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Whats Happening In Guardian Land Today

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12 minutes ago, sibon said:

I thank you for bring it to my attention as once again the guardian shows it's incredible sexism.


By the end of the 90s, she was back in New York. She started a relationship with Salman Rushdie in 1999, and the pair were paparazzi catnip. She was beautiful, he was a renowned intellect, a decade into the fatwa hanging over him. They tended to be portrayed as a modern-day Marilyn Monroe/Arthur Miller, with the same sexist tropes reheated: how could she be intelligent, when clearly he was? She won’t discuss Rushdie now, I guess on the “if you’ve nothing nice to say, say nothing” principle.



So it's sexist in their view not to seem her as intelligent but it's perfectly fine to not consider him attractive, exactly like Miller/Monroe?


How incredibly sexist of them.



She didn't want to discuss Mr Rushdie, so the Guardian has disgracefully and pathetically taken that as him being " not nice"


Could they be any more sexist.






Thanks again for bringing their unashamedly sexism and misandry to the fore Sibon.





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This is winding up the cyclists today.


£3,999 for a cargo bike?! How a new kind of class politics arrived on Britain’s streets



With most of them trying to point score by showing the price of a £40K new SUV in some sort of bizarre cost comparison.


Perhaps its escaped their minds that cheaper and second hand cars are available?


Chiles does have a bit of a point though, the ones on Twitter with these bikes are incredibly smug and pretentious. 

Edited by alchresearch
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I am all for more cyclists on the road especially those who ride side by side wearing those super tight lycra shorts.. 


The sound of a really hardened pea when it connects with lycra is something to behold, especially when being thrusted from a pea shooter with tremendous velocity.

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2 hours ago, alchresearch said:

This is winding up the cyclists today.


£3,999 for a cargo bike?! How a new kind of class politics arrived on Britain’s streets



With most of them trying to point score by showing the price of a £40K new SUV in some sort of bizarre cost comparison.


Perhaps its escaped their minds that cheaper and second hand cars are available?


Chiles does have a bit of a point though, the ones on Twitter with these bikes are incredibly smug and pretentious. 


Read that article and,       Where do the politics come in because I missed that?

                                                      Who's point scoring by showing the price of a £40k new SUV in a cost comparison, because I missed that too


You are making this up as you go along.

The write up simply says,  how handy they are, the different uses they can be put to and, on a different page, shows an Amazon Prime one that Amazon are going to use for deliveries.

Nothing there at all to wind up a cyclist.  Cyclists are showing an increased interest in them and rightly so.


Nothing like having a good old political stirring spoon to take the p



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1 hour ago, Al Bundy said:

I am all for more cyclists on the road especially those who ride side by side wearing those super tight lycra shorts.. 


The sound of a really hardened pea when it connects with lycra is something to behold, especially when being thrusted from a pea shooter with tremendous velocity.

What a surprise.

When I have read your posts in the last few months, I would never have believed that you were only 10 years old.

I'm afraid there was no lycra around 75 years ago when I was using my pea shooter.



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Here's an enlightening article on the stereotypical labelling of certain groups.


‘Paddies are changing the world’: exhibition seeks to debunk Irish stereotypes


Aside from the mistaken belief, that these old perceptions have not been "debunked" already, The Guardian nevertheless manages throw in all the old dismissive pejoratives, just in case our children are not aware of them. "Paddy jokes", "paddy wagons", and “thick Paddies”.  They also throw in "Irish as brawlers and drinkers with impenetrable accents", "raucous drunks, and "the hooligan in the bar".


“There has always been a stereotype that followed Irish males around the world,” said Ross O’Callaghan, a cinematographer who photographed the participants.




Maybe we can look forward to a follow up article, on all the pejorative labels that have been applied to blacks, asians.lesbians and gays.


In the interests of "equity". The kids may learn something they were not aware of?  :)


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The Guardian being as miserable as ever, always searching for a reason to divide.


What they fail to understand is that the Irish and the Brits have a fantastic talent of being able to laugh at each other, something i know the miseries at the Guardian are incapable of.  New York is absolutely rammed with the Irish and having lived there for many years, and especially Americans think very fondly of the Irish and would never in all seriousness think all Irish are at all stereo typical of the aforementioned names the Guardian has mentioned.

It's all humour, something the Guardian has very little time for.


Lefties love the Guardian. 


What's that old saying..


Misery loves company.




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