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Sheffield Becoming A 15 Minute City

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It's never going to be implemented satisfactorily, it would simply cost too much.


It's 'care in the community' all over again - a great idea, with good intentions - 'yes let's shut Middlewood Hospital, and we will build lovely small bespoke facilities all around the city, where the patients can live happily with live-in carers...' 


Well they got as far as knocking down Middlewood, and a few 'bespoke facilities were built and then the money ran out, so we now have No Middlewood Hospital, No care in the |Community, a lot of mentally ill people on the streets homeless, (and some in care homes costing £1,000 a month which has to be paid by the family, and which are totally inadequate for dealing with people with mental illnesses.) 


So be careful what you wish for. Most 15 minute zones will not have all the facilities you need, they are unaffordable. It will be just another half implemented scheme, that's worse than what we have now, with road closures and penalties which net the Council £millions in fines etc. (How long before you have to pay per mile outside 'your' zone?) That's your money they're taking and it won't be cheap, but you can bet your bottom dollar that Council Tax will continue rise for less and less.

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11 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

They are selling an idea that having things near your home, and not having to get into a car and drive is a good thing, which I would argue is a good thing. Would you disagree, and prefer to drive everywhere?

I've asked numerous times and not had an answer, the 15 minute plans are going ahead so when are they going to start on all the amenities that are going to be close at hand.


I'd prefer to have the freedom of choice that I have now thanks.

5 hours ago, Planner1 said:

There is no such thing as a 15 minute zone.


If you think that is incorrect, please point one out.

For about the 3rd time of asking, is the promotional information backed by some large Sheffield organisations including Universities and the Council promoting false information - yes or no?

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19 hours ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Well IF that's what people REALLY want...
... why haven't they already moved to live in the middle of town?


The truth is that most people want to get away from the area where they work.


And when you say "THEY", I assume you're refering to those people who obviously have an interest in coming up with these "good ideas" as it keeps them in a job? :roll:

Because living in the middle of town is nothing like living in a residential area with local shops, local outdoor parks and spaces that children can play in and ride their bikes to, local community centres, local doctors, which is my understanding of the the idea. 


Not sure I've seen working locally as a part of the idea. May work for some, if you worked in say a professional office, solicitor or accountants, I imagine living near work and walking to.the office would be far nicer than a commuting slog. But people change jobs much more often than they move house so doesn't seem like a practical aspiration for many.

8 hours ago, top4718 said:

I've asked numerous times and not had an answer, the 15 minute plans are going ahead so when are they going to start on all the amenities that are going to be close at hand.


I'd prefer to have the freedom of choice that I have now thanks.

For about the 3rd time of asking, is the promotional information backed by some large Sheffield organisations including Universities and the Council promoting false information - yes or no?

And you still will 

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