a terrible person who is a danger to the kids".

Still gives me bad anxiety to this day. 

It sounds an absolute nightmare TD, literally.

It reminds me what I said earlier, in some ways "playing away" is worse than "domestic abuse" (not counting serious assault obviously) as the partner concerned is being deceitful, the scumbags. In a similar way the meaning of Jonathan Swift's  Gulliver's Travels was that fraud and deception was a greater crime than theft. I know what he means.

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19 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Apparently misogyny is on the rise and has been for quite a while. 

Has anyone actually asked why?

I don't believe it is, I just think, in this snowflake world of ours, that the definition of misogyny (and much else.....) has expanded exponentially.

Stuff which even women, I mean well adjusted reasonably self confident women, would have taken as amusing mickey taking is now, apparently, misogyny worthy of the police getting involved.

This should be on the other thread : "we are entering a new Puritanical age (but without the religion)". That said of course, there are certain aspect of life which are now accepted but certainly would not meet the definition of Puritanical, or even moral, abortion of an "inconvenient" child for instance. We are certainly living in a diverging world......

Edited by Chekhov
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15 hours ago, leviathan13 said:

However, she was an ex for a reason i.e. mentally unhinged, but it didn't click with me until it was too late.

You can't say that about a woman, they never do anything to provoke a man. Even hinting at that would be "victim blaming", according to RedNikki anyway.

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22 hours ago, Mister M said:

I'm sure there might be bans / edicts that I think are a bit OTT, but I genuinely can't think of any. In general the UK is quite a 'liberal' society, as compared with others. Religion doesn't play much of a role in censuring / shaming people which is good. Most regulations I can think of are there for a good reason, that is laws relating to Health & Safety. The fact that we don't have many bans / edicts, makes it all the more important that we hold on to the ones we have, not less important

I cannot believe you have said that, I really cannot.

We have loads and a good proportion of them are disproportionate cobblers whose social and financial cost far outweighs their purpose.

Just two off the top of my head : Rental properties requiring full electrical inspections every five years* to banning all parents taking pics of their kids at school functions because theoretically a very small number of kids might get recognised.

The Modern World Is Rubbish has quite a few more on there.....


* cost about a quarter of a Billion pounds a year, and that's just the cost of the inspections, not for any work that is "required". Much of the latter is not really required anyway, fuse boards are perfectly safe and have been for not far off 100 years. I reckon the total cost of every life saved as a result of EICRs must be well over £10 Million pounds each. Which is way over what the NHS would spend to save a life......

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19 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

It's an interesting one Daddy that's for sure.


I will put my tin hat on though and suggest this..


Maybe it's on the increase because men are fed up of being portrayed as the enemy by a large section of especially younger females.  Men are now seen as expendable as there is always another one that comes along. We are constantly told we are useless and nothing more than preditors, misogynistic and sexist and maybe men are just fed up of it and are fighting back?


Misogyny is the new buzzword but it's being used for anything negative that is said about women, when in fact it means a dislike of women or a prejudice against women.


Maybe men are feeling used, not appreciated for things they have done or do for women and they are just starting to rebel a little?

Hi Al,  look around you on the forum,  why do so few women post on the general discussion section,  they are often swamped by males on here,  some egotistical,  although tbf there are the helpful ones to compensate,   I remember when on the previous forum,  there were lots of women posting,    e.g.  rubydazzler,  starsparkle,  plain talker.  and others like lizmobile and mojo - now it's mainly Anna,  Hecate and Annie,   all the women I've mentioned didn't regard men as having toxic masculinity,  they're only objective was to put their point of view without fear or favour.

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48 minutes ago, cressida said:

Hi Al,  look around you on the forum,  why do so few women post on the general discussion section,  they are often swamped by males on here,  some egotistical,  although tbf there are the helpful ones to compensate,   I remember when on the previous forum,  there were lots of women posting,    e.g.  rubydazzler,  starsparkle,  plain talker.  and others like lizmobile and mojo - now it's mainly Anna,  Hecate and Annie,   all the women I've mentioned didn't regard men as having toxic masculinity,  they're only objective was to put their point of view without fear or favour.

PT was one of the older ladies, I used to see her in Town a couple of times, nice lady.


I once met MoJo at the Classic Rock Bar on Eccy Road at an SF meet, despite being loads too old for her even back then, I did think she was nice lol.



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46 minutes ago, XPertByExperien said:

PT was one of the older ladies, I used to see her in Town a couple of times, nice lady.


I once met MoJo at the Classic Rock Bar on Eccy Road at an SF meet, despite being loads too old for her even back then, I did think she was nice lol.



I would have liked to have met them all,  before Starsparkle left she recommended me to follow Anna's posts,  I do understand why now🙂

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54 minutes ago, cressida said:

Hi Al,  look around you on the forum,  why do so few women post on the general discussion section,  they are often swamped by males on here,  some egotistical,  although tbf there are the helpful ones to compensate,   I remember when on the previous forum,  there were lots of women posting,    e.g.  rubydazzler,  starsparkle,  plain talker.  and others like lizmobile and mojo - now it's mainly Anna,  Hecate and Annie,   all the women I've mentioned didn't regard men as having toxic masculinity,  they're only objective was to put their point of view without fear or favour.

Never be put off posting what you want to post, if the subject's interesting or important to you.  Remember though that some folk are here just to troll, and others aren't open to hearing views other than their own, for reasons many and varied.  Others still are just deeply unpleasant and probably best ignored.


If you're interested in this subject, here's a useful book: Men Who Hate Women, by Laura Bates.  You can read some of the introductory chapter at that link. 



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