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Sheffield Becoming A 15 Minute City

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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

My location is not unsustainable. I live on an ordinary housing estate which is fine, until you talk about Zones and 15 minute cites and passes to move from 1 zone to the next.

In other words, without the council and people like you who enjoy laying down the law, everything is fine and will stay that way if you and the council mind their own business and leave us alone.

Well it was you loudly proclaiming that no facilities of note were within 15 minutes walk of where you live. Some folk might consider that to be not very sustainable.

Who is it you think is talking about implementing zoning and restricting people’s ability to pass from one zone to another? 

The only people I’ve seen suggesting that this is going to happen are conspiracy theorists. No one in authority has suggested this anywhere to my knowledge. Again, exactly who is it you say is proposing that these things are going to happen?

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12 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Looks like the challenge will not be taken up by you then, obviously because that would prove that you don't know what you are talking about.

It's probably a safe bet to assume also that you couldn't walk for 15 minutes yourself, and just like to talk about us doing it.

Another safe bet is that you don't want to meet anyone to discuss it either because you only feel safe when hiding behind a keyboard and playing the big shot.

I did offer you 3 challenges to prove me wrong and, to show what you're made of  but all you have proved is that you can spout a lot of hot air.

Why would I want to take up your  nonsense “challenge”.  ( PS. You seem to be ignoring the challenges I set you) 


I have never ever suggested that you personally or any other specific individual lives within 15 mins walk of the facilities you have mentioned.


What I have said is that people who live within 15 mins walk or cycle of the city centre or a district centre would probably qualify as living in a 15 min city. I’d think the majority of people in the city are in that category. 

Meeting you won’t change the distance you live from the facilities. It is what it is. If you’re happy with it, good for you. 

You don’t know me so how do you feel able to comment how fit I am?


As it happens, I walked the 6 mile round trip to the city centre twice last week. Yesterday I cycled 35 miles climbing 4000 feet. Most people who know me consider me very fit for my age. I can easily cycle to the town centre in 15 mins. I don’t expect everyone else to be able to do what I can do in terms of walking, running and cycling. By the way I own 2 cars and enjoy driving them as much as the next person, so  don’t think I am some anti-car type either. 



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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Which cities are having these things forced on them?


The only one I know is Oxford and they are installing a handful of what are essentially camera enforced bus gates to reduce through traffic on one route. They are giving local residents permits that allow them to go through the restrictions on that route. There’s no suggestion whatsoever that people would need a permit to leave their area by car.  According to the report I read the route that is being treated is going to be closed for a full year before the filters/bus gates come into use. So locals will have been using the alternatives anyway. 

Newham in London got a £20m grant for a project that was badged as 15 minute cities but it looks to be more about regenerating a couple of district centres. Again, no suggestion of restrictions in movement whatsoever that I can see. 


The mayor of Paris had 15 minute cities in their election manifesto and was elected to office, so you can hardly say they are forcing anything on people. I’ve seen nothing about any progress on implementation and again, no suggestions of people not being able to leave their areas. 

So exactly where do you think that proposals to restrict people’s ability to leave their area are being “forced” on anyone?

What is your proposed alternative if you don’t trust the politicians you elect and the professionals who get paid by them to decide what gets built where and plan the highway network?




They are trialling that in places other than Oxford and you know that various trials  are taking place across the country.

I accept bus gates and the fact that there are cameras to stop abuse of them.


We DO NOT want a pass of any kind to go anywhere at all.

The time scale involved makes no difference whatsoever.  You are not taking away our freedoms slowly or quickly.

Paris has absolutely nothing to do with Sheffield.  I have never been abroad and,  I am not interested in their traffic measures or lifestyle.

We can go where we please at the moment. telling us that we may have to pay or use a pass, is taking away our freedom and forcing new measures on us.

Yes,  I would accept anarchy if the alternative were to be made a slave  in my own country.



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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Well it was you loudly proclaiming that no facilities of note were within 15 minutes walk of where you live. Some folk might consider that to be not very sustainable.

Who is it you think is talking about implementing zoning and restricting people’s ability to pass from one zone to another? 

