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Will Sheffield Get This Deep Snow?

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As a 58 year old who fought in 2 word wars in the last century, I've never seen hysteria like it 


I can remember as a lad the snow was above our rooftops and we still managed to get to school or work 


Life didn't stop in those days, and let me tell you winters in those days lasted for 10 months of the year


Not just one snowy day in March 


6 inches, woeful


I'd expect at least 12 inches

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3 minutes ago, rogets said:

As a 58 year old who fought in 2 word wars in the last century, I've never seen hysteria like it 


I can remember as a lad the snow was above our rooftops and we still managed to get to school or work 


Life didn't stop in those days, and let me tell you winters in those days lasted for 10 months of the year


Not just one snowy day in March 


6 inches, woeful


I'd expect at least 12 inches

Good post Mr. Rogets, well written and thought out....

Back then the sledging season started in late October and lasted well into April.

The milkman was always on time, and the postman never missed a delivery...even the Ragman still managed his rounds.

I used to walk the 7 miles to school with the snow covering the top of my Wellies, even our teacher who was Scottish, made a daily commute from Glasgow to Sheffield was never late..

A dusting of snow these days, and everything grinds to a halt..

Our generation used to knuckle down down and gerron we it..

There's one old fella on the Forum kicks up a stink about his missing Grit Bin, can you imagine that in our day, 

We used to chuck the ashes from the coal fire on the pavement, 

Young uns today don't know their born.....

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Walking back from the shop earlier , I saw two young lads clearing snow off peoples paths then clearing snow from around park cars, so I went over to them and gave em a fiver each,  just think that all the other things the pair coild be doing on s Sat morning, WELL DONE LADS. :thumbsup:

1 minute ago, XPertByExperien said:

With posts like that, he wonders why he's on my ignore list? :loopy: 



I'll ignore that remark,   look! You've got me doing it now. :gag:

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