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Will Sheffield Get This Deep Snow?

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

>>Aah the good old days of buses sliding all over the road. Brings a tear to my eye.<<


In a deeper sense it really does : that modern society is so pathetic, it's getting worse all the time and it will continue to do so.

Sometimes I think a nice silk lined wooden box, not having to put up with any more of this BS, might be quite inviting. 

Wow, and apparently you think it's everyone else who is being pathetic? Chin up, Chekhov.



Just a thought - is it really so much that modern society is 'pathetic' when it comes to weather, or just more the case that modern society has less need to put ourselves through unnecessary hassle?


Schools are closed and kids won't lose out much from missing one day of lessons. Working from home is common - why walk through the snow for 2 hours to the office to do a job I can pretty much do from my dining room? Main roads are still cleared for emergency services.  


Sure, some people can't work from home, still need to go out, and where they do they will use the same resilience people have been using for generations. I've just seen on twitter a doctor who walked from Stocksbridge to the tram this morning because his car was stuck and he had a long shift today. Remember that when they strike soon. Is he pathetic?


As for buses - needlessly sending a bus out on to a slippery hill so that it can do little more than slide back down again is pointless, particularly given the tiny number of people who would be using it today. 


It's a couple of days, and as a society we've come to learn that the world will still be there tomorrow morning, Monday morning etc. We're not pathetic. We're just a bit more sensible.

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14 minutes ago, Padders said:

I don't believe this,

I've been watching my 87 year old neighbor clearing the snow of his drive, It's taken him all morning.....

He's completely left my drive untouched..

How selfish can one get, you would have thought that while he was at it he could have cleared mine...

Tell him to borrow someone else's snow shovel next time and not bother you for yours.

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9 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

Just a thought - is it really so much that modern society is 'pathetic' when it comes to weather, or just more the case that modern society has less need to put ourselves through unnecessary hassle?

No, it is that modern society is pathetic with its extreme risk aversion and expectation nobody is ever going to get injured or killed doing anything no matter how much has to get banned or regulated out of existence, not even if it is their own choice to do the particular activity*. The subject I should not mention on this thread (but it begins with C) was the most extreme example of that, but there are literally 100s of others.


* driving and eating to excess are two of the counter examples, because nobody ever stops people doing either of them, esp the latter. In fact being fat is now verging on being a "lifestyle choice", it'll not be long before it's a "protected characteristic" and nobody can even take the **** out of it or risk being had up by the courts.....

Edited by Chekhov
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Amazing sight of one of my elderly neighbours clearing the road of snow, now that is public spirited, I watched the old fella for the last 2 hours shovelling snow away


Bravo that man, that is the difference between the older generation and todays generation, he is 67 years old and I reckon fought in both world wars.


While it is public spirited, nobody on our street is going to work so possibly a pointless exercise, especially given the snow will have melted away tomorrow no doubt


But this is a fine example of previous generations who would have been prepared to show a bit of backbone and shovel away the snow and society to get on, the can do attitude modern britain is sadly lacking

Edited by rogets
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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

No, it is that modern society is pathetic with its extreme risk aversion and expectation nobody is ever going to get injured or killed doing anything no matter how much has to get banned or regulated out of existence, not if it is their own choose to do the particular activity*. The subject I should not mention on this thread (but it begins with C) was the most extreme example of that, but there are 100s of others.


* driving and eating to excess are two of the counter examples, because nobody ever stops people doing either of them, esp the latter. In fact being fact being fact is now verging on being a "lifestyle choice", it'll not be ling before it's a "protected characteristic" and nobody can take the **** out of it or risk being had up by the courts.....

Chekhov make it so.

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17 minutes ago, Padders said:

I don't believe this,

I've been watching my 87 year old neighbor clearing the snow of his drive, It's taken him all morning.....

He's completely left my drive untouched..

How selfish can one get, you would have thought that while he was at it he could have cleared mine...

Oh dear! :(

He's probably feeling very lonely with no-one to help him.

Why not do the neighbourly thing, and when he nips in for a cuppa, pop out and build him a nice big snowman on his drive using the snow from your drive?

I'm sure he'd appreciate your generosity and it would give him someone to talk to while he works! :thumbsup:

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