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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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13 minutes ago, Mister M said:

Listen, as I've explained to you before, if you're going to assert an allegation that any news organisation are deliberately withholding  information on the racial background of the perpetrators or victims of a crimes for political capital, you at least need to look at the reporting of all crimes across a time frame, and find out whether information about either the perpetrator's or the victim's ethnic background relating to the crime is relevant. Not only that, not be selective about the crimes you choose to highlight, but across all crimes. 


Why is that important? Simply because it eliminates any cognitive biases you have.

Right from the get go, you've had a bit between your teeth about the alleged racism and sexism of the Guardian. Why the Guardian? Why not the Independent, the Financial Times or the Daily Express? 

How do we know that you're not filtering out any reports from the Guardian which disprove your theory? So is there any confirmation bias?

You also seem to have a particular focus on racism where the victim is white, or sexism where the victim is male. Any particular reason?


You also need to look in the wider context of news values. I'm not going to go into detail and explain that here. Suffice to say it would be worth you investigating them. Otherwise, you'll have spent all this time reading through copies of the Guardian, reporting back here thinking you've won a victory; and people will be sat behind their computers laughing at you.

Still don’t answer the question why some are named and some are not 

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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:







No mention of their race in this one either.



Only when the shooter is white I guess.


Their racism is disgraceful.

As I've said, many times before,  YOU  are always the first one to bring race  or colour into any story, no matter what.

You just can't help yourself can you?

Waiting for me to prove you are racist - it's already proven, and you hardly talk of anything else.


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15 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Still don’t answer the question why some are named and some are not 

The names of the perpetrators or victims being published isn't the issue. 

It seems that race is.

If you can stand it, read through this thread, and you'll see a pattern emerging.

Edited by Mister M
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Quite startling that certain folk are defending a newspaper that is breathtakingly racist.


It's no surprise though.


White man wants to highlight blatant racial bias, RACIST!!!


What a terrible situation how brainwashed some have become.

10 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

As I've said, many times before,  YOU  are always the first one to bring race  or colour into any story, no matter what.

You just can't help yourself can you?

Waiting for me to prove you are racist - it's already proven, and you hardly talk of anything else.


What's wrong with bringing race into the conversation? Is it because I am white you have a problem with that.?


Why? Does it make you uncomfortable that a white person complains about blatant racism?

Why is that?


I will ask you again......


Please show me any posts of mine that are racist?


I suggest you put up or shut up.



Edited by Al Bundy
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8 hours ago, Mister M said:

The names of the perpetrators or victims being published isn't the issue. 

It seems that race is.

If you can stand it, read through this thread, and you'll see a pattern emerging.

What pattern is that?


Is a white person not allowed to show racism against white people?


Good grief.



I guarantee if a publication was this blatantly biased against blacks there would be uproar and it would be rightly condemned, especially by the likes of the Guardian.



Why do you have a problem with me highlighting racism?



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10 hours ago, Mister M said:

Listen, as I've explained to you before, if you're going to assert an allegation that any news organisation are deliberately withholding  information on the racial background of the perpetrators or victims of a crimes for political capital, you at least need to look at the reporting of all crimes across a time frame, and find out whether information about either the perpetrator's or the victim's ethnic background relating to the crime is relevant. Not only that, not be selective about the crimes you choose to highlight, but across all crimes. 


Why is that important? Simply because it eliminates any cognitive biases you have.

Right from the get go, you've had a bit between your teeth about the alleged racism and sexism of the Guardian. Why the Guardian? Why not the Independent, the Financial Times or the Daily Express? 

How do we know that you're not filtering out any reports from the Guardian which disprove your theory? So is there any confirmation bias?

You also seem to have a particular focus on racism where the victim is white, or sexism where the victim is male. Any particular reason?


You also need to look in the wider context of news values. I'm not going to go into detail and explain that here. Suffice to say it would be worth you investigating them. Otherwise, you'll have spent all this time reading through copies of the Guardian, reporting back here thinking you've won a victory; and people will be sat behind their computers laughing at you.