The only people I’ve seen suggesting that this is going to happen are conspiracy theorists. No one in authority has suggested this anywhere to my knowledge. Again, exactly who is it you say is proposing that these things are going to happen?

I DID NOT SAY that we had no facilities of note within 15 minutes walk.  I said that some facilities which could be considered essential are missing.

We have coped fine with this situation but, that is because we have not had the council telling us where we can and cannot go and that's the way it's going to stay.



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1 hour ago, Planner1 said:

Why would I want to take up your  nonsense “challenge”.  ( PS. You seem to be ignoring the challenges I set you) 


I have never ever suggested that you personally or any other specific individual lives within 15 mins walk of the facilities you have mentioned.


What I have said is that people who live within 15 mins walk or cycle of the city centre or a district centre would probably qualify as living in a 15 min city. I’d think the majority of people in the city are in that category. 

Meeting you won’t change the distance you live from the facilities. It is what it is. If you’re happy with it, good for you. 

You don’t know me so how do you feel able to comment how fit I am?


As it happens, I walked the 6 mile round trip to the city centre twice last week. Yesterday I cycled 35 miles climbing 4000 feet. Most people who know me consider me very fit for my age. I can easily cycle to the town centre in 15 mins. I don’t expect everyone else to be able to do what I can do in terms of walking, running and cycling. By the way I own 2 cars and enjoy driving them as much as the next person, so  don’t think I am some anti-car type either. 



So, you finally accept that you were wrong and that many of us DO NOT have the facilities within 15 minutes walk AND WE CANNOT CYCLE TO TOWN IN 15 MINUTES.

You could not possibly have all of Sheffield in 15 minute zones and that is all I was trying to prove

The challenge was to enable you to prove to me that I was wrong. but you will not take part, because it will prove that YOU WERE WRONG.

I don't need to know how fit you are.  I am adamant that, however fit,  you cannot cycle from my home to town in 15 minutes and remember that wherever you go,  involves a return jouney too so 30 minutes?

What a laugh. you talk out of your rear end.



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24 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

So, you finally accept that you were wrong ... ... ... AND WE CANNOT CYCLE TO TOWN IN 15 MINUTES.

i live about as far south in Sheffield as is possible.


and i do exactly that every day - there are even some people cycling past me  - i'm really not fast!


(it's 20mins on the way home, but it is uphill)

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1 minute ago, ads36 said:

i live about as far south in Sheffield as is possible.


and i do exactly that every day.


(it's 20mins on the way home, but it is uphill)

Quite simply 20 minutes IS NOT 15 minutes so that's a fail.

You could not do it from where I live so that's ANOTHER FAIL


There are places all over Sheffield where you could not cycle to town in 15 minutes and, remember the homeward journey has to be achieved in 15 minutes too..

Freewheeling down hills merchants will always think they are better than they are.  Give it a rest, that's 2 of you talking through your rear now.

I have cycled, swam and run for donkey's years and I know what is and isn't possible in Sheffield.


Lastly,  If you live as far south as possible, then I don't believe you anyway.

Not only do I know about fitness, I know not to be taken in by conmen too.




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To add to all this stupidity, It sounds like your ideas of a 15 minute city might just work if it was stipulated that every citizen must be an Olympic standard athlete.

Moreover, no pensioners, disabled or little toddlers would be allowed to live in Sheffield because they wouldn't be able to meet the 15 minute times.




Sorry,  that makes too much sense for you doesn't it?

9 minutes ago, ads36 said:

it's only 4miles, that's only 12mph - a leisurely pace!

It's further than 4 miles from the furthest south of our city to the city centre (Town Hall)

I still don't believe you unless you do it at 3 am on Sunday morning when the roads are empty.

You are just talking rubbish.

Remember,  we are talking about the general population achieving this 15 minute lark,  not Bradley Wiggins.

You do give me a laugh though. thanks





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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:


The Oxford scheme doesn't prevent you from driving to an area without a pass. It might encourage you to use the ring road to get there but it doesn't prevent you from driving there without a pass.


Making exaggerated (i.e. inaccurate) claims about something in an attempt to boost your argument undermines it rather than enhances it.

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