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Sheffield Council Could Be Suing Moor Owners

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17 minutes ago, bassett one said:

the council is deciding whether to take on the legal rights of the moor outdoor market owners ,i think they are being treated awfull,i think the owners should give them new stalls and leave them in situ ,what do others think?

I agree, the Council would rather people used the total fail that is the indoor market, which previously lived down at Castlegate.



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The council have got it all wrong (yet again...)


The Market is in the wrong place stuck right at the bottom of the Moor, and the rental cost for stalls is prohibitive, making everything they sell more expensive - which defeats the whole purpose of a market. Last time I went half the stalls were empty and there were hardly any customers. It's almost past the point of no return. 

The outdoor market is a little bit of colour in what is a concrete dystopia with not much going for it. It's the one bright spot on the Moor and heaven knows it needs it. A good outddoor market is an attraction; look at Chesterfield and Bakewell. Why are the council trying to get rid of it? They should be doing all they can to encourage it.

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4 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The council have got it all wrong (yet again...)


The Market is in the wrong place stuck right at the bottom of the Moor, and the rental cost for stalls is prohibitive, making everything they sell more expensive - which defeats the whole purpose of a market. Last time I went half the stalls were empty and there were hardly any customers. It's almost past the point of no return. 

The outdoor market is a little bit of colour in what is a concrete dystopia with not much going for it. It's the one bright spot on the Moor and heaven knows it needs it. A good outdoor market is an attraction; look at Chesterfield and Bakewell. Why are the council trying to get rid of it? They should be doing all they can to encourage it.

As XP says, they think they can drive people into the new market,   in the same way as they thought they could drive motorists onto the buses.

I agree with everything you have said Anna and  my thoughts were running in the same direction before I read your post.

SCC seems to have an uncanny ability to always think the opposite of the public they are supposed to be serving.

We were heavy users of the old markets, even going back to the old rag n tag and  so disappointed at the new one down the moor which is nothing like a market in any way at all.

As a result, we rarely use the new market at all (only go down for one particular item) and wonder what else the council can do to kill the city centre. 



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Back in 1995 I used to work at the Oxfam on King St, on placement from a YTS scheme! Back when the old Castle Markets were closed on a Thursday, that end of Town was generally dead, consequently so was the shop! I eventually gave up and left that September and went back to College, the rest is history as they say.



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2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

When these nut cases murdered the traditional Market and meeting area at Castlegate they ripped the heart out of Sheffields original history forever. 

Some funny hand shakes must have been involved  .

I thought the traditional market down Castlegate smelt awful, and looked really shabby in the end.

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