Obviously, I want equality, what's wrong with that. 

Why is it so wrong for a white man to highlight sexism and racism?


Why does that annoy you?


I bring race into the conversation to show blatant racism........BAD.


The guardian brings race into everything..... THATS OK.


Your double standard are quite alarming.

Edited by Al Bundy
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6 hours ago, Al Bundy said:

Obviously, I want equality, what's wrong with that. 

Why is it so wrong for a white man to highlight sexism and racism?


Why does that annoy you?


I bring race into the conversation to show blatant racism........BAD.


The guardian brings race into everything..... THATS OK.


Your double standard are quite alarming.

My experience of the 'racism' bit is that once upon a time, a word or a comment was classed as racist. However, when it turned out that white people could be a 'victim' of this racism, they altered the definition to only 'oppressed' people being the victims of racism. But... again, when it was shown that white people could be the victims of oppression in some cases, the definition was changed to 'systemic racism' when it was highlighted that many black/Indian/Pakistani etc. people were actually doing quite well for themselves in the West and this seemed to rail against the notion that they were oppressed in society.


As you point out, there is a double standard and I see this all over - in real life and online. Much of what I still perceive as racism is actually aimed at black people by the extreme left and other black people. It's aimed at black conservatives who have the audacity to think differently to the professionally offended hive-mind. With modern, younger women - they feel that they are entitled to live an independent and free life, to break away from the traditional role of women, but still expect men to pay and provide for them because they're 'Queens' and that should be good enough for the relationship.


But, apparently, it's wrong for a white man to make any comments or have any opinion on any of this because... PRIVILEGE!

1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:




Nice to know others from all of the political sides can see what an awful rag the Guardian is.


Even Labour MPs.




I'd love to know what will happen once all references to slavery and racism are wiped from history.  How will we be able to learn from what came before when it's all been cleansed?  All books published before 2022 being re-written due to 'out-dated' language - Hell, even films released in the 2000s are having warnings added to them regarding cultural appropriation etc.


Sometimes I dream for a life like at the end of Threads... let's just start again as a society.

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2 hours ago, Al Bundy said:




Nice to know others from all of the political sides can see what an awful rag the Guardian is.


Even Labour MPs.




Everybody already knows except you.

It seems that you are the only one still reading it.

Why don't you put the damn thing down, go for a walk and quit moaning?


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16 hours ago, Mister M said:

Listen, as I've explained to you before, if you're going to assert an allegation that any news organisation are deliberately withholding  information on the racial background of the perpetrators or victims of a crimes for political capital, you at least need to look at the reporting of all crimes across a time frame, and find out whether information about either the perpetrator's or the victim's ethnic background relating to the crime is relevant. Not only that, not be selective about the crimes you choose to highlight, but across all crimes. 


Why is that important? Simply because it eliminates any cognitive biases you have.

Right from the get go, you've had a bit between your teeth about the alleged racism and sexism of the Guardian. Why the Guardian? Why not the Independent, the Financial Times or the Daily Express? 

How do we know that you're not filtering out any reports from the Guardian which disprove your theory? So is there any confirmation bias?

You also seem to have a particular focus on racism where the victim is white, or sexism where the victim is male. Any particular reason?


You also need to look in the wider context of news values. I'm not going to go into detail and explain that here. Suffice to say it would be worth you investigating them. Otherwise, you'll have spent all this time reading through copies of the Guardian, reporting back here thinking you've won a victory; and people will be sat behind their computers laughing at you.

That's what's already happening.

I've been getting my daily mirth from Mr Bundy for a long long time.

I can't believe any sane person would spend all that time, every day, looking for things which are going to raise his blood pressure sky high.

and which, almost everybody else, knows about already and probably doesn't care  anyway.

Should entitle his posts "Today's Laugh"


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