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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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On 03/04/2023 at 10:13, Al Bundy said:

They are relentless in their pursuit of dividing the population.


It's pathetic and rather dangerous.


The whole week they are having a slavery circle jerk. It must be their way of trying to say sorry for years of hiding the truth about their links.


They are fooling no-one.

After cleaning out the attic, confessing their own guilt in history's shameful past, a reasonable week or so of self flagellation and contrition. they have cleared the decks to go on a relentless attack against the Monarchy.


Every day now, a new Royal "expose", reviving every negative story, and there are lots. From Royal riches, land rents, horse trading, expropriation of colonial loot including the Crown Jewels, and on and on........


Just in time to delegitimize what should be a sombre, reflective moment in history, the Coronation of the Symbolic Head of State,


A continuous line from Alfred The Great, thru Richard the Lionheart, William the Conqueror, Henry the Eighth, Elizabeth 1, and Victoria. who jointly gave the World, parliamentary democracy, the English language, it's literature, the revival of interest in the antiquity of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilization., as well as it's colonialism, religious and revolutionary wars.


What should be a national moment of introspection, will be turned into a farce, and a giggle, by the pitchfork mob.

Edited by trastrick
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12 minutes ago, trastrick said:

After cleaning out the attic, confessing their own guilt in history's shameful past, a reasonable week or so of self flagellation and contrition. they have cleared the decks to go on a relentless attack against the Monarchy.


Every day now, a new Royal "expose", reviving every negative story, and there are lots. From Royal riches, land rents, horse trading, expropriation of colonial loot including the Crown Jewels, and on and on........


Just in time to delegitimize what should be a sombre, reflective moment in history, the Coronation of the Symbolic Head of State,


A continuous line from Alfred The Great, thru Richard the Lionheart, William the Conqueror, Henry the Eighth, Elizabeth 1, and Victoria. who jointly gave the World, parliamentary democracy, the English language, it's literature, the revival of interest in the antiquity of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilization., as well as it's colonialism, religious and revolutionary wars.


What should be a national moment of introspection, will be turned into a farce, and a giggle, by the pitchfork mob.

Well said.


They are a disgrace. They obviously hate anything to do with the UK and their desire to divide and create animosity is rather disturbing.


There is something quite sinister going on at the Guardian and yet people refuse to accept it or or too stubborn to admit it.


They are nothing but a hypocritical set of racists and sexists.

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

Well said.


They are a disgrace. They obviously hate anything to do with the UK and their desire to divide and create animosity is rather disturbing.


There is something quite sinister going on at the Guardian and yet people refuse to accept it or or too stubborn to admit it.


They are nothing but a hypocritical set of racists and sexists.

Both wrong again.

it wasn't the kings and queens who gave us all those things.  they tried to keep them away from us.

It was the scholars and parliamentarians who gave us those things, not the monarchs.


As always, you also try and deny anyone's right except yourselves to have a different viewpoint.

People are entitled, if they wish, to be republicans rather than monarchists but, as usual, you would deny them that right because you don't agree with them and think that entitles you to insult them.

As I have said before,  that leaves your politics in some doubt as I can only think of either Nationalists (Nazi's) or Communists suppressing other peoples views like that.

Explain why it's RACIST or SEXIST to criticise the monarchy?

Be careful,  your prejudices are showing.   AGAIN



Edited by Organgrinder
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30 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Well said.


They are a disgrace. They obviously hate anything to do with the UK and their desire to divide and create animosity is rather disturbing.


There is something quite sinister going on at the Guardian and yet people refuse to accept it or or too stubborn to admit it.


They are nothing but a hypocritical set of racists and sexists.

Nothing sinister at all, my dear Watson.


Merely another step in the long march to destroy Western values, its institutions, family, community, economic system, 


Their ideological fellow travelers in the U.S. are embarked on the same path. to remove all opposition to a one party system of elites.


The hundred year war of Marxism over individual freedom, as exemplified under capitalism.


But like all such movements, they are just preparing the ground, intentionally or not, for the totalitarian forces that will inevitable take their place,


Ironically it's the "liberals" who are the first to be trampled under the jackboots of the New World Order that will tolerate no questioning, or free speech opposition to its power.


Useful Idiots, as we have seen throughout history!


No, nothing sinister. Their manifestos are perfectly and deadly clear to all who pay attention.

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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

Both wrong again.

it wasn't the kings and queens who gave us all those things.  they tried to keep them away from us.

It was the scholars and parliamentarians who gave us those things, not the monarchs.


As always, you also try and deny anyone's right except yourselves to have a different viewpoint.

People are entitled, if they wish, to be republicans rather than monarchists but, as usual, you would deny them that right because you don't agree with them and think that entitles you to insult them.

As I have said before,  that leaves your politics in some doubt as I can only think of either Nationalists (Nazi's) or Communists suppressing other peoples views like that.

Explain why it's RACIST or SEXIST to criticise the monarchy?

Be careful,  your prejudices are showing.   AGAIN



Who is suppressing any ones views?


The Guardian is racist and sexist.  You will never change my view on that. Ever.

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2 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

Who is suppressing any ones views?


The Guardian is racist and sexist.  You will never change my view on that. Ever.



See for yourself!




Doom, gloom, 


Maybe in the print edition they have some titillating relief from the fear and loathing they are constantly flogging.


And I assume they havre subscribers who willingly pay for it.


An addiction to bad news is actually a mental condition.

Feelings of fear, hopelessness, sadness and isolation are all associated with doomscrolling and news anxiety and, in extreme cases, the symptoms can mirror PTSD ...

Depressing fodder for the NHS


Keep it away from the children!  :)


(Disclaimer- Doomscrolled to comment on thread topic)





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2 minutes ago, trastrick said:



See for yourself!




Doom, gloom, 


Maybe in the print edition they have some titillating relief from the fear and loathing they are constantly flogging.


And I assume they havre subscribers who willingly pay for it.


An addiction to bad news is actually a mental condition.

Feelings of fear, hopelessness, sadness and isolation are all associated with doomscrolling and news anxiety and, in extreme cases, the symptoms can mirror PTSD ...

Depressing fodder for the NHS


Keep it away from the children!  :)


(Disclaimer- Doomscrolled to comment on thread topic)





That would explain quite a lot.


Misery loves company 



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