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We Are Entering A New Puritanical Age (But Without The Religion)

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

I'll take that as a yes then.

I don't think most people would agree with you, I certainly don't.

I feel on firmer ground commenting on the reaction of a boy than a girl : as far as I'm concerned any boy, who claimed sexual assault because a girl groped his butt during a snog, is pathetic.


And I'll put you down as one supportive of the idea of ny congress with out sober written consent shall I ?

Its passion killing effect should more or less guarantee a reduction in the birth rate, which should at least please the Nett Zero zealots.

You do a nice line in ascribing false views to those that you disagree with. You’re an habitual liar and a very mediocre troll.


Put me down as anything you like, I couldn’t care less.


I’m disappointed that you didn’t squeak covid into your latest farrago of lies. You should try harder.



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48 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

You do a nice line in ascribing false views to those that you disagree with. You’re an habitual liar and a very mediocre troll.

Put me down as anything you like, I couldn’t care less.

I’m disappointed that you didn’t squeak covid into your latest farrago of lies. You should try harder.

If you are going to accuse someone of lying you should at least be specific,

Where, exactly, have I lied ?


Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick and you do not think the case above was "sexual assault" ?

Might I suggest just giving a straight yes or no answer would avoid such a breakdown in communication ?

But, if you don't think it was sexual assault, what are we arguing about ?


>>I’m disappointed that you didn’t squeak covid in<<


It's all linked, the same basic reason we supressed society in a draconian and unprecedented manner for a virus 99% of people were surviving is the same reason that a girl can, in all sincerity, feel she has been sexually assulted by a boy touching her boob during a snog.

It's the fact modern society is pitiful, being upset is the ultimate sin, we must be protected from it at all costs regardless of the cost, financal or in restricting our freedoms.

The only think I don't get is people like you agree with all that, yet are the first to start throwing insults around on forume.



BTW, the definition of a Troll is not "someone saying something I disagree with".


Edited by Chekhov
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51 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If you are going to accuse someone of lying you should at least be specific,

Where, exactly, have I lied ?


Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick 

I was quite specific when I said “ You do a nice line in ascribing false views to those that you disagree with. 


You do it frequently. People pick you up on it frequently. You fail to change your behaviour.


It is a reprehensible and dishonest way to construct an argument. It is  lying and misrepresenting the views of others.


Add in, your constant attempts to reduce everything to a set of simplistic, binary choices and you have all the ingredients needed to qualify as the biggest troll to infest this place.


Its time that you stopped behaving in such a dishonest and immature manner.

Edited by Prettytom
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32 minutes ago, Prettytom said:

I was quite specific when I said “ You do a nice line in ascribing false views to those that you disagree with. 

You do it frequently. People pick you up on it frequently. You fail to change your behaviour.

It is a reprehensible and dishonest way to construct an argument. It is  lying and misrepresenting the views of others.

Add in, your constant attempts to reduce everything to a set of simplistic, binary choices and you have all the ingredients needed to qualify as the biggest troll to infest this place.

Its time that you stopped behaving in such a dishonest and immature manner.

>>I was quite specific when I said “ You do a nice line in ascribing false views to those that you disagree with. “<<


That's a contradiction in terms.


I did not "lie" so you cannot point out any "lie" of mine.

I just disagree with you and you are arrogant enouygh to think that makes me a troll.

Whereas you, and your ilk, insult people frequently (depite constantly proclaiming your empathy for everyone), and that is a troll.


Just to clarify the situation, which you have assiduously failed to do, what is your clear answer to this question :


If a boy is snogging a woman and after a while tries to grope her butt or her boob, is that sexual assault ?

Yes or no ?

Or the other way, if a girl is snogging a boy and then tries groping his butt, is that sexual assault ?
Yes or no ?

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5 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

>>I was quite specific when I said “ You do a nice line in ascribing false views to those that you disagree with. “<<


That's a contradiction in terms.


I did not "lie" so you cannot point out any "lie" of mine.

I just disagree with you and you are arrogant enouygh to think that makes me a troll.

Whereas you, and your ilk, insult people frequently (depite constantly proclaiming your empathy for everyone), and that is a troll.


Just to clarify the situation, which you have assiduously failed to do, what is your clear answer to this question :


If a boy is snogging a woman and after a while tries to grope her butt or her boob, is that sexual assault ?

Yes or no ?

Or the other way, if a girl is snogging a boy and then tries groping his butt, is that sexual assault ?
Yes or no ?

The thing that you do, is to take an answer and then invent things about it, to make it match your pre-conceived notions.. Take another look at post number 61, for further details.


Until you change this reprehensible behaviour, you are unlikely to find anyone who is willing to engage in a discussion with you.  It isn’t worth it. All that  you want to do is to put your own whiny views across and to misrepresent anyone who you disagree with.


Just to add, championing sexual assault by young males is a pretty disgraceful thing to do.

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Guest makapaka
2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

the same basic reason we supressed society in a draconian and unprecedented manner for a virus 99% of people were surviving is the same reason that a girl can, in all sincerity, feel she has been sexually assulted by a boy touching her boob during a snog.

The ramblings of a madman.

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

If you are going to accuse someone of lying you should at least be specific,

Where, exactly, have I lied ?


Maybe I got the wrong end of the stick and you do not think the case above was "sexual assault" ?

Might I suggest just giving a straight yes or no answer would avoid such a breakdown in communication ?

But, if you don't think it was sexual assault, what are we arguing about ?


>>I’m disappointed that you didn’t squeak covid in<<


It's all linked, the same basic reason we supressed society in a draconian and unprecedented manner for a virus 99% of people were surviving is the same reason that a girl can, in all sincerity, feel she has been sexually assulted by a boy touching her boob during a snog.

It's the fact modern society is pitiful, being upset is the ultimate sin, we must be protected from it at all costs regardless of the cost, financal or in restricting our freedoms.

The only think I don't get is people like you agree with all that, yet are the first to start throwing insults around on forume.



BTW, the definition of a Troll is not "someone saying something I disagree with".


So a girl who has her boob touched, which she did not want during a snog, in your view is being unreasonable when she objects. And this is indicative of how in modern society people get upset, and being upset is the "ultimate sin". However...

21 hours ago, Chekhov said:

That's all very well but of limited use to what we are discussing here.

I do not believe for an instant the lad in the story "had no respect for women", much less that he is some sort of potential rapist. It was far more likely he was having difficulty navigating the tricky course with a girl, although it seems he'd got over the biggest hurdle, the first kiss, as they were, apparently, smooching. How the hell is he supposed to know that :


Kissing - Fine

Snogging - Fine

Hand on boob - Sexual assault, call the coppers !


It's absolute BS.


From my own distant memories getting amorous with a girl is difficult enough, and requires much nerve, without the threat some "Me Too martyr" is going to start claiming sexual assault. Hence the upset reading that story gave me. TBH I was thinking about how my lad is going to have to negotiate this at some time in the future and feeling a bit depressed about our pathetic modern society.



...You say that it is so difficult for boys growing up today to get amorous with girls that it makes you "upset" reading a story about it.


I'm sure I'm not the only one seeing the contradiction here.

Edited by Mister M
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