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We Are Entering A New Puritanical Age (But Without The Religion)

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3 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I really do believe that people these days, esp minorities (although women aren't actually a minority anyway ! ) are being conditioned to look for upset. If it were not for "Me Too" and all that cobblers I am willing to bet that girl / woman would not have been upset by it, not to any significant degree anyway. She'd have just moved his hand and said "forget it, that's one step too far (tonight at any rate.....), it's not happening".

But now, she thinks shes fighting for women's justice. Listen love, you're not Emily Pankhurst, you're a girl who has had a misunderstanding with a lad, why were you snogging him anyway ? It's something and nothing, get over it......

It's happened a lot of times that a lad "goes there" with a girl, 2 minutes later, she cries "rape" to anyone who'll listen!


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2 minutes ago, lovelace said:

I hope parents nowadays sit down with their young teenagers,  preferably boys and girls together so they can hear each others' point of view, and talk about why it's not alright to give out mixed messages.   It's not O.K. to lead somebody on then make a drama out of it.       Girls are being encouraged to see themselves as victims,  instead of equal participants in the game.      They both need to respect the opposite sex & understand that it's best to be clear about what's acceptable.

Let them join in with their opinions & experiences, then they'll all go away with something to think about & hopefully a new understanding  of each other.


That's all lovely, and you are quite right. 


But IMO the standard of parenting has gone down with the pressure of both in full time work just to put bread on the table.

And trying to get kids off their phones and computers is a job in itself.


I would say to all new parents - It's no good expecting teens to start listening to you, unless they know they will be heard too, and respected as much as you expect them to listen and respect you, and that process starts in infancy.  With Family time,  being a good role model, setting good examples, fair rules and discipline, and of course love, you can achieve an awful lot, but it's a full time job and it's difficult. So start young. Give them as much of your time as you can, talk about things, and introduce them to the world.  

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16 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I really do believe that people these days, esp minorities (although women aren't actually a minority anyway ! ) are being conditioned to look for upset. If it were not for "Me Too" and all that cobblers I am willing to bet that girl / woman would not have been upset by it, not to any significant degree anyway. She'd have just moved his hand and said "forget it, that's one step too far (tonight at any rate.....), it's not happening".

But now, she thinks shes fighting for women's justice. Listen love, you're not Emily Pankhurst, you're a girl who has had a misunderstanding with a lad, why were you snogging him anyway ? It's something and nothing, get over it......

I'm sure a lot of this is down to mainstream 24 hour rolling news too.

They've got to fill the airwaves with something, and stuff which would never even have made it onto the media in the old days,

now assumes a prominence it doesn't deserve.


Back in the day women also learnt how to handle men, and men learnt to respect them too. But how often do we see this normal behaviour reflected in the media. 

Edited by Anna B
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2 minutes ago, lovelace said:

Absolutely agree.     I was brought up that way & brought my three up the same.     There is a lot more pressure on parents these days & I don't envy them.

Parenting is the best job anyone could have.

But yeah, its very difficult especially when you do it alone. Both my kids are on the spectrum, both have developmental delay, both have other special needs too, one has complex physical needs too. Neither is likely to move out and be independent which is very sad for them but that's the hand they have been dealt. That's life.

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11 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Parenting is the best job anyone could have.

But yeah, its very difficult especially when you do it alone. Both my kids are on the spectrum, both have developmental delay, both have other special needs too, one has complex physical needs too. Neither is likely to move out and be independent which is very sad for them but that's the hand they have been dealt. That's life.

I moved out when I was 30 (which will be 17 years in August) to where I live now.


In 2006 it was supposed to be "supported living", and in 2011 they disbanded what was originally the "Cluster" project due to lack of funding, and nowadays we get almost no contact from SYHA staff unless they want something.




Edited by XPertByExperien
More detail and a small rant
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20 minutes ago, XPertByExperien said:

I moved out when I was 30 (which will be 17 years in August) to where I live now.


In 2006 it was supposed to be "supported living", and in 2011 they disbanded what was originally the "Cluster" project due to lack of funding, and nowadays we get almost no contact from SYHA staff unless they want something.




Mmmm. That slipped through under the Radar didn't it? 

Care in the Community? Forget it.

And it's the tip of the iceberg. 


What the Tory party has done to the disabled and disadvantaged in this country is a national disgrace.

Edited by Anna B
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2 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Mmmm. That slipped through under the Radar didn't it? 

And it's the tip of the iceberg. Care in the Community? Forget it.


What the Tory party has done to the disabled and disadvantaged in this country is a national disgrace.

Indeed, the care sector in general's been in recruitment turmoil since forever, mainly because no qualfied carer wants to work LONG hours for pennies more than minimum wage, so the care companies will literally employ anyone that can pass a basic DBS disclosure, especially if they have a car and Business insurance to use said vehicle in a professional capacity, however most don't have Business insurance or even a car but they get the job anyway because as mentioned, the care companies are so short staffed they'll employ anyone with a pulse that can pass a basic DBS disclosure.



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