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2 hours ago, HeHasRisen said:

People trying to defend this are along the lines of "but but but Boy George was doing the exact same thing 40 years ago!"


Go and find me a picture of Boy George done up like a joint of pork ffs.

But but but....

Frankie goes to Hollywood!!!



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Have we really got so prissy these days.  Yes, the image is not for me, but I've certainly seen a lot worse magazine shots.  


Honestly, it's as if the rock and roll revolution and outrageous behaviour never happened.  Music stars have always been using controversial gimmicks and deliberately provocative imaging.


In the 1950s, Elvis thrusting his pelvis caused shrieks amongst the crowd and a media frenzy


In the 60s and 70s, at the height of it all, we had rock stars frequently getting naked on stage, doing the helicopter, throwing themselves into the crowd to be fondled by the masses, performing rude and crude acts as part of their performance.  We had them smashing up hotel rooms, riding motorbikes through corridors, taking part in drug fuelled orgies with queues of teenage girls just waiting to get into their trailers and hotel rooms.


Even later on, Queen performed videos in fishnets and fake boobs and mini skirts, Ozzy bit the head off a bat, George Michael did an entire scene emulating cottaging, Madonna has spent decades wearing wholly inappropriate outfits and getting her bits out every 5 seconds. 


Even the sweeter, more innocent world of manufactured pop music has gone down the same path sometimes.  The spice girls were not ashamed to be doing poses all over the lads mags, the boy bands would default to their cheeky shirtless swimming pool photo shoots or nearly nude poses smothered in baby oil, Little Miss Disney, Miley Cyrus did her whole wrecking ball thing, Britney Spears for god sake dressed up as a school child while singing about being hit one more time...


Sam Smith knows exactly what they are doing. There's a track to sell and what better way to get people talking and get massive publicity with minimal effort. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 hours ago, HumbleNarrator said:

In my old age I've developed a Libetarian stance when it comes to things like this. Within reason, just leave public figures do as they wish - they live and die by their choices and decision making and in the end the "market" will decide the fate of his career; people will vote with their wallets as to whether they like how he's presenting himself or whether he's made an ass of himself.



Sam Smith is totally entitled to do whatever he wants, however adults are in the main mature enough to decide how they want to live, but kids are seeing this and deciding they want to be like him as this trans epidemic is becoming the latest fashion. 

Is it any wonder that mental health issues are soaring amongst the younger generation?

The poor buggers don't know which way to look and rather than being stressed about whether to take French or German, they are stressing about whether they should be a girl or a boy.

It's absolutely moronic that this is being promoted.


It's borderline child abuse.

Edited by Al Bundy
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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:



Sam Smith is totally entitled to do whatever he wants, however adults are in the main mature enough to decide how they want to live, but kids are seeing this and deciding they want to be like him as this trans epidemic is becoming the latest fashion. 

Is it any wonder that mental health issues are soaring amongst the younger generation?

The poor buggers don't know which way to look and rather than being stressed about whether to take French or German, they are stressing about whether they should be a girl or a boy.

It's absolutely moronic that this is being promoted.


It's borderline child abuse.

Arrrgh. Arrrgh. Won't somebody think of the children.  


Get over yourself. From being small toddlers kids will catch sights of big hairy men dressed up in women's clothing and young women with boobies pretending to be boys every time they go and see a pantomime.   


They worship and go running up to hug people in giant animal costumes. Doesn't turn them into bestiality when they get older.


They are growing up in a new era of neutrality. They are developing in a world where not everything for girls is pink and everything for boys is blue. Where it's acceptable that some girls are more than happy to play with toy soldiers and construction sets and some boys like playing with plastic kitchens, sewing crafts and makeup sets.  


They are learning tolerance and not giving a flying fig about constantly categorising people simply by what's between their legs.  Tolerance of people's differences and acceptance that not everyone should have to conform with some set gender stereotype where they're clearly don't want to be.


In my opinion, it's not so much an 'increase' of mental health issues in today society, it's more about the fact that finally people are not ashamed to be talking about it. They are more than prepared to finally get it out there and spread the awareness instead of the stoic Britishness of keeping everything inside and internally having a breakdown and life of closeted misery as if that's something to be proud of.  


Edited by ECCOnoob
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