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The Guardian Having A Proper Fume Today.

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6 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

But as we keep hearing the right are absolutely useless and really nasty, so that's par for the course.


What's the tolerant left excuse?


Or are they just liars?

With regards to the specific articles you've highlighted

2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

I disagree with the commentator who wrote this article, but agree strongly with the highest rated comment to the article:

"Controversial opinion, but maybe the jury actually considered those winners to be the genuine best in their respective fields...?"


2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

There seems to be a problem with the link to the article you've provided. So can't comment.

2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

It's a point of view, and argued very well. The article itself was written in response to Ron DeSantis' public pronouncements on an American academic course in African American History. Comments made by DeSantis, who let's not forget is hoping to become the next POTUS. Should people bow down, and accept everything he says? No of course not. The Guardian are giving the writer a right of reply. And by doing so is informing an international audience of what is happening in respects to American education, and how it is being used for politicking.


Identity politics is by its very nature divisive. It brings to light experiences not shared by the majority, though just because they are deemed 'minority issues' I don't think they're any more or less worthy, or have any more or less news value than accounts of carers, or judges, or the elderly etc. It's opening people's eyes to see things from other people's point of view, which is worthy journalism in itself.


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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

If they  hadn't been pretending, they wouldn't have to keep lying.

And their winning days are over.

Oh, without a shadow of doubt.


Labour will win by a landslide.

4 minutes ago, Mister M said:

With regards to the specific articles you've highlighted

I disagree with the commentator who wrote this article, but agree strongly with the highest rated comment to the article:

"Controversial opinion, but maybe the jury actually considered those winners to be the genuine best in their respective fields...?"


There seems to be a problem with the link to the article you've provided. So can't comment.

It's a point of view, and argued very well. The article itself was written in response to Ron DeSantis' public pronouncements on an American academic course in African American History. Comments made by DeSantis, who let's not forget is hoping to become the next POTUS. Should people bow down, and accept everything he says? No of course not. The Guardian are giving the writer a right of reply. And by doing so is informing an international audience of what is happening in respects to American education, and how it is being used for politicking.


Identity politics is by its very nature divisive. It brings to light experiences not shared by the majority, though just because they are deemed 'minority issues' I don't think they're any more or less worthy, or have any more or less news value than accounts of carers, or judges, or the elderly etc. It's opening people's eyes to see things from other people's point of view, which is worthy journalism in itself.



Good response.



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10 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

No worries there.

Too busy.



And I ain't a lefty.



The right don't pretend to be anything that they are not though, that's the difference.


It's why they keep winning.

Yes they do.

Look at the Sun, Express, and Mail specifically. Lecturing about the virtuosity of 'family values' and wholesomeness, yet their pages are stuffed full of young women in provocative dress. They lecture people about the need for 'personal responsibility'. Do they practice it, and when? Everything is everybody else's fault. Excellence in education is also supposed to be a staunch Tory value - the right certainly don't display it in the newspapers. They pretend to be lots of things. They are just as duplicitous as the next.

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Just now, Mister M said:

Yes they do.

Look at the Sun, Express, and Mail specifically. Lecturing about the virtuosity of 'family values' and wholesomeness, yet their pages are stuffed full of young women in provocative dress. They lecture people about the need for 'personal responsibility'. Do they practice it, and when? Everything is everybody else's fault. Excellence in education is also supposed to be a staunch Tory value - the right certainly don't display it in the newspapers. They pretend to be lots of things. They are just as duplicitous as the next.

And the Left.

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12 minutes ago, melthebell said:

you spelt whining wrong

Not whining., Winning.....I understand you have had no reason to use that particular word for quite some time now so I will excuse you this time.


In two years you will be able to use it again.



1 minute ago, Mister M said:

Yes they do.

Look at the Sun, Express, and Mail specifically. Lecturing about the virtuosity of 'family values' and wholesomeness, yet their pages are stuffed full of young women in provocative dress. They lecture people about the need for 'personal responsibility'. Do they practice it, and when? Everything is everybody else's fault. Excellence in education is also supposed to be a staunch Tory value - the right certainly don't display it in the newspapers. They pretend to be lots of things. They are just as duplicitous as the next.

That's some desperate argument there.

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Anyways, back to the Guardian..


I will leave this epic from today..


I mean seriously....  It's all about the vakasalewalelewa 







Managed to get a dig in about colonial rule an all.



Edited by Al Bundy
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3 hours ago, Mister M said:

The left are always miserable and angry! 

Okay try reading Alison Pearson and Simon Heffer of the Daily Telegraph, Stephen Glover at the Mail, and Melanie Philipps who also used to work for the Mail, and you'll see plenty of misery and anger.

Not about them and their lives. Oh no, they're doing very nicely thank you. It's everybody else that's the problem. Women who are too fat, women who breast feed in toilets in restaurants, the welfare state is breeding indolence, idleness and passivity, the left are really in power in spite of the fact that we have and have had a right wing government in power for 13 years; they complain about the 'chattering classes', even though that' what they do for a living - not so much chat as bitch about everyone and how the UK is going to hell in a handcart;  Brexit is being thwarted, and the EU is still running our lives; workers in the NHS, education system and social services are lazy Marxists trying to influence their patients, clients, students....

The list is endless.

Them too!


It’s a cottage industry!  :)

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2 hours ago, Mister M said:

Yes they do.

Look at the Sun, Express, and Mail specifically. Lecturing about the virtuosity of 'family values' and wholesomeness, yet their pages are stuffed full of young women in provocative dress. They lecture people about the need for 'personal responsibility'. Do they practice it, and when? Everything is everybody else's fault. Excellence in education is also supposed to be a staunch Tory value - the right certainly don't display it in the newspapers. They pretend to be lots of things. They are just as duplicitous as the next.


2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

That's some desperate argument there.


That's your view, but no more desperate than you pointing out that the left are intolerant while pretending to be tolerant.

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Why look at the Guardian and ***shock*** ***horror*** find left leaning articles to take issue with? Might as well go on Facebook group for vegans and get outraged at them not loving meat pies and bacon butties. 
Stick to the Daily Mail/The Sun/Telegraph and all will be well.

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