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Sheffield Becoming A 15 Minute City

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6 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Now when you say "inside point of view" Mr Mel...
... what you really mean is someone who has a vested interest in making all these changes.

Think about it...
... without continually coming up with these changes they'd have little purpose in life and would be out of a job! :roll:

Same as any public pronouncements from the council are always couched in language which give a patently unpopular scheme a nice rosy glow, that makes it out to be helpful and for the betterment of the general population, when it is clearly anything but.  

8 minutes ago, melthebell said:

NO, what i mean is how places like sheffield are planned and what small things go into such things, rather than one large over arching conspiracy to drag us kicking and screaming into an orwellian nightmare...is it just a traffic calming measure, or a bus gate here and there


sense NOT project fear, to paraphrase from the brexit debates of yore

Have you looked at Sheffield lately, to see how it has declined, thanks largely to gross mismanagemment by the council?

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Same as any public pronouncements from the council are always couched in language which give a patently unpopular scheme a nice rosy glow, that makes it out to be helpful and for the betterment of the general population, when it is clearly anything but.  

Have you looked at Sheffield lately, to see how it has declined, thanks largely to gross mismanagemment by the council?

thats completely different to an Orwellian conspiracy theory, i hope you can tell the difference

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12 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Have you looked at Sheffield lately, to see how it has declined, thanks largely to gross mismanagemment by the council?

i first came to Sheffield in the mid-90s.


In the ~30 years since that i've known it, Sheffield has improved dramatically.


lots more to do of course, and there always will be.

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27 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Same as any public pronouncements from the council are always couched in language which give a patently unpopular scheme a nice rosy glow, that makes it out to be helpful and for the betterment of the general population, when it is clearly anything but.  

Council ( or any other organisation or business) puts out positive media content about the things they are doing. Shock.


Do you seriously expect any organisation to do anything else? And can you give any examples?

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27 minutes ago, ads36 said:

i first came to Sheffield in the mid-90s.


In the ~30 years since that i've known it, Sheffield has improved dramatically.


lots more to do of course, and there always will be.

Hmmm... :huh:

Well of course your perception of Sheffield is that it's improved over the last 30 years...
... when in reality, it's really your quality of life that's improved!

My perception is that you came to Sheffield as a uni student, worked hard to get your qualifications, did a bit of 'research' to get a higher degree, obtained a position as a uni staff member (with possible links to town planning), but likely have never set foot outside in the real world.

One of our perceptions is probably wrong...
... I wonder whose it is? :hihi:

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4 hours ago, Planner1 said:

I come on here to provide an “informed” view on why and how things happen. I understand how the council works and the way in which they do things from personal experience and I think that adds value to debates. 

When I don’t agree with something, I say so. One example is signs and roadmarkings only 20mph zones, which, as I’ve said many times, don’t deliver any tangible benefit in terms of safety improvements, but politicians continue to approve them because they are relatively inexpensive and it allows them to say, you asked, we listened, we acted. Personally, I don’t think they are a good use of public money, but I can see why politicians want to put them in.


The 15 minute neighbourhoods debate appears to be happening because some people are ( incorrectly in my view) linking several different types of schemes that local authorities are promoting ( 15 minute neighbourhoods, low traffic neighbourhoods etc) and concluding that they are the thin end of the wedge in terms of a national ( or even global) plan to restrict people’s freedom of movement.


People cite the Oxford scheme as an example, but that is just half a dozen bus gates designed to keep through traffic out of an area. Locals in Oxford and Oxfordshire get a limited number of permits that allow them through the bus gates ( which they call traffic filters). 

Some people are seeing this as the start of an assault on freedom of movement and say it will end up with people not being able to travel outside their neighbourhood.


They say that this is linked to efforts to meet carbon reduction targets, which central government and local councils have signed up to and quite rightly point out that these targets won’t be met without significant changes to how we currently travel.



That is what I was saying right at the beginning.

First class, cheap and reliable transport is a must if you want people to  get out of their cars.

I don't believe we will ever get that because councils only ever see cuts but waste money on the wrong things anyway.

Government will do nothing for anyone outside of London.


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2 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Now when you say "inside point of view" Mr Mel...
... what you really mean is someone who has a vested interest in making all these changes.

Think about it...
... without continually coming up with these changes they'd have little purpose in life and would be out of a job! :roll:

I'd also like to add, dont you think these right wing "conspiracy theorists" such as Katie Hopkins etc, maybe creating or jumping on the latest uproar bandwagon for a similar purpose, to make money, stay relevant, for a job?

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1 minute ago, melthebell said:

I'd also like to add, dont you think these right wing "conspiracy theorists" such as Katie Hopkins etc, maybe creating or jumping on the latest uproar bandwagon for a similar purpose, to make money, stay relevant, for a job?

Even if she didn't have a column in the DM, Katie Hopkins would still be considered a numpty by most people.


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1 hour ago, ads36 said:

i first came to Sheffield in the mid-90s.


In the ~30 years since that i've known it, Sheffield has improved dramatically.


lots more to do of course, and there always will be.

You have only been here 5 minutes then and it makes me wonder what has changed so dramatically for the better.

Unless you like tattoos, betting shops, burgers, pound shops and charity shops, it's hard to think what we have more of.

I have lived in this, once great city, for 83 years and I think it's gone to the dogs.

All the people I know, agree with me on this.

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