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Looking For Dawn Saxton

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hi ive just joined your forum ,i am looking for a girl i used to know over 40 years ago,  i know its a long shot but worth a try , her name was dawn saxton  i dont know what part of sheffield she came from just that she came from sheffield , she will be in her late 50s now , she spent a few months on the isle of man in 1981-1982 , im trying to tie up some loose ends in my life before its too late and dawn was a massive part of my life for a while , if any one knows or knew dawn i would love to hear from them please , i never got to say goodbye and it would be great if i could  before its too late , thank you.

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hi thanks for that info , sorry i dont know what dawns parents were called , is your mum still around ? if she is maybe you could ask her if she was on the isle of man back in the late summer 1981 through to early summer 1982 , it was a roller coaster of a life for both of us and i really would love to get to say goodbye before its too late , im not looking to rake up anything from 40 odd years ago when we were both just teenagers i just really need to be able to close a chapter in my life , thank you for taking an interest in my story , kind regards johnny. 

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