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Will Sheffield Get This Deep Snow?

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2 hours ago, XPertByExperien said:

I know the NHS are desperate for staff but even they wouldn't employ a cat!



Good morning Mr. X.

Can I just explain for a moment,

Mr. Rogets is a well known and respected Philosopher (Lover of Wisdom) on the Sheffield Forum,

He has a history of well documented quotes, I don't think for one second that he was suggesting that tiddles should be offered a position within the NHS..

He was simply pointing out that us Humans should take a leaf out of tiddles book, which is, Drink your milk and get out there and face the elements...

I woke up this morning, opened the curtains, And what did I see, Not one footprint in the snow, but loads of Paw Prints.

This just Emphasies the fact that Mr. Rogets talks sense...

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18 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

My grandad used to work down the mines 25 hours a day, go home, die, wake up and then do the same shift the day after, all without a meal as they couldnt afford it. Eeeeee by gum!

Ahh the good old days. I bet he could have had rickets too if he'd wanted. Eeeee.

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21 minutes ago, Hecate said:

Rubbish.  I walked to school in the 80s a fair few times in the snow because the 95 couldn't make it up City Road and was called off.  Same for the Little Nipper 10/11 that used to do Pond Street to Sky Edge via twisty turny steep bits. 

I never said busses didn't ever get cancelled, just not as often.

The main road from Sheff to Oughtibridge is pretty flat (and it's been gritted).

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14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:




I considered it, and have walked to Hillsborough from Oughtibridge more than once.

The problem today is that although the road is passable (cars are going past) the pavement is covered in about 5 inches of snow. Walking 3 miles through that is something else altogether, it took long enough to just walk to the top of our road.

Maybe the driver of the 57 bus, lives near to your house.

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Maybe a solution to the buses could be, the driver of the Wisewood bus lives in wisewood and only drives the Wisewood Route only


The driver of the Stocksbridge bus, lives in stocksbridge and only drives the stocksbridge bus


The driver of the woodseats bus lives in Woodseats and only drives the Woodseat bus


Could this be a solution to lack of buses when it snows?

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2 minutes ago, rogets said:

Maybe a solution to the buses could be, the driver of the Wisewood bus lives in wisewood and only drives the Wisewood Route only


The driver of the Stocksbridge bus, lives in stocksbridge and only drives the stocksbridge bus


The driver of the woodseats bus lives in Woodseats and only drives the Woodseat bus


Could this be a solution to lack of buses when it snows?

Only if they took the Buses home with them after work.

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Just now, RollingJ said:

One problem, @rogets - the buses are all at Olive Grove! 🤣

Why not give the Wisewood driver the bus to take home,  then when he wakes up he gets in his bus and does the wisewood route


The problem with society these days is there is a can't do attitude

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I'll never forget that last Christmas that my Nan was alive (December 2015, she died September 2016 of Alzheimer's) and we ended up walking all the way from Wisewood to nearly the top of Stannington.


Damn near killed me that! And I can't walk a long way at the best of times but especially not in that snow.



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Just now, rogets said:

Why not give the Wisewood driver the bus to take home,  then when he wakes up he gets in his bus and does the wisewood route


The problem with society these days is there is a can't do attitude

Where does he park it? - they are quite large - if you haven't noticed, which is possible, knowing you.

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