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'Online Misogyny' Set To Be Outlawed

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3 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Thats quite the admission Tom.





This is the kind of thing I was on about.


Women, especially the younger generation are becoming nastier, hence why imo misogyny is on the rise.

I've just taken a look at your link,  Tanya and Olivia are going to have to make up some ground to stand a chance of winning,  i.e.  choosing guys who are popular with the viewers,  nasty and spiteful behaviour doesn't go down well with the public.

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21 hours ago, cressida said:

Hi Al,  look around you on the forum,  why do so few women post on the general discussion section,  they are often swamped by males on here,  some egotistical,  although tbf there are the helpful ones to compensate,   I remember when on the previous forum,  there were lots of women posting,    e.g.  rubydazzler,  starsparkle,  plain talker.  and others like lizmobile and mojo - now it's mainly Anna,  Hecate and Annie,  all the women I've mentioned didn't regard men as having toxic masculinity,  they're only objective was to put their point of view without fear or favour.

Just from their names how do you even know for sure who is a woman and who is not on here ?

Are you implying women are more sensitive or easily upset than men and isn't that a bit patronising?

If they are more easily upset I think that is because they have been conditioned to expect to be so by all this misogyny exaggeration and "Me Too" stuff.

I have to say, the most anti social comments on this forum are nothing to do with the sex of the poster, they're just general personal attacks and insults on other posters. Ironically, they are almost always from the kind of people who boast about their empathy with others and how people should be kind to each other.......


5 hours ago, Prettytom said:

I see that the misogynists have been drawn to the misogyny thread.

Good work.

How are you defining a misogynist ?


Edited by Chekhov
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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

Just from their names how do you even know for sure who is a woman and who is not on here ?

Are you implying women are more sensitive or easily upset than men and isn't that a bit patronising?

If they are more easily upset I think that is because they have been conditioned to expect to be so by all this misogyny exaggeration and "Me Too" stuff.

I have to say, the most anti social comments on this forum are nothing to do with the sex of the poster, they're just general personal attacks and insults on other posters. Ironically, they are almost always from the kind of people who boast about their empathy with others and how people should be kind to each other.......

I don't really bother about who is what on here,  none of my business,  the women I mentioned above were not likely to be upset easily and if they objected to a post would give as much as they got,  certainly not implying anything,  personal attacks can be reported if seen fit - nothing wrong with having empathy either.

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4 hours ago, cressida said:

I don't really bother about who is what on here,  none of my business,  the women I mentioned above were not likely to be upset easily and if they objected to a post would give as much as they got,  certainly not implying anything,  personal attacks can be reported if seen fit - nothing wrong with having empathy either.

In theory yes, but in practice my experience is that many of those people who flaunt their empathy only actually have empathy for people who think like they do.


>> personal attacks can be reported if seen fit<<


They have to be really bad for me to complain, in fact I cannot remember when I last did so, I like to think I can fight my own battles and am not over sensitive. That said, I'd be the first to admit we are all over sensitive about something or other.

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You are excellent at sticking to your guns,  you have taken on such a lot of people,  but some people cannot do that and need support or an intermediary.  I once read that women in general are more sensitive than their male counterparts - genetically,  not sure how proven it was,  maybe conditioned to be 'manly' from the word go.

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