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Sheffield Becoming A 15 Minute City

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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

So the plant pots etc are not the governments idea but the councils. Well, at least we know who to blame.

School entrance clearway markings are no good at all when they are not  being enforced by "vehicle mounted automatic cameras" as you state"

I walk past 2 schools (sometimes 3) almost every day and have never seen any patrols, enforcement vehicles or anything else.

The council said, and it was reported in The Star, that they were going to stop all parking NEAR SCHOOLS, not just at the gate.

This never happened  and saying that is not a lie.

Perhaps you will let us know how many people those imaginary enforcement vehicles have pulled and what kind of enforcement has actually taken place.

You probably don’t notice the camera vehicle. That’s the idea. It drives past, records whoever is contravening the restriction and they get a parking ticket in the post. 

The council are out daily using the camera vehicle and enforcing around schools. There are over 170 schools in the city, they can only deal with a few each day during drop off / pickup times so the amount of attention any school gets will be occasional and they deal with the ones where problems are being reported as a priority.


Do you believe everything you see in the super soaraway Star? I don’t believe there’s ever been an intention to ban parking in the vicinity  of all schools. Some of them have specific restrictions where needed.


I’m sure parking services will be happy to tell you how many tickets they issue at school entrances or any other location if you ask them.

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12 hours ago, top4718 said:

Protest in Sheffield against the CAZ on Saturday at 12noon outside the City Hall, if you care about your childrens and grandchildrens future attend and make your presence felt, this needs stopping before it starts.

I think if people care about the health of their children and grandchildren, the CAZ should be supported. 


11 hours ago, wendyG said:

Protest against  CAZ tax and 15 min cities this Sat 25th Feb, Pinstone st, 12pm, if you .care about your city and freedom be there.

I'm still not sure why a 15min city is such a bad thing. To me, I think it sounds great. 

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1 minute ago, S35_2o21 said:



I'm still not sure why a 15min city is such a bad thing. To me, I think it sounds great. 

Because morons out there believe it means you are trapped in a certain area of a city for all eternity, myths perpetuated by Katie Hopkins and her ilk.


Leave the morons to it.

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12 hours ago, top4718 said:

Protest in Sheffield against the CAZ on Saturday at 12noon outside the City Hall, if you care about your childrens and grandchildrens future attend and make your presence felt, this needs stopping before it starts.

I'm not sure you can legally stop the protest before it starts.

You're quite right though that if  you care about your children's and grandchildren's future attend any counter protest and make your views known to the conspiracy nut jobs that they do not represent the majority.

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30 minutes ago, S35_2o21 said:

I think if people care about the health of their children and grandchildren, the CAZ should be supported. 


I'm still not sure why a 15min city is such a bad thing. To me, I think it sounds great. 

To line 1 - I agree

To line 2 - on it's own, it is not a bad thing.

General feeling is that the CAZ and the 15 minute city scheme will be linked together with zones and roads you cannot enter without a pass.

Another worry is, the idea is to stop using your car and walk or cycle instead.

When they have got everyone penned in their zone, will you be able to access everything you need.

There are many things I cannot access within 15 minutes walk of my home and many people will find the same.


Trying to re-create the situation as it was 70 years ago is fine and I would love that but the facilities we had then have gone - closed, demolished, etc so are they going to rebuild everything.

Most people used to have access to almost everything in the old days but not any more.


The idea is to gradually stop us using our cars but the council will still have car parking spaces for themselves and they will be able to go through zones without passes.

If you like it, that's fine.  everyone will have their own ideas but, once restrictions and cameras are in place, it will be too late to complain.

They will not give a public assurance regarding changes to the schemes.  Just a   "there are no plans at this time"   like the government does just before elections when they tell you taxes won't go up.




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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

<snip> the council will still have car parking spaces for themselves and they will be able to go through zones without passes


What is this "the council" of what you speak? Do you mean elected members, council officers or contracted workers?

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