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Is Racism To White People Even Possible?

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44 minutes ago, XPertByExperien said:

More nonsense rage from the left about a total non-issue, if the issue was the other way round and all the winners were black, it'd be the right that would be shouting from the rooftops! :loopy: 


Would they though? 

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On 20/02/2023 at 10:33, makapaka said:

It doesn’t say “only Black Lives Matter”.


if it did I would agree with you. 

All I know is that I would not feel comfortable with saying "White lives matter", because as far as I'm concerned it would feel like an insult to black people.

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Anecdote Alert!


My favorite restaurant bar half a block from where live, was bought by a Haitian family, who  left Haiti years ago, for the States. They got into business there, and did very well (can you say Mazarati? :)


They came to DR a year or so, invested in this place and spent most of the last year, completely renovating and updating the place. They kept open for the most part so I got to see the hard work and money they put into it. They employ both Haitian and Dominican staff.


One of the older sisters comes down from New York, to help out in the kitchen now and then, and she is known for her cooking. We've become friends and can sit a jaw for hours. Day before yesterday, she overheard one Dominican server calling over to her friend to catch her attention "Morena" (late edit from Moreno) she called, as usual.  My Sra friend said excuse me, got up and went over to talk to her. She came back and said she didn't want anybody in their bar to use that kind of language.


I told her it was how they talk to each other, even customers, and nobody finds it offensive, here. (which gave me thought to post my comments on that subject here yesterday).


Well she went on to tell me how referring to people by the color of their skin was very offensive in New York, where she comes from.


That got us in a full blown discussion of racism in America, and how their lives are affected by it every day. Their kids, themselves, (and how her younger brother had to trade in the Mazarati to something less conspicuous, because the cops were forever pulling him over. Just going through the airport was challenging sometimes.


Some chilling stories about their everyday lives.


We know enough about each other to know neither of us is racist, so we mostly agreed on the state of things.


Then another friend I mentioned here, a black DC lawyer (and Biden lover) joined the conversation. I told them that I was for Obama the first time, but not the second time, as he never reminded his voters that he had been elected to the biggest job in the World, in a so called racist society.


They actually reluctantly agreed with me, saying that Obama wasn't really black (white mother), and neither is the "dumbass" (their words) Kamala Harris, We all agreed that a genuine black American President might be needed to really solve the problem. Although we would probably disagree on which one :)


We finished up on a good note, and when I left, I said, OK, you guys are doing well financially, so I m gonna let you two figure out how much in reparations I owe you!


Which broke them up, and why we remain good friends!


Plain talk and real life, real people, not MSM headlines, and not (anti) social media, is where truth lies, and certainly not on anonymous trolling board couch potatoes.


Peace and love, y'all!


(Next up a discussion on black on black crime, but it may have to wait a while as she goes back to the States to day to take care of family matters.)

Edited by trastrick
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Any group of people can be racist. When I was younger in the 60s my mum was taking me and my younger brother to the clinic we passed a young black girl about 3 years old. When mum said hello to her she replied **** of white trash. This little girl didn’t know what she was   Talking about but she must have heard it from her parents. So yes black people can be racist to whites.

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