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Is Racism To White People Even Possible?

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Discrimination in ones life's personal choices can indeed be a positive, Choice of personal habits, hygiene, behavior, choice of partners, friends, choice of food, et al.


History shows tribalism can be can be as abhorrent, and far more deadly, than racism (negative discrimination based on skin color), when one's tribe assumes it has the "moral" right to enforce it's "values" on the rest of the World, by force, if necessary.


Colonialism, communism, fascism, Third Reichs, New Liberal World Orders, Regime Change, and Religion.


All have been, and still are, are the primary causes of war.


Wars, based on skin color, not so much.






There haven't been many wars based on misogyny, paedophilia or cannibalism either.


We're talking about racism though. The big difference between tribalism and racism is that (as others have said) tribalism focuses on the needs/interests of the tribe, whereas racism focuses and projects upon the skin colour/ethnicity of others.

Although racism can occur within tribalism, it is not interchangeable with tribalism, they are not the same thing.

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1 hour ago, RootsBooster said:

There haven't been many wars based on misogyny, paedophilia or cannibalism either.


We're talking about racism though. The big difference between tribalism and racism is that (as others have said) tribalism focuses on the needs/interests of the tribe, whereas racism focuses and projects upon the skin colour/ethnicity of others.

Although racism can occur within tribalism, it is not interchangeable with tribalism, they are not the same thing.

I think we are in agreement there!


My point is that racism on not the existential threat to society that white on white, black on black, brown on brown, yellow on yellow  endless wars are.


My experience in the U.K, other parts of Europe, Canada and the U.S. is that ethnic groups blend in well with the average citizen in all spheres of society, workplace, business, arts, culture, sports et al, and are NOT racially harassed and persecuted,  as the racial pimps, and charleton politician make it out to be, starting from a very early age in schools.


In the U.S. a majority white population elected a  dark skinned President twice. His wife consistently makes the "most admired woman list" We have a dark skinned woman one heartbeat away from becoming President, Oprah is the most influential and richest woman in the U.S. And all came from relatively modest backgrounds.


If you have diverse multicultural and friends and associates you would know this!


I submit that people who only see sectors of society through skin color, and insist they should be treated differently, are the real racists.

Edited by trastrick
